) to RTKey
Specifies static information specific to the type of
remote device communication protocol being parsed.isPointInside()
to the specified class
provides database administrative functionalityDBAlreadyExistsException
is thrown in cases where no record was expected,
but a record was found.DBAlternateIndex
holds information for a single defined alternate index.DBConnection
provides connections to the SQL serverDBDelete
provides the creation of the SQL provider specific
DELETE statement.DBEdit
is used by a command-line tool to allow editing a table record.DBException
is the general exception thrown for various encountered
SQL database errors.DBFactory
provides SQL table specific informationDBFactoryTree
provides an SQL table dependency tree.DBField
represents a specific field in an SQL table.DBFieldType
is an abstract superclass for custom field typesDBFieldValues
is a container class for field/column values for
a DBRecord.DBNotAuthorizedException
is thrown in cases where the DB
operation is not authorized.DBNotFoundException
is thrown in cases where a record was expected,
but no record was found.DBProvider
specifies SQL database provider specific attributes.DBRecordHandler
is the interface for a callback SQL record handler.DBRecordIterator
is used to iterate through a DBRecord selection.DBRecordKey
represents the SQL table key for a DBRecord.DBRecordListener
callback listener for DBRecord update/insertDBSelect
represents an SQL select statement.DBTableIndexMap
is used by DBProvider to hold actual table column
to index, and index to column mappings.DBWhere
represents an SQL WHERE clause.double
value from bytes, using IEEE 754 format
value from bytes
value into bytes
value into bytes
value into bytes
property at the specified key
property at the specified key
property at the specified key
property at the specified key
property at the specified key
property at the specified key
property at the specified key
property at the specified key
array property at the specified key
property at the specified key
property at the specified key
property at the specified key
property at the specified key
property at the specified key
property at the specified key
property at the specified key
property at the specified key
property at the specified key
property at the specified key
property from a specified array of keys
property from a specified array of keys
property from a specified array of keys
property at the specified key
property at the specified key
instance from the config file
as an RTProperties
property at the specified key
property at the specified key
property at the specified key
property at the specified key
property at the specified key
property at the specified key
property at the specified key
property at the specified key
array property at the specified key
property at the specified key
property at the specified key
property from a specified array of keys
property from a specified array of keys
property from a specified array of keys
property at the specified key
property at the specified key
property at the specified key
property at the specified key
property at the specified key
property at the specified key
property at the specified key
property at the specified key
property at the specified key
property at the specified key
array property at the specified key
<div style="...">DESCRPTION</div>
property at the specified key
property at the specified key
property at the specified key
property at the specified key
property at the specified key
property at the specified key
property at the specified key
property at the specified key
array property at the specified key
array property at the specified key
of the argument key/value pairs indexed
by their keys
property at the specified key
property at the specified key
property at the specified key
property at the specified key
property at the specified key
property at the specified key
property at the specified key
property at the specified key
array property at the specified key
array property at the specified key
of all entries in RTKey
and quotes are not included.
and quotes are not included.
instance representing the system
instance that contains
the specified key
stack size (for current
variable references in the specified text
with values from the runtime properties.
variable references in the specified text
with values from the runtime properties.
is a backspace character
is a character to ignore
matches the error code
of the last caught SQLException
is a line terminator
bytes that
can be read from the payload
bytes that
can be written to the payload
- The main entry point for Astra device communication server (DCS)
- The main entry point for this device communication server (DCS)
provides a HashMap where values can also be retrieved in
the order they were addedOrderedSet
provides a Set where values can also be retrieved in
the order they were addedorg.opengts.util
stack for the
current thread
instance for the
current thread
and RTConfig
to the specified PrintStream
instances to stdout
when checking for allowing
Device notification (defaults to false)Account.getAllowNotify()
when checking for allowing
DeviceGroup notification (defaults to false)RTProperties
instance onto a temporary stack
for the current thread
lengthreadBytes(int, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
Read lengthreadDouble(int, double, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
Read a double
value from payload (with default), using IEEE 754 format
readDouble(int, double, boolean, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
Read a double
value from payload (with default), using IEEE 754 format
readDouble(int, double) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
Read a double
value from payload (with default), using IEEE 754 format
readDouble(int, double, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
Read a double
value from payload (with default), using IEEE 754 format
readDouble_stdin(String, double) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.FileTools
Prints a message, and reads a double value from stdin
readEntry(byte[], String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ZipTools
Get file data
readFile(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.FileTools
Returns an array of bytes read from the specified file
readFile(File) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.FileTools
Returns an array of bytes read from the specified file
readFile(File, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.FileTools
Returns an array of bytes read from the specified file
readGPS(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
Reads an encoded GPS point (latitude,longitude) from the payload
readGPS(int, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
Reads an encoded GPS point (latitude,longitude) from the payload
readHiearchy(DBFactory<RT>, Account) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.HierarchyRecord
readInt(int, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
Read a int
value from payload (with default)
readInt(int, int, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
Read a int
value from payload (with default)
readIntBCD(int, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
Read an unsigned BCD (hex) encoded int
value from the payload.
readIntBCD(int, int, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
Read an unsigned BCD (hex) encoded int
value from the payload.
readLine() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.CachedLogOutputStream
Reads and removes a line of text from the byte array.
readLine(InputStream, char) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.FileTools
Reads a single line of characters from the specified InputStream, terminated by
either a newline (\n) or carriage-return (\r)
readLine(InputStream) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.FileTools
Reads a single line of characters from the specified InputStream, terminated by
either a newline (\n) or carriage-return (\r)
readLine_stdin() -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.FileTools
Reads a single line of characters from stdin, terminated by
either a newline (\n) or carriage-return (\r)
readLineBytes() -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory.MySQLDumpReader
readLineNL(InputStream) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.FileTools
Reads a single line of characters from the specified InputStream, terminated by
a newline only (\n).
readLineString() -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory.MySQLDumpReader
readLong(int, long, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
Read a long
value from payload (with default)
readLong(int, long, boolean, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
Read a long
value from payload (with default)
readLong(int, long) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
Read a long
value from payload (with default)
readLong(int, long, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
Read a long
value from payload (with default)
readLong_stdin(String, long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.FileTools
Prints a message, and reads a long value from stdin
readLongBCD(int, long) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
Read an unsigned BCD (hex) encoded long
value from the payload.
readLongBCD(int, long, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
Read an unsigned BCD (hex) encoded long
value from the payload.
readPage_GET(String, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.HTMLTools
Sends a GET to the specified URL, then reads and returns the response
readPage_GET(URL, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.HTMLTools
Sends a GET to the specified URL, then reads and returns the response
readPage_GET_LogError(String, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.HTMLTools
Sends a GET to the specified URL, then reads and returns the response.
readPage_GET_LogError(URL, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.HTMLTools
Sends a GET to the specified URL, then reads and returns the response.
readPage_POST(String, String, byte[], int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.HTMLTools
Sends a POST to the specified URL, then reads and returns the response
readPage_POST(URL, String, byte[], int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.HTMLTools
Sends a POST to the specified URL, then reads and returns the response
readPage_POST(String, Properties, byte[], int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.HTMLTools
Sends a POST to the specified URL, then reads and returns the response
readPage_POST(URL, Properties, byte[], int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.HTMLTools
Sends a POST to the specified URL, then reads and returns the response
readPage_POST(URL, Properties, byte[], int, Map<String, List<String>>) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.HTMLTools
Sends a POST to the specified URL, then reads and returns the response
readPidFile(File) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.OSTools
Reads the PID previously written to the specified file
readSkip(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
Skip a specified number of bytes
readSkip(int, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
Skip a specified number of bytes
readStream(InputStream) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.FileTools
Returns an array of bytes read from the specified InputStream
readStream(InputStream, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.FileTools
Returns an array of bytes read from the specified InputStream
readString(int, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
Read a string from the payload.
readString(int, boolean, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
Read a string from the payload.
readString(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
Reads a variable length string from the payload
readString(int, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
Reads a variable length string from the payload
readString_stdin(String, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.FileTools
Prints a message, and reads a line of text from stdin
readStringHex(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
Reads a fixed length hex string from the payload bytes.
readStringHex(int, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
Reads a fixed length hex string from the payload bytes.
readTimeZones(File) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.DateTime
Reads the available TimeZone IDs from the specified file.
readUInt(int, int, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
Read an unsigned int
value from payload (with default)
readUInt(int, int, boolean, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
Read an unsigned int
value from payload (with default)
readUInt(int, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
Read an unsigned int
value from payload (with default)
readUInt(int, int, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
Read an unsigned int
value from payload (with default)
readULong(int, long, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
Read an unsigned long
value from payload (with default)
readULong(int, long, boolean, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
Read an unsigned long
value from payload (with default)
readULong(int, long) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
Read an unsigned long
value from payload (with default)
readULong(int, long, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
Read an unsigned long
value from payload (with default)
rebuildUserDeviceTable(User) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.UserDevice
receive(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.DatagramMessage
Receive an array of bytes
Recipients - Class in org.opengts.db
Recipients() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.Recipients
Constructor: Empty list of recipients
Recipients(Set<String>) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.Recipients
Constructor: Set containing a list of EMail/SMS recipients
Recipients(String) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.Recipients
Constructor: String containing a comma-separated list of EMail/SMS recipients
recordDidInsert() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Callback after record has been be inserted into the table
recordDidInsert(gDBR) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
Callback after record has been be inserted into the table
recordDidInsert() -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
Callback after record has been be inserted into the table
recordDidInsert(gDBR) -
Method in interface org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecordListener
Callback after record has been be inserted into the table
recordDidInsert() -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.SessionStats
Callback after record has been be inserted into the table
recordDidUpdate() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Callback after record has been be updated in the table
recordDidUpdate(gDBR) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
Callback after record has been be updated in the table
recordDidUpdate() -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
Callback after record has been be updated in the table
recordDidUpdate(gDBR) -
Method in interface org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecordListener
Callback after record has been be updated in the table
recordDidUpdate() -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.SessionStats
Callback after record has been be updated in the table
recordWillInsert() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Callback when record is about to be inserted into the table
recordWillInsert(gDBR) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
Callback when record is about to be inserted into the table
recordWillInsert() -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
Callback when record is about to be inserted into the table
recordWillInsert(gDBR) -
Method in interface org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecordListener
Callback when record is about to be inserted into the table
recordWillInsert() -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.SessionStats
Callback when record is about to be inserted into the table
recordWillUpdate() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Callback when record is about to be updated in the table
recordWillUpdate(gDBR) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
Callback when record is about to be updated in the table
recordWillUpdate() -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
Callback when record is about to be updated in the table
recordWillUpdate(gDBR) -
Method in interface org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecordListener
Callback when record is about to be updated in the table
recordWillUpdate() -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.SessionStats
Callback when record is about to be updated in the table
recreateAlternateIndexes() -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
Recreates the alternate key index for the table represented by this DBFactory
recreatePrimaryKey() -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
Recreates the Primary Key for the table represented by this DBFactory
recvPacket -
Variable in class org.opengts.util.DatagramMessage
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.ColorTools
red -
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.ColorTools
regexIndexOf(String, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
Returns regular expressing index of the specified regular expression within the target String
regexIndexOf(String, String, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
Returns regular expressing index of the specified regular expression within the target String
regexIndexOf(StringTools.RegexIndex) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
Finds the next occurance of the matching regular expression
regexMatches(String, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
Returns true if the target String matches the regular expression
regexReplace(String, String, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
Within the input 'target' String, replaces all occurances of the regular expression 'regex',
with the 'val' String.
regexReplace(StringBuffer, String, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
Within the input 'target' StringBuffer, replaces all occurances of the regular expression 'regex',
with the 'val' String.
registerEnumClass(Class<T>) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.EnumTools
Registers the specified Enum classes
registerEnumClass(String, Class<T>) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.EnumTools
Registers the specified Enum classes
registerPublicEnumClasses(Class<?>) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.EnumTools
Registers all public Enum classes defined within the specified class.
This is used to allow referencing an enumerated type by name (ie.
release(DBConnection) -
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBConnection
clear "In Use"
release(DBConnection, Statement, ResultSet) -
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBConnection
clear "In Use"
release() -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.taglib.RTConfigTag
Release resources
release() -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.taglib.TrackTag
reload() -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
Reload the contents of this record from the DB
reload(String...) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
Reload the contents of this record from the DB
reload() -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.RTConfig
Reloads all runtime config properties
reloadAddress() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Reload all reverse-geocoded address fields
RemoteLogClient - Class in org.opengts.extra.util
Remote Log client
RemoteLogServer - Class in org.opengts.util
Remote Log server
RemoteLogServer(int, CachedLogOutputStream) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.RemoteLogServer
RemoteLogServer(String, int, CachedLogOutputStream) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.RemoteLogServer
RemoteLogServer(InetAddress, int, CachedLogOutputStream) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.RemoteLogServer
RemoteLogServer.RemoteLogHandler - Class in org.opengts.util
RemoteLogServer.RemoteLogHandler() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.RemoteLogServer.RemoteLogHandler
remove(Object) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools.CollectionProxy
remove(List<T>, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
Removes the element at the specified index from the specified List
remove(T[], int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
Removes the element at the specified index from the specified array
remove(int[], int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
Removes the element at the specified index from the specified array
remove(long[], int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
Removes the element at the specified index from the specified array
remove(double[], int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
Removes the element at the specified index from the specified array
remove(Object) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.OrderedMap
Removes the specified key from this map.
remove(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.OrderedMap
Removes the key/value at the specified index
remove(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.OrderedSet
Throws UnsupportedOperationException
remove(Object) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.OrderedSet
Removes the specified object from this set
remove(Object) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties.OrderedProperties
remove(Object) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ThreadLocalMap
Removes the mapping for a key from this map if it is present
removeAclEntry(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabel
Removes the AclEntry for the specified key
removeActionListener(ActionListener) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ClientSocketThread
Removes an action listener
removeActionListener(ActionListener) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread
Removes an action listener
removeAll(Collection<?>) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools.CollectionProxy
removeAll(Collection<?>) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.OrderedSet
Remove all Objects contained in the specified Collection from this set
removeAlternateIndex(String, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
Removes an alternate Index
removeArg(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.URIArg
Removes all occurances of the specified key from the URI
removeArg(String[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.URIArg
Removes all occurances of the specified keys from the URI
removeBlankValues() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.URIArg
Removes all arguments which have blank values
removeChangedNotification(DBRecord.DBChangeListener) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
Removes a change notification listener from this record
removeChangeListener(OrderedSet.ChangeListener) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.OrderedSet
Removes a change listener to this OrderedSet
removeChangeListener(RTProperties.PropertyChangeListener) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Removes a PropertyChangeListener from this instance
removeChild(TreeNode) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.TreeNode
Remove the specified child
RemoveCode(int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
RemoveCodes(int[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
removeDeviceFromDeviceGroup(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.DeviceGroup
removeDeviceFromDeviceGroup(Device) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.DeviceGroup
removeDeviceFromDeviceGroup(String, String, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.DeviceGroup
removeDeviceGroup(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.User
removeEncoding(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.gtsdmtp.DeviceDBImpl
removeExtension(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.FileTools
Removes the extension from the specified file path
removeExtension(File) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.FileTools
Removes the extension from the specified file
removeFromParent() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.TreeNode
Remove this node from it's parent
RemovePrefixSMS(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.SMSOutboundGateway
Removes any prefixing "SMS:" from the specified string.
removePrimaryIndex(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
Remove primary key Index
removeProperties(Object) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Removes a property with the specified key from this instance
removeProperties(String[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Removes the specified property keys from this instance
removeProperties(RTProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Removes all property keys in the specified RTProperties instance from this instance
removeProperty(Object) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Removes a property with the specified key from this instance
removeWorkOrderID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Removes the specified Work Order ID from the current list
REPL_1mobile -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.SMSOutboundGateway
REPL_authID -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.SMSOutboundGateway
REPL_dataKey -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.SMSOutboundGateway
REPL_imei -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.SMSOutboundGateway
REPL_message -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.SMSOutboundGateway
REPL_mobile -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.SMSOutboundGateway
REPL_modemID -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.SMSOutboundGateway
REPL_password -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.SMSOutboundGateway
REPL_sender -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.SMSOutboundGateway
REPL_serial -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.SMSOutboundGateway
REPL_simID -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.SMSOutboundGateway
REPL_uniqueID -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.SMSOutboundGateway
REPL_user -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.SMSOutboundGateway
REPLACE(String, String[], String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.SMSOutboundGateway
Replace specified variables with replacement text
REPLACE(String, RTProperties) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.SMSOutboundGateway
Replace variables in the specified string with the specified property values.
replace(String, String, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
Within the input 'text' String, replaces all occurances of the 'key' String with the 'val' String.
replace(StringBuffer, String, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
Within the input 'sb' StringBuffer, replaces all occurances of the 'key' String with the 'val' String.
replaceChars(String, char, char) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
Replaces specific characters in the input String with the specified replacement character
replaceChars(String, String, char) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
Replaces specific characters in the input String with the specified replacement character
replaceChars(String, String, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
Replaces specific characters in the input String with the specified replacement String
replaceKeys(String, StringTools.KeyValueMap) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
Replaces all occurances of "${key}" with the value returned by the KeyValueMap interface
'getKeyValue' method.
replaceKeys(String, StringTools.KeyValueMap, StringTools.ValueFilter) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
Replaces all occurances of "${key}" with the value returned by the KeyValueMap interface
'getKeyValue' method.
replaceKeys(String, StringTools.KeyValueMap, StringTools.ValueFilter, String, String, String, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
Replaces all occurances of "${key}" with the value returned by the KeyValueMap interface
'getKeyValue' method.
replaceKeys(StringBuffer, StringTools.KeyValueMap, StringTools.ValueFilter, String, String, String, String, boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
Replaces all occurances of "${key}" with the value returned by the KeyValueMap interface
'getKeyValue' method.
replaceWhitespace(String, char) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
Replaces all whitespace found in the input String with the specified replacement character
replaceWhitespace(String, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
Replaces all whitespace found in the input String with the specified replacement String
replicateString(String, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
Returns a String containing the 'pattern' String replicated 'count' times.
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.track.page.ReportMenu
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
ReportBody - Class in org.opengts.war.report.presentation
ReportBody(ReportTable) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.ReportBody
ReportBody(ReportTable, BodyRowTemplate) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.ReportBody
reportBody(OutputProvider, int, DBDataIterator) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportCallback
ReportCallback - Class in org.opengts.war.report
ReportCallback() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.report.ReportCallback
ReportCallback(ReportData) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.report.ReportCallback
ReportColumn - Class in org.opengts.war.report
ReportColumn(String, String, I18N.Text) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.report.ReportColumn
ReportColumn(String, String, int, I18N.Text) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.report.ReportColumn
ReportConditional - Class in org.opengts.war.report
ReportConditional() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.report.ReportConditional
ReportConditional(String, String) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.report.ReportConditional
ReportConstraints - Class in org.opengts.war.report
ReportConstraints() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.report.ReportConstraints
Default constructor
ReportConstraints(long, long) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.report.ReportConstraints
ReportConstraints(long, long, boolean, EventData.LimitType, long) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.report.ReportConstraints
ReportConstraints(ReportConstraints) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.report.ReportConstraints
Copy Constructor
ReportData - Class in org.opengts.war.report
ReportData(ReportFactory, RequestProperties, Account, User, ReportDeviceList) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.report.ReportData
ReportData(ReportEntry, RequestProperties, ReportDeviceList) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.report.ReportData
ReportData.ArrayDataIterator - Class in org.opengts.war.report
This is an implementation of DBDataIterator that iterates through an array of row objects
ReportData.ArrayDataIterator(Object[]) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.report.ReportData.ArrayDataIterator
ReportData.ListDataIterator - Class in org.opengts.war.report
This is an implementation of DBDataIterator that iterates through an array of row objects
ReportData.ListDataIterator(List) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.report.ReportData.ListDataIterator
ReportDeviceList - Class in org.opengts.war.report
ReportDeviceList(Account, User) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.report.ReportDeviceList
ReportDeviceList(Account, User, Device) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.report.ReportDeviceList
ReportDeviceList(Account, User, String[]) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.report.ReportDeviceList
ReportDeviceList(Account, User, DeviceGroup) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.report.ReportDeviceList
ReportDeviceList.DeviceHolder - Class in org.opengts.war.report
ReportDeviceList.DeviceHolder(Account, String) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.report.ReportDeviceList.DeviceHolder
ReportDeviceList.DeviceHolder(Device) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.report.ReportDeviceList.DeviceHolder
ReportDisplay - Class in org.opengts.war.track.page
ReportDisplay() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.track.page.ReportDisplay
reportEmail(String, String, String, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.Audit
reportEnd(OutputProvider, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportCallback
ReportEntry - Class in org.opengts.war.report
ReportEntry() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.report.ReportEntry
ReportEntry(ReportFactory, String) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.report.ReportEntry
ReportException - Exception in org.opengts.war.report
ReportException(String, Throwable) -
Constructor for exception org.opengts.war.report.ReportException
ReportException(String) -
Constructor for exception org.opengts.war.report.ReportException
ReportFactory - Class in org.opengts.war.report
ReportFactory.ReportFactoryVars - Class in org.opengts.war.report
ReportFactory.ReportFactoryVars(File) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory.ReportFactoryVars
ReportHeader - Class in org.opengts.war.report.presentation
ReportHeader(ReportTable) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.ReportHeader
ReportHeader(ReportTable, HeaderRowTemplate...) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.ReportHeader
reportHeader(OutputProvider, int, Object[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportCallback
ReportHeaderGroup - Class in org.opengts.war.report
ReportHeaderGroup(int, int, I18N.Text) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.report.ReportHeaderGroup
ReportJob - Class in org.opengts.extra.tables
ReportJob() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.extra.tables.ReportJob
ReportJob(ReportJob.Key) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.extra.tables.ReportJob
ReportJob.IntervalTag - Class in org.opengts.extra.tables
IntervalTag class
ReportJob.IntervalTag(String, I18N.Text, String, String) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.extra.tables.ReportJob.IntervalTag
ReportJob.Key - Class in org.opengts.extra.tables
ReportJob.Key() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.extra.tables.ReportJob.Key
ReportJob.Key(String, String) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.extra.tables.ReportJob.Key
ReportJobAdmin - Class in org.opengts.extra.war.track.page
ReportJobAdmin() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.extra.war.track.page.ReportJobAdmin
ReportLayout - Class in org.opengts.war.report
ReportLayout() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.report.ReportLayout
ReportLayout.AgeColorRange - Class in org.opengts.war.report
AgeColorRange class
ReportLayout.AgeColorRange(String) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.report.ReportLayout.AgeColorRange
ReportLayout.AgeColorRange(long, String, String) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.report.ReportLayout.AgeColorRange
ReportMenu - Class in org.opengts.war.track.page
ReportMenu() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.track.page.ReportMenu
ReportMenuDeviceDetail - Class in org.opengts.war.track.page
ReportMenuDeviceDetail() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.track.page.ReportMenuDeviceDetail
ReportMenuDriverPerformance - Class in org.opengts.war.track.page
ReportMenuDriverPerformance() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.track.page.ReportMenuDriverPerformance
ReportMenuFleetDetail - Class in org.opengts.war.track.page
ReportMenuFleetDetail() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.track.page.ReportMenuFleetDetail
ReportMenuFleetSummary - Class in org.opengts.war.track.page
ReportMenuFleetSummary() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.track.page.ReportMenuFleetSummary
ReportMenuIFTA - Class in org.opengts.war.track.page
ReportMenuIFTA() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.track.page.ReportMenuIFTA
ReportMenuSysAdmin - Class in org.opengts.war.track.page
ReportMenuSysAdmin() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.track.page.ReportMenuSysAdmin
ReportOption - Class in org.opengts.war.report
ReportOption(String, I18N.Text, RTProperties) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.report.ReportOption
ReportOption(String, String, RTProperties) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.report.ReportOption
ReportOption(String) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.report.ReportOption
ReportOptionsProvider - Interface in org.opengts.war.report
ReportPresentation - Interface in org.opengts.war.report
ReportSpreadsheet - Class in org.opengts.war.report
ReportSpreadsheet(boolean, ReportData) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.report.ReportSpreadsheet
reportStart(OutputProvider, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportCallback
ReportTable - Class in org.opengts.war.report.presentation
ReportTable() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.ReportTable
ReportTable(ReportHeader, ReportBody) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.ReportTable
reportTotals(OutputProvider, int, DBDataIterator) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportCallback
ReportURL - Class in org.opengts.db
ReportURL() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.ReportURL
ReportURL.Format - Enum in org.opengts.db
reprocessEventDataRecords(long, long, Device.EventDataHandler) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Reprocesses a range of EventData reocrds
REQ_RGLength -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.ReverseGeocode
REQ_RGSignature -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.ReverseGeocode
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.HTMLTools
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.HTMLTools
requestDeviceList(boolean, HttpServletRequest, AuthorizedUser, String, String, GeoPoint, double) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.DeviceList
Return DeviceList JSON response
requestDeviceStatus(boolean, HttpServletRequest, AuthorizedUser, String, String[], int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.DeviceList
Return DeviceStatus JSON response
RequestProperties - Class in org.opengts.war.tools
RequestProperties() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.tools.RequestProperties
requestUserAttributes(boolean, HttpServletRequest, AuthorizedUser, String, String, boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.UserAttributes
reset() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.CachedLogOutputStream
Clears/reset the logging text in this cache.
reset() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.FletcherChecksum
Resets the internal Fletcher checksum accumulator
reset() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.GeoBounds
Reset bounds
reset() -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory.ReportFactoryVars
reset() -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.BufferedHttpServletResponse
resetActiveRuleTrigger() -
Method in class org.opengts.rule.tables.Rule
Returns true if the active RuleTrigger should be reset.
resetBoundingBox() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
Resets the bounding area for this GeoZone
resetBuffer() -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.BufferedHttpServletResponse
resetIndex() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
Resets the read/write index to '0
resetIndex(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
Resets the read/write index to the specified value
resetMaintEngHoursHR(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Resets the maintenance engine hours for the specified index
resetMaintEngHoursHR0() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Resets the maintenance engine-hours for index #0
resetMaintOdometerKM(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Resets the last maintenance odometer for the specified index
resetMaintOdometerKM0() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Resets the maintenance odometer for index #0
resetMaintOdometerKM1() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Resets the maintenance odometer for index #1
resetPassword(BasicPrivateLabel) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
resetPassword(BasicPrivateLabel) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.User
resetProperties(Map) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Clears all the properties in this instance and resets them with the
properties in the specified map
resetReminder(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Reset the reminder time
resetReminder() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Reset the reminder time (to current time)
resetTotalPingCount(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
resetVars() -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Print
Resets all print logging settings.
RESID_PrivateLabel_Properties_ -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.Resource
RESID_TemporaryProperties -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.Resource
resolveCommand(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.FileTools
Resolves specified command relative to the environment "PATH" variable
resolveCssFile(String, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.PrivateLabel
Resolves the path to the specified CSS dir/file
Resource - Class in org.opengts.db.tables
Resource() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.tables.Resource
Resource(Resource.Key) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.tables.Resource
Resource.Dimension - Class in org.opengts.db.tables
Resource.Dimension(int, int) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.tables.Resource.Dimension
Resource.Key - Class in org.opengts.db.tables
Resource.Key() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.tables.Resource.Key
Resource.Key(String, String) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.tables.Resource.Key
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Response
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Response
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Response
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Response
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Response
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Response
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Response
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Response
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Response
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Response
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Response
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Response
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Response
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Response
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Response
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Response
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Response
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Response
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Response
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Response
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Response
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Response
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Response
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Response
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Response
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Response
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Response
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Response
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Response
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Response
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Response
Response - Class in org.opengts.war.ctracgts
Response() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Response
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.gpsmapper.Data
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.gpsmapper.Data
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.gpsmapper.Data
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.gpsmapper.Data
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.gpsmapper.Data
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.DCServerFactory
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.DCServerFactory
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.DCServerFactory
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Data
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Data
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Data
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Data
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Data
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Data
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Data
restoreIndex() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
Restores the current index (restore to marker).
RESULT(RTProperties, DCServerFactory.ResultCode) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.CommandPacketHandler
retainAll(Collection<?>) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools.CollectionProxy
retainAll(Collection<?>) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.OrderedSet
Removes all Object from this set that are not reference in the specified Collection
reverse(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
Reverses the order of the characters in the specified String
reverseByteOrder(long, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
Reverses the byte order of the specified value.
IE: Convert Bit-Endian to Little-Endian, and visa-versa.
ReverseGeocode - Class in org.opengts.geocoder
ReverseGeocode() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.geocoder.ReverseGeocode
Default constructor
ReverseGeocode(JSON._Object) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.geocoder.ReverseGeocode
JSON constructor
ReverseGeocode(JSON) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.geocoder.ReverseGeocode
JSON constructor
ReverseGeocodeCache - Class in org.opengts.geocoder
ReverseGeocodeCache() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.geocoder.ReverseGeocodeCache
ReverseGeocodeCache(int, long) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.geocoder.ReverseGeocodeCache
ReverseGeocodeProvider - Interface in org.opengts.geocoder
ReverseGeocodeProviderAdapter - Class in org.opengts.geocoder
ReverseGeocodeProviderAdapter(String, String, RTProperties) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.geocoder.ReverseGeocodeProviderAdapter
reverseOrder(T[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
Reverses the order of the elements in the specified array (in-place)
reverseOrder(List<T>) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
Reverses the order of the elements in the specified List (in-place)
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabel
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.DCServerFactory
rightAlign(String, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
Pads the input String on the left with specified number of ' ' characters.
rightAlign(long, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
Pads the input Long on the left with specified number of ' ' characters.
rightJustify(String, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
See StringTools.rightAlign(String,int)
rightJustify(long, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
See StringTools.rightAlign(long,int)
Role - Class in org.opengts.db.tables
Role() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.tables.Role
Role(Role.Key) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.tables.Role
Role.Key - Class in org.opengts.db.tables
Role.Key() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.tables.Role.Key
Role.Key(String, String) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.tables.Role.Key
RoleAcl - Class in org.opengts.db.tables
RoleAcl() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.tables.RoleAcl
RoleAcl(RoleAcl.Key) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.tables.RoleAcl
RoleAcl.Key - Class in org.opengts.db.tables
RoleAcl.Key() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.tables.RoleAcl.Key
RoleAcl.Key(String, String, String) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.tables.RoleAcl.Key
RoleInfo - Class in org.opengts.extra.war.track.page
RoleInfo() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.extra.war.track.page.RoleInfo
RoleRecord<RT extends DBRecord> - Class in org.opengts.db
RoleRecord() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.RoleRecord
RoleRecord(RoleRecord.RoleKey<RT>) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.RoleRecord
RoleRecord.RoleKey<RT extends DBRecord> - Class in org.opengts.db
RoleRecord.RoleKey() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.RoleRecord.RoleKey
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportLayout
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportLayout
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportLayout
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.ReportURL
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.ReportURL
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.ReportURL
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.ReportURL
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.ReportURL
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.ReportURL
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.ReportURL
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.ReportURL
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.ReportURL
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.ReportURL
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.ReportURL
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.ReportURL
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.ReportURL
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.RTKey
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.RTKey
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.RTKey
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.RTKey
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.RTKey
RTConfig - Class in org.opengts.util
Provides static support for hierarchical runtime properties
RTConfig() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.RTConfig
RTConfig.PropertyGetter - Interface in org.opengts.util
PropertyGetter interface
RTConfig.PropertySetter - Interface in org.opengts.util
PropertySetter interface
RTConfigContextListener - Class in org.opengts.war.tools
This class initializes and loads the servlet configuration properties into the Runtime configuration
class RTConfig.
RTConfigContextListener() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.tools.RTConfigContextListener
RTConfigContextListener.HttpSessionFilter - Interface in org.opengts.war.tools
RTConfigTag - Class in org.opengts.war.track.taglib
RTConfigTag() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.track.taglib.RTConfigTag
RTKey - Class in org.opengts.util
Container for runtime property keys
RTKey(String) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.RTKey
RTKey.Entry - Class in org.opengts.util
Container for an RTKey
RTKey.Entry(String, Object, String) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.RTKey.Entry
RTKey.Entry(String, Object) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.RTKey.Entry
RTKey.Entry(String) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.RTKey.Entry
RTKey.Entry(String, int, String) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.RTKey.Entry
RTKey.Entry(String, int) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.RTKey.Entry
RTKey.Entry(String, long, String) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.RTKey.Entry
RTKey.Entry(String, long) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.RTKey.Entry
RTKey.Entry(String, double, String) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.RTKey.Entry
RTKey.Entry(String, double) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.RTKey.Entry
RTKey.Entry(String, float, String) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.RTKey.Entry
RTKey.Entry(String, float) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.RTKey.Entry
RTKey.Entry(String, boolean, String) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.RTKey.Entry
RTKey.Entry(String, boolean) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.RTKey.Entry
RTKey.EntryReference - Class in org.opengts.util
Represents a reference to another RTKey.Entry
RTKey.EntryReference(String) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.RTKey.EntryReference
rtpDecode(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.URIArg
Returns a new URIArg with this URIArg's arguments decoded from a
single RTProperties added a specified key [CHECK]
rtpEncode(String, String...) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.URIArg
Returns a new URIArg with this URIArg's arguments encoded into a
single RTProperties added with a specified key [CHECK]
RTProperties - Class in org.opengts.util
Runtime properties container.
RTProperties(Map<?, ?>) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
RTProperties() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
RTProperties(String) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
RTProperties(String, boolean) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
RTProperties(String, char) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
RTProperties(String, char, char[]) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
RTProperties(String[]) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
RTProperties(File) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
RTProperties(URL) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
RTProperties(InputStream) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
RTProperties(RTProperties) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Copy Constructor
RTProperties.OrderedProperties - Class in org.opengts.util
OrderedProperties class (inner class)
RTProperties.OrderedProperties(URL) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.RTProperties.OrderedProperties
RTProperties.PropertyChangeEvent - Class in org.opengts.util
PropertyChangeEvent class
RTProperties.PropertyChangeEvent(Object, Object, Object) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.RTProperties.PropertyChangeEvent
RTProperties.PropertyChangeListener - Interface in org.opengts.util
PropertyChangeListener interface
rtSuffix(RTKey) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTKey
Apply the specified partial key as a suffix to the key name contained in this RTKey
rtSuffix(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTKey
Apply the specified partial key as a suffix to the key name contained in this RTKey
Rule - Class in org.opengts.rule.tables
Rule() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.rule.tables.Rule
Rule(Rule.Key) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.rule.tables.Rule
Rule.Key - Class in org.opengts.rule.tables
Rule.Key() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.rule.tables.Rule.Key
Rule.Key(String, String) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.rule.tables.Rule.Key
Rule.TriggerReset - Enum in org.opengts.rule.tables
BorderCrossing enabled state enumeration
ruleEmailNotification(String, String, String, String, String, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.Audit
Audit rule-trigger Email notifications
RuleFactory - Interface in org.opengts.db
RuleFactory.NotifyAction - Enum in org.opengts.db
RuleFactoryAdapter - Class in org.opengts.db
RuleFactoryAdapter() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.RuleFactoryAdapter
RuleFactoryExample - Class in org.opengts.db
RuleFactoryExample() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.RuleFactoryExample
RuleFactoryLite - Class in org.opengts.extra.rule
RuleFactoryLite() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.extra.rule.RuleFactoryLite
RuleListener - Interface in org.opengts.rule
RuleNotification -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.DeviceGroup
RuleParseException - Exception in org.opengts.db
RuleParseException(String) -
Constructor for exception org.opengts.db.RuleParseException
RuleParseException(String, Throwable) -
Constructor for exception org.opengts.db.RuleParseException
ruleSmsNotification(String, String, String, String, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.Audit
Audit rule-trigger SMS notifications
run() -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.util.Cron.CronJob
run() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ClientSocketThread
Main client thread loop
run() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.MethodAction
Runs this MethodAction now
run() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread
Listens for incoming connections and dispatches them to a handler thread
run() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread.ServerSessionThread
run(Runnable) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ThreadPool
Adds a new job to the thread pool's queue
runCron() -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.util.Cron
Start the Cron process.
runInProcess() -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.util.Cron.CronJob
runInputStreamSession(InputStream, boolean, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread
Run a test session from the specified input stream
runInThread() -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.util.Cron.CronJob
runningChecksum(byte) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.FletcherChecksum
Adds the specified byte to the current running checksum accumulator.
runningChecksum(byte[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.FletcherChecksum
Adds the specified byte array to the current running checksum accumulator.
runningChecksum(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.FletcherChecksum
Adds the bytes from the specified String to the current running checksum accumulator.
runtimeKeys -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.DBConfig
runtimeKeys -
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.RTKey
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.DCServerFactory
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.DCServerFactory
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.DCServerFactory
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.DCServerFactory
- SAT -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.WorkHours
- SAT -
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.DateTime
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.DateTime
- save() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
- Save this Device to db storage
- save() -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
- Saves (ie.
- save() -
Method in class org.opengts.tools.MergeLocalStrings.MergeItem
- save() -
Method in class org.opengts.tools.MergeLocalStrings
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.servers.sanav.TrackClientPacketHandler
- saveAs(File) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.ShapefileSet
- Save as specified zip file
- saveAs(File) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.ShapefileSet.ZipOutput
- saveChanges() -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.gtsdmtp.DeviceDBImpl
- saveDiagnostic(Device, int, byte[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.Diagnostic
- saveDiagnostic(String, String, int, byte[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.Diagnostic
- saveError(Device, int, byte[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.Diagnostic
- saveError(String, String, int, byte[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.Diagnostic
- saveEventDataFieldValue(EventData, double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.EventDataAnalog
- Sets the EventData field to the specified value for the specified EventData instance
- saveIndex() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
- Saves the current index (set marker).
- saveOriginalLastValidGeoPoint() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
- Save last valid GeoPoint
- saveParkedLocation() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
- Saves the set parked location back to the Device table
- saveProperties(File) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
- Saves the properties contained in this
instance to a file
- saveProperties(File, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
- Saves the properties contained in this
instance to a file
- saveProperty(Device, int, byte[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.Property
- saveProperty(String, String, int, byte[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.Property
- SaveToOutbox(SendMail.Args) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.SendMail
- Save specified SendMail Args to outbox
- saveXY() -
Method in enum org.opengts.util.CurveFit.Precision
- scaleValue(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.EventDataAnalog
- Scales the specified value
- scaleValue(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.FuelLevelProfile
- Adjusts the input value with the profile offset and scale
- scanForPattern(byte[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
- Scans the remainder of the payload for the specified byte pattern
and returns the offset from the current pointer to the beginning
of the matching pattern.
- scanForPattern(byte[], int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
- Scans the remainder of the payload for the specified byte pattern
and returns the offset from the current pointer to the beginning
of the matching pattern.
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.DCServerFactory
- SCVL2000_NAME -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.DCServerFactory
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
- second -
Variable in class org.opengts.util.DateTime.ParsedDateTime
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.DateTime
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.DateTime
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.DateTime
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.DateTime
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.tools.CommonServlet
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.track.taglib.TrackTag
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.tools.CommonServlet
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.track.taglib.TrackTag
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.tools.CommonServlet
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.track.taglib.TrackTag
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.tools.CommonServlet
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.track.taglib.TrackTag
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.tools.CommonServlet
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.track.taglib.TrackTag
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.tools.CommonServlet
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.track.taglib.TrackTag
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.tools.CommonServlet
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.track.taglib.TrackTag
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.tools.CommonServlet
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.track.taglib.TrackTag
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.tools.CommonServlet
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.track.taglib.TrackTag
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.tools.CommonServlet
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.track.taglib.TrackTag
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.tools.CommonServlet
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.track.taglib.TrackTag
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.tools.CommonServlet
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.track.taglib.TrackTag
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.tools.CommonServlet
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.tools.CommonServlet
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.track.taglib.TrackTag
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.tools.CommonServlet
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.track.taglib.TrackTag
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.tools.CommonServlet
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.track.taglib.TrackTag
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.tools.CommonServlet
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.track.taglib.TrackTag
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.tools.CommonServlet
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.track.taglib.TrackTag
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.track.taglib.TrackTag
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.track.taglib.TrackTag
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.track.taglib.TrackTag
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.tools.CommonServlet
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.track.taglib.TrackTag
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.tools.CommonServlet
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.track.taglib.TrackTag
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.tools.CommonServlet
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.track.taglib.TrackTag
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.track.taglib.TrackTag
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.tools.CommonServlet
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.track.taglib.TrackTag
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.tools.CommonServlet
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.track.taglib.TrackTag
- select(DBFactory<T>, String, String, String[], boolean, long, long, DBRecordHandler<T>) -
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
- Gets an array of DBRecords based on the specified 'where' clause
- select(DBSelect<T>) -
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
- Gets an array of DBRecords based on the specified 'where' clause
- select(DBSelect<T>, DBRecordHandler<T>) -
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
- Gets an array of DBRecords based on the specified 'where' clause
- selectFields(DBFactory, List<DBField>) -
Method in interface org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory.CustomFactoryHandler
- Augment selected DBFields
- selectFields(DBFactory, List<DBField>) -
Method in class org.opengts.StartupInit
- Augment DBFactory fields.
- send(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.DatagramMessage
- Send a String to the remote host
- send(byte[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.DatagramMessage
- Send an array of bytes to the remote host
- send(byte[], int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.DatagramMessage
- Send an array of bytes to the remote host
- send(byte[], int, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.DatagramMessage
- Send an array of bytes to the remote host
- send(String, String, String, String, SendMail.SmtpProperties) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.SendMail
- Sends an email
- send(String, String, String, String, SendMail.SmtpProperties, boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.SendMail
- Sends an email
- send(String, String, String, String, SendMail.Attachment, SendMail.SmtpProperties) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.SendMail
- Sends an email
- send(String, String, String, String, SendMail.Attachment, SendMail.SmtpProperties, boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.SendMail
- Sends an email
- send(String, String, String, String, String, String, SendMail.Attachment, SendMail.SmtpProperties) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.SendMail
- Sends an email
- send(String, String, String, String, String, String, SendMail.Attachment, SendMail.SmtpProperties, boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.SendMail
- Sends an email
- send(Properties, String, String[], String[], String[], String, String, SendMail.Attachment, SendMail.SmtpProperties, boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.SendMail
- Sends an email
- send(SendMail.Args) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.SendMailArgs
- Internal method to send email
- send(String, String, String, String, String, String, SendMail.SmtpProperties) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.track.EMail
- Sends an email
- sendCommand() -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.PendingCommands
- This method sends commands through the normal DCS command dispatcher
- sendDatagram(InetAddress, int, byte[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread
- Sends a datagram to the specified host:port
- sendDatagram(InetAddress, InetAddress, int, byte[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread
- Sends a datagram to the specified host:port
- sendDeviceCommand(Device, String, String, String[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.CommandPingDispatcher
- Sends a command notification to the specified Device
- sendDeviceCommand(Device, String, String, String[]) -
Method in interface org.opengts.db.PingDispatcher
- Sends a 'ping' notification to the specified Device
- sendDeviceCommand(String, String, String[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
- Sends the specified command to this device
- sendEmail(String, String, String, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.SMSOutboundGateway
- sendJdbcCommunicationExceptionNotification(Throwable) -
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
- Sends a notification for CommunicationException errors
- SendMail - Class in org.opengts.util
- SendMail() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.SendMail
- SendMail.Args - Class in org.opengts.util
- A container for the arguments of an email
- SendMail.Args(Properties, String, String[], String[], String[], String, String, SendMail.Attachment, SendMail.SmtpProperties, boolean) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.SendMail.Args
- SendMail.Attachment - Class in org.opengts.util
- A container for an email attachment
- SendMail.Attachment(byte[]) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.SendMail.Attachment
- SendMail.Attachment(byte[], String, String) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.SendMail.Attachment
- SendMail.Attachment(String) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.SendMail.Attachment
- SendMail.SendMailException - Exception in org.opengts.util
- SendMailException
- SendMail.SendMailException(String) -
Constructor for exception org.opengts.util.SendMail.SendMailException
- SendMail.SendMailException(Throwable) -
Constructor for exception org.opengts.util.SendMail.SendMailException
- SendMail.SendMailException(String, Throwable) -
Constructor for exception org.opengts.util.SendMail.SendMailException
- SendMail.SmtpProperties - Class in org.opengts.util
- SendMail.SmtpProperties() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.SendMail.SmtpProperties
- SendMail.SmtpProperties(RTProperties) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.SendMail.SmtpProperties
- SendMailArgs - Class in org.opengts.util
- SendMailArgs() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.SendMailArgs
- SendMailArgs_className -
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.SendMail
- sendMessage(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ClientSocketThread
- Queues a message to be sent
- SendNotification() -
Static method in class org.opengts.extra.rule.RuleFactoryLite
- sendPacket -
Variable in class org.opengts.util.DatagramMessage
- sendRequest(String, ServiceRequest.RequestBody) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServiceRequest
- Sends the request and returns the results as an XML Document
- sendRequest(File) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServiceRequest
- Sends the request and returns the results as an XML Document
- sendServerCommand(Device, String, String, String[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerFactory
- Send a command request to the server command port for the specified Device
- SendSMSCommand(String, Device, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerFactory
- Send SMS command to device
- sendSMSCommand(Device, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.SMSOutboundGateway
- Send an SMS command to the specified device
- sendSMSMessage(Account, Device, String, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.SMSOutboundGateway
- Send an SMS message to the specified phone number.
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.tables.PendingCommands
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.tables.PendingCommands
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.tables.PendingCommands
- sendSysadmin(String, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.SendMail
- Sends a system notification email to the defined system admin email address
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.DCServerFactory
- SEP -
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.DateTime
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.EventUtil
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.DateTime
- serverJarExists() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerConfig
- Returns true if the named server is defined in the current installation.
- serverJarExists(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerFactory
- Returns true if the named server is defined
- ServerSockeThread_maximumClientThreadPoolSize -
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.RTKey
- ServerSocketThread - Class in org.opengts.util
- ServerSocketThread(DatagramSocket) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread
- Constructor for UDP connections
- ServerSocketThread(ServerSocket) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread
- Constructor for TCP connections
- ServerSocketThread(InetAddress, int) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread
- Constructor for TCP connections
- ServerSocketThread(int) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread
- Constructor for TCP connections
- ServerSocketThread(InetAddress, int, boolean) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread
- Constructor for TCP connections
- ServerSocketThread(int, boolean) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread
- Constructor for TCP connections
- ServerSocketThread.ServerSessionThread - Class in org.opengts.util
- ServerSessionThread
- ServerSocketThread.ServerSessionThread() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread.ServerSessionThread
- Empty Constructor
- ServerSocketThread.ServerSessionThread(ServerSocketThread.ClientSocket, boolean) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread.ServerSessionThread
- ClientSocket handler constructor
- ServerSocketThread.SessionInfo - Interface in org.opengts.util
- SessionInfo
- ServerSocketThread.SSEndOfStreamException - Exception in org.opengts.util
- SSEndOfStreamException
- ServerSocketThread.SSEndOfStreamException(String, int) -
Constructor for exception org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread.SSEndOfStreamException
- ServerSocketThread.SSReadTimeoutException - Exception in org.opengts.util
- SSReadTimeoutException
- ServerSocketThread.SSReadTimeoutException(String, int) -
Constructor for exception org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread.SSReadTimeoutException
- ServerSocketThread.SSSessionTimeoutException - Exception in org.opengts.util
- SSSessionTimeoutException
- ServerSocketThread.SSSessionTimeoutException(String) -
Constructor for exception org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread.SSSessionTimeoutException
- Service - Class in org.opengts.extra.war.service
- Service() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.extra.war.service.Service
- Service.CommandHandler - Class in org.opengts.extra.war.service
- Service.CommandHandler(String) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.extra.war.service.Service.CommandHandler
- Service.CustomCommandHandler - Class in org.opengts.extra.war.service
- Service.CustomCommandHandler() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.extra.war.service.Service.CustomCommandHandler
Static variable in class org.opengts.Version
- SERVICE_countrySubdivision -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.geonames.GeoNames
- SERVICE_findNearbyPlaceName -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.geonames.GeoNames
- SERVICE_findNearbyPostalCodes -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.geonames.GeoNames
- SERVICE_findNearbyStreetsOSM -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.geonames.GeoNames
- SERVICE_findNearestAddress -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.geonames.GeoNames
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Data
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.gisgraphy.GisGraphy
- ServiceClient - Class in org.opengts.extra.service
- ServiceClient() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.extra.service.ServiceClient
- ServiceHandler - Class in org.opengts.extra.war.service
- ServiceHandler() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.extra.war.service.ServiceHandler
- ServiceHandlerMXBean - Interface in org.opengts.extra.war.service
- ServiceMessage - Class in org.opengts.extra.service
- ServiceMessage(boolean, String, String) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.extra.service.ServiceMessage
- Constructor
- ServiceRequest - Class in org.opengts.util
- ServoceRequest tools
- ServiceRequest() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.ServiceRequest
- Constructor
- ServiceRequest(ServiceRequest) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.ServiceRequest
- Clone Constructor
- ServiceRequest(String) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.ServiceRequest
- Constructor
- ServiceRequest(URL) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.ServiceRequest
- Constructor
- ServiceRequest(JMXServiceURL, String) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.ServiceRequest
- Constructor
- ServiceRequest.Authorization - Class in org.opengts.util
- Authorization class
- ServiceRequest.Authorization() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.ServiceRequest.Authorization
- ServiceRequest.Authorization(ServiceRequest.Authorization) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.ServiceRequest.Authorization
- ServiceRequest.Authorization(String, String, String, Object) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.ServiceRequest.Authorization
- ServiceRequest.Authorization(String, Object) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.ServiceRequest.Authorization
- ServiceRequest.RequestBody - Interface in org.opengts.util
- Request Body handler class
- ServiceXML - Interface in org.opengts.extra.service
- ServingCellTowerData -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
- servletInit(Properties) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.DBConfig
- ServletLock -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.tools.RTConfigContextListener
- seServerID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.UnassignedDevices
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.RTKey
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.RTKey
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.RTKey
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.RTKey
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.RTKey
- sessionCreated(HttpSessionEvent) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.RTConfigContextListener
- This method is called by the Servlet container when a HttpSession is created
- sessionDestroyed(HttpSessionEvent) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.RTConfigContextListener
- This method is called by the Servlet container when a HttpSession is destroyed
- sessionStarted(InetAddress, boolean, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.CommandPacketHandler
- sessionStarted(InetAddress, boolean, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.servers.generic.TrackClientPacketHandler
- sessionStarted(InetAddress, boolean, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.servers.sanav.TrackClientPacketHandler
- sessionStarted(InetAddress, boolean, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.aspicore.TrackClientPacketHandler
- sessionStarted(InetAddress, boolean, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.astra.TrackClientPacketHandler
- sessionStarted(InetAddress, boolean, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.icare.TrackClientPacketHandler
- sessionStarted(InetAddress, boolean, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.lantrix.TrackClientPacketHandler
- sessionStarted(InetAddress, boolean, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.sipgear.TrackClientPacketHandler
- sessionStarted(InetAddress, boolean, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.taip.TrackClientPacketHandler
- sessionStarted(InetAddress, boolean, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.template.TrackClientPacketHandler
- sessionStarted(InetAddress, boolean, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.template_old.TrackClientPacketHandler
- sessionStarted(InetAddress, boolean, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.tk10x.TrackClientPacketHandler
- Callback when session is starting
- sessionStarted(InetAddress, boolean, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.AbstractClientPacketHandler
- Called when the session has started
- sessionStarted(InetAddress, boolean, boolean) -
Method in interface org.opengts.util.ClientPacketHandler
- Called when new client session initiated
- sessionStarted(InetAddress, boolean, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RemoteLogServer.RemoteLogHandler
- sessionStatistics(long, String, boolean, long, long, long) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.gtsdmtp.DeviceDBImpl
- SessionStats - Class in org.opengts.extra.tables
- SessionStats() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.extra.tables.SessionStats
- SessionStats(SessionStats.Key) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.extra.tables.SessionStats
- SessionStats.Key - Class in org.opengts.extra.tables
- SessionStats.Key() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.extra.tables.SessionStats.Key
- SessionStats.Key(String, String, long) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.extra.tables.SessionStats.Key
- SessionStatsFactory - Interface in org.opengts.db
- SessionStatusReport - Class in org.opengts.extra.war.report.session
- SessionStatusReport(ReportEntry, RequestProperties, ReportDeviceList) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.extra.war.report.session.SessionStatusReport
- sessionTerminated(Throwable, long, long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.CommandPacketHandler
- sessionTerminated(Throwable, long, long) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.servers.generic.TrackClientPacketHandler
- sessionTerminated(Throwable, long, long) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.servers.sanav.TrackClientPacketHandler
- sessionTerminated(Throwable, long, long) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.aspicore.TrackClientPacketHandler
- sessionTerminated(Throwable, long, long) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.astra.TrackClientPacketHandler
- sessionTerminated(Throwable, long, long) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.icare.TrackClientPacketHandler
- sessionTerminated(Throwable, long, long) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.lantrix.TrackClientPacketHandler
- sessionTerminated(Throwable, long, long) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.sipgear.TrackClientPacketHandler
- sessionTerminated(Throwable, long, long) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.taip.TrackClientPacketHandler
- sessionTerminated(Throwable, long, long) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.template.TrackClientPacketHandler
- sessionTerminated(Throwable, long, long) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.template_old.TrackClientPacketHandler
- sessionTerminated(Throwable, long, long) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.tk10x.TrackClientPacketHandler
- Callback when session is terminating
- sessionTerminated(Throwable, long, long) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.AbstractClientPacketHandler
- Callback just before the session is terminated
- sessionTerminated(Throwable, long, long) -
Method in interface org.opengts.util.ClientPacketHandler
- Called after client session terminated
- sessionTerminated(Throwable, long, long) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RemoteLogServer.RemoteLogHandler
- set(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.AccumulatorBoolean
- Sets the value of the accumulator
- set(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.AccumulatorInteger
- Sets the value of the accumulator
- set(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.AccumulatorLong
- Sets the value of the accumulator
- set(int, K) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.OrderedSet
- Throws an UnsupportedOperationException
- set(long, long, long) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.OSTools.MemoryUsage
- set(long, long) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.OSTools.MemoryUsage
- setAcceleration(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
- Sets the acceleration (meters-per-second-squared)
- setAccelerometer(Accelerometer) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
- Gets the accelerometer XYZ-axis values (meters-per-second-squared)
- setAccelerometerXYZ(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
- Sets the accelerometer XYZ-axis values (meters-per-second-squared)
String should be in the format "X,Y,Z".
- setAccessLevel(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.RoleAcl
- setAccessLevel(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.RoleAcl
- setAccessLevel(Role, String, AclEntry.AccessLevel) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.RoleAcl
- setAccessLevel(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.UserAcl
- setAccessLevel(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.UserAcl
- setAccessLevel(User, String, AclEntry.AccessLevel) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.UserAcl
- setAccount(Account) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.AccountRecord
- setAccount(Account) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.GeoEvent
- Sets the Account
- setAccount(Account) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.war.report.antx.AntxData
- setAccount(Account) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.gtsdmtp.AccountDBImpl
- setAccount(Account) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.field.FieldData
- setAccountDevice(String, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.ParseEventsXML
- setAccountID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.GeoEvent
- Sets the AccountID
- setAccountLogin(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabel
- Sets the account login display state
- setAccountName(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.gtsdmtp.AccountDBImpl
- setAccountType(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
- setAccountType(Account.AccountType) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
- setAccountType(String, Locale) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
- setAckLatitude(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.DeviceMessage
- Gets the ack latitude
- setAckLocation(GeoPoint) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.DeviceMessage
- Sets the ack GeoPoint
- setAckLongitude(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.DeviceMessage
- Sets the ack longitude
- setAckResponse(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.DeviceMessage
- Sets the acknowledged response
- setAckResponse(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.PendingCommands
- setAckTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.PendingCommands
- setAckTimestamp(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.DeviceMessage
- Sets the time that the message was acknowledged
- setAclName(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.WebPageAdaptor
- setActionMask(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.rule.tables.Rule
- Sets the "actionMask" field value
- setActiveCorridor(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
- Sets the active corridor for this device
- setAddress(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Driver
- Sets the driver address
- setAddress(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
- setAddress(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.Entity
- setAddressCity(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
- setAddressCity(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.User
- setAddressCountry(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
- setAddressCountry(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.User
- setAddressLine1(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
- setAddressLine1(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.User
- setAddressLine2(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
- setAddressLine2(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.User
- setAddressLine3(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
- setAddressLine3(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.User
- setAddressLines(String[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
- setAddressLines(String[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.User
- setAddressPostalCode(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
- setAddressPostalCode(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.User
- setAddressState(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
- setAddressState(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.User
- setAddressTitle(String, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
- setAdminMode(boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.RTConfig
- Sets the administrative mode
- setAirFilterPressure(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
- Sets the air filter pressure (kPa)
- setAirPressure(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
- Sets the air pressure (kPa)
- setAllFieldValues(ResultSet) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFieldValues
- Sets all field values from the specified ResultSet
- setAllFieldValues(ResultSet, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFieldValues
- Sets all field values from the specified ResultSet
- setAllFieldValues(ResultSet, boolean, DBField[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFieldValues
- Sets all field values from the specified ResultSet
- setAllFieldValues(Map<String, String>) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFieldValues
- Sets all field values from the specified value map (all fields required)
- setAllFieldValues(Map<String, String>, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFieldValues
- Sets all field values from the specified value map (all fields required)
- setAllFieldValues(DBRecord<gDBR>) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
- Sets the field values for this DBRecord from the specified DBRecord
(primary keys are not copied)
- setAllFieldValues(ResultSet) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
- Sets the field values for this DBRecord from the specified SQL ResultSet
(primary keys are not copied)
- setAllFieldValues(ResultSet, String...) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
- Sets the field values for this DBRecord from the specified SQL ResultSet
(primary keys are not copied)
- setAllFieldValues(Map<String, String>) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
- Sets the field values for this DBRecord from the specified Map.
Field values are converted to their proper type from the specified Map values.
All current field values are cleared (except primary key values).
- setAllOutputToStdout(boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Print
- Set all output to stderr to be sent to stdout.
- setAllowBlankValues(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
- Sets whether empty String values are allowed
- setAllowEmailLogin(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabel
- Sets the Enabled/Disabled contact-email login state
- setAllowInnoDBCOUNT(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
- Gets Allow 'COUNT(*)'
- setAllowNotify(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
- Sets the "Allow Notification" state for this Account
- setAllowNotify(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
- Sets the "Allow Notification" state for this Device
- setAllowNotify(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.DeviceGroup
- Sets the "Allow Notification" state for this DeviceGroup
- SetAllowSlowReverseGeocoding(boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
- Enabled/Disabled slow reverse-geocoding (default is to allow)
- setAllowWebService(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
- Sets the "Allow Web-Service" state for this Account
- setAltitude(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
- setAltitude(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.Entity
- setAltitude(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.GPSEvent
- setAltitudeMeters(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.GeoEvent
- Sets the Altitude
- setAltitudeMeters(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
- Sets the magnetic variation in degrees
- setAmbientTemp(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
- Sets the ambient air temperature (C)
- setAnalog(int, double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
- Sets the analog value for the specified index
- setAnalog0(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
- setAnalog1(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
- setAnalog2(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
- setAnalog3(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
- setAndFalse(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.taglib.RTConfigTag
- Sets the "andFalse" attribute
- setAndTrue(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.taglib.RTConfigTag
- Sets the "andTrue" attribute
- setArg(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.taglib.TrackTag
- Sets the "arg" attribute
- setArgs(Object...) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.MethodAction
- Sets the actual arguments to pass to the method at the time of invocation
- setArgValue(String, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.URIArg
- Sets the specified argument key to the specified int value.
- setArgValue(String, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.URIArg
- Sets the specified argument key to the specified String value.
- setArgValue(String, String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.URIArg
- Sets the specified argument key to the specified String value.
- setArgValue(String[], int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.URIArg
- Sets the specified argument key to the specified int value.
- setArgValue(String[], String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.URIArg
- Sets the specified argument key to the specified String value.
- setArgValue(String[], String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.URIArg
- Sets the specified argument key to the specified String value.
- setArrivalStatusCode(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
- Sets the status code to use when generating an "Arrive" event.
- setArrivalZone(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
- Sets whether this instance can be used for arrival detection.
- setAssignedUserID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
- Sets the assigned User-ID
- setAssocAccountID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
- Sets the associated account ID
- setAssocDeviceID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
- Sets the Associated Device ID
- setAttachData(byte[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
- Sets the attachment data
- setAttachment(String, byte[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
- Sets the attachment data
- setAttachType(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
- Sets the attachment MIME type (used with "attachData")
- setAttributeFlags(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerConfig
- Sets the server attribute flags
- setAuditCode(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.SystemAudit
- Sets the reason for this audit record
- SetAuditHandler(Audit.AuditHandler) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.Audit
- setAuditTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.SystemAudit
- setAuthorization(String, String, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.service.GTSServiceRequest
- setAuthorization(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.geocoder.GeocodeProviderAdapter
- Sets the authorization key of this GeocodeProvider
- setAuthorization(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.geocoder.ReverseGeocodeProviderAdapter
- Sets the authorization key of this ReverseGeocodeProvider
- setAuthorization(String, String, String, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServiceRequest
- Sets the Service Authorization
- setAuthorization(ServiceRequest.Authorization) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServiceRequest
- Sets the Service Authorization
- setAutoAddDevices(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
- Sets the 'auto-add' devices enabled state for this account
- setAutoDelete(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.PendingPacket
- setAutoNotify(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
- Sets the auto-notification state.
- setAutoPrompt(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread
- If a default automatically generated prompt should be used [CHECK](all prompt related below)
- setAutoReportURL(URIArg) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportData
- Set the auto report URL
- setAvailableProcessors(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.OSTools.CpuUsage
- setBackgroundColor(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.StatusCode
- Sets the String represntation of the background color
- setBackgroundColor(ColorTools.RGB) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.StatusCode
- Sets the ColorTools.RGB represntation of the background color
- setBackgroundColor(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.CssStyle
- Sets the text background color
- setBackgroundColor(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ColumnValue
- Sets the text background color
- setBackingProperties(Map<?, ?>) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
- Sets the backing properties Map for this instance
- setBackspaceChar(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread
- Sets the backspace character
- setBackspaceChar(int[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread
- Sets the backspace characters
- setBadgeID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Driver
- Sets the driver badge ID
- setBarometer(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
- setBaseURI(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.RequestProperties
- setBaseURI(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.WebPageAdaptor
- setBatteryLevel(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
- Sets the current battery level
- setBatteryLevel(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.GPSEvent
- setBatteryTemp(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
- Sets the battery temperature (C)
- setBatteryVolts(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
- Sets the current battery voltage
- setBigEndian() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
- Sets the byte ordering of the payload to "Big-Endian"
Also called "Network Byte Order", "MSB first", ...
- setBigEndian(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
- Sets the byte ordering of the payload
- setBigInteger(String, BigInteger) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.RTConfig
- Sets the property value for the specified key
- setBigInteger(String, BigInteger) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
- Sets the value of the specified property to the specified
- setBigIntegerArray(String, BigInteger[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
- Sets the value of the specified property to the specified
array value
- setBindAddress(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerConfig
- Sets the server bind address
- setBindAddress(InetAddress) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread
- Sets the local bind address for all created ServerSocket's
- setBirthdate(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Driver
- Sets the driver birthdate as a DayNumber value
- setBirthdate(int, int, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Driver
- Sets the driver birthdate
- setBirthdate(DayNumber) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Driver
- Sets the driver birthdate as a DayNumber instance
- setBlankFiller(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportColumn
- Sets the value to use as a blank-value for this column
- setBlankRow(int, int) -
Method in interface org.opengts.util.ExcelAPI
- setBlankRow(int, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ExcelTools.Spreadsheet
- setBlankRow() -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportSpreadsheet
- setBodyContent(BodyContent) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.taglib.RTConfigTag
- setBodyContent(BodyContent) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.taglib.TrackTag
- setBoolean(String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.war.report.antx.AntxData
- setBoolean(String, boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.RTConfig
- Sets the
property value for the specified key
- setBoolean(String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
- Sets the value of the specified property to the specified
- setBoolean(String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.field.FieldData
- setBooleanArray(String, boolean[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
- Sets the value of the specified property to the specified
array value
- setBorderColor(Color) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.PushpinIcon.TextIcon
- setBorderCrossing(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
- Sets the Border-Crossing enabled state
- setBorderCrossing(Device.BorderCrossingState) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
- Sets the Border-Crossing enabled state
- setBrakeGForce(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
- Sets the brake G-force
- setBrakePos(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
- Sets the brake position (percent)
- setBrakePressure(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
- Sets the brake pressure
- setBufferSize(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.BufferedHttpServletResponse
- setBytesOverhead(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.SessionStats
- setBytesRead(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.SessionStats
- setBytesRounded(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.SessionStats
- setBytesWritten(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.SessionStats
- setCabinTemp(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
- Sets the cabin temperature (C)
- setCannedActions(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.rule.tables.Rule
- Sets the "cannedActions" field value
- setCellAccuracy(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
- setCellGeoPoint(GeoPoint) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
- setCellLatitude(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
- setCellLongitude(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
- setCellNeighborInfo0(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
- setCellNeighborInfo1(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
- setCellNeighborInfo2(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
- setCellNeighborInfo3(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
- setCellNeighborInfo4(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
- setCellNeighborInfo5(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
- setCellServingInfo(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
- setCellTimingAdvance(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
- setCellTowerGetLocation(MobileLocationProvider) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
- Sets the MobileLocationProvider
- setCellTowerID(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
- setChanged(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
- Sets the 'changed' state of this record, and sends a change notification to
any registered listeners.
- setChanged(String, Object, Object) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
- Sets the 'changed' state of this record, and sends a change notification to
any registered listeners.
- setChannelID(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.Antx
- setCity(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
- setCity(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
- Sets the city-address for this geozone.
- setCity(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.geocoder.ReverseGeocode
- Sets the city
- setClass(String, Class) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.RTConfig
- Sets the
Class property value for the specified key
setClass(String, Class) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Sets the value of the specified property to the specified Class
setClientID(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
setClientIfAvailable(ServerSocketThread.ClientSocket) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread.ServerSessionThread
setClientPacketHandler(ClientPacketHandler) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread
Sets the client packet handler [CHECK]
setClientPacketHandlerClass(Class<? extends ClientPacketHandler>) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread
Sets the client packet handler class [CHECK]
setClientUpload(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
setCodeKey(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.Diagnostic
setCodeVersion(String) -
Method in interface org.opengts.db.DataTransport
setCodeVersion(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the code/firmware version of this Device
setCodeVersion(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
setColIndex(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportHeaderGroup
setColor(ColorTools.RGB) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.MapShape
setColor(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.MapShape
setColSpan(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.HeaderColumnTemplate
setColSpan(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportHeaderGroup
setColumnConditional(ReportConditional) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportColumn
Sets the column conditional value
SetColumnValueAgeColor(ColumnValue, ReportLayout.AgeColorRange) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportLayout
setCommand(DCServerConfig.Command) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerConfig.CommandArg
setCommand(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServiceRequest
Sets the command ID included in the request header
setCommandArg(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.RequestProperties
setCommandArgs(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.PendingCommands
setCommandArgs_array(String[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.PendingCommands
setCommandDispatcherHost(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerConfig
Sets the device command listen host (may be null to use default bind-address)
setCommandDispatcherPort(int, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerConfig
Sets the device command listen port
setCommandDispatcherPort(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerConfig
Sets the device command listen port
setCommandID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.PendingCommands
setCommandLineArgs(String[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.RTConfig
Sets the command line properties and initializes RTConfig
if it hasn't been.
setCommandLineArgs(String[], String[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.RTConfig
Sets the command line properties and initializes RTConfig
if it hasn't been.
setCommandLineArgs(RTProperties) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.RTConfig
Sets the command line properties and initializes RTConfig
if it hasn't been.
setCommandLineArgs(String[], boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.RTConfig
Sets the command line properties and initializes RTConfig
if it hasn't been.
setCommandLineArgs(RTProperties, boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.RTConfig
Sets the command line properties and initializes RTConfig
if it hasn't been.
setCommandName(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.RequestProperties
setCommandProtocol(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerConfig
Sets the command protocol to use when communicating with remote devices
setCommandProtocol(DCServerConfig.CommandProtocol) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerConfig
Sets the command protocol to use when communicating with remote devices
setCommandsAclName(String, AclEntry.AccessLevel) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerConfig
Sets the Commands Acl name
setCommandSent(boolean, long) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.PendingCommands
Sets this PendingCommands state to sent 'success'/'failed', or deletes
the command if indicated by the record.
setCommandStateBit(int, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the state for the specified bit from the command state mask
setCommandStateMask(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the command state mask as set by commands sent to the device
setCommandType(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.PendingCommands
setCompare(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.taglib.RTConfigTag
Sets the "compare" type
setConfigFile(File) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerConfig
Sets the config-file from which this DCServerConfig was created
setConfigLogMessagesEnabled(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Sets Configuration log messages (ie.
setContactEmail(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setContactEmail(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Driver
setContactEmail(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.User
setContactEmail(String) -
Method in interface org.opengts.db.UserInformation
setContactName(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setContactName(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.User
setContactName(String) -
Method in interface org.opengts.db.UserInformation
setContactPhone(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setContactPhone(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Driver
setContactPhone(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
Sets the contact-phone of for this geozone.
setContactPhone(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.User
setContactPhone(String) -
Method in interface org.opengts.db.UserInformation
setContentLength(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.BufferedHttpServletResponse
setContentType(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.BufferedHttpServletResponse
setContextName(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.RTConfig
Sets the RTKey.CONTEXT_NAME property
Typically this is set to the name of the parent package directory
SetContextOfflineMessage(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.tools.PrivateLabel
Sets the context offline message
Note: This method effects only the Context offline settings.
setContextPath(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.RTConfig
Sets the RTKey.CONTEXT_PATH property value.
setCookiesRequired(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.RequestProperties
setCoolantLevel(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the coolant level (percent)
setCoolantTemp(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the coolant temperature (C)
setCopyright(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabel
Sets the copyright notice for this BasicPrivateLabel
setCorrEndSelector(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
setCorridorID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
Sets the corridor-id assigned to this geozone.
setCorrStartSelector(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
setCostCenter(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the cost center
setCountry(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setCountry(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
Sets the country for this geozone.
setCountryCode(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.geocoder.ReverseGeocode
Sets the country code
setCpuSpeedMHz(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.OSTools.CpuUsage
setCpuVendorID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.OSTools.CpuUsage
setCreationDefaultValues() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setCreationDefaultValues() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.AccountString
setCreationDefaultValues() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the record creation default values
setCreationDefaultValues() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.DeviceGroup
setCreationDefaultValues() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.DeviceList
setCreationDefaultValues() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Driver
setCreationDefaultValues() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Called at new record creation time to initialize default values
setCreationDefaultValues() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
setCreationDefaultValues() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.GroupList
setCreationDefaultValues() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Resource
setCreationDefaultValues() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Role
setCreationDefaultValues() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.RoleAcl
setCreationDefaultValues() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.StatusCode
Callback to set the record creation default values
setCreationDefaultValues() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.SystemProps
setCreationDefaultValues() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
setCreationDefaultValues() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.UniqueXID
setCreationDefaultValues() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.User
setCreationDefaultValues() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.UserAcl
setCreationDefaultValues() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.UserDevice
setCreationDefaultValues() -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
Override to set default values
setCreationDefaultValues() -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.DeviceMessage
Override to set default values
setCreationDefaultValues() -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.Entity
setCreationDefaultValues() -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.PointsOfInterest
setCreationDefaultValues() -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.ReportJob
Override to set default values
setCreationDefaultValues() -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.SessionStats
setCreationDefaultValues() -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.UnassignedDevices
setCreationDefaultValues() -
Method in class org.opengts.rule.tables.Rule
Override to set the default field values when creating a new record
setCreationMillis(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
Sets the millisecond creation time of this record
setCreationTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
Sets the creation time of this record
setCronIntervalSec(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.util.Cron
Sets the cron wakeup interval (in seconds).
setCrontabXMLFile(File) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.util.Cron
Sets the crontab xml file to load
setCssClass(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ColumnValue
Sets the CSS class for this ColumnValue
setCssClass(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.field.FieldData
setCssDirectory(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.PrivateLabel
Sets the CSS directory
setCssDirectory(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.WebPageAdaptor
setCSSFiles(Collection<String>) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportLayout
setCurrencyUnits(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setCurrencyUnits(Account.Currency) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
SetCurrentAccount(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
Sets the current account
setCurrentAccount(Account) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.RequestProperties
setCurrentUser(User) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
Sets the current context user
SetCurrentUser(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
Sets the current user
setCurrentUser(User) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.RequestProperties
setCustomAttribute(String, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets a specific custom attribute value
setCustomAttribute(String, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.User
setCustomAttributes(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the custom attributes for this device
setCustomAttributes(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.User
setCustomFactoryHandler(DBFactory.CustomFactoryHandler) -
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
Sets the global CustomFactoryHandler
setCustomType(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.EventTemplate
setData(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.UnassignedDevices
setData0(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.Antx
setData1(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.Antx
setData2(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.Antx
setData3(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.Antx
setData4(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.Antx
setDataKey(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Gets the data key (PIN) for this device
setDataPacket(byte[], int) -
Method in exception org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread.SSReadTimeoutException
setDataPush(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the data-push flag
setDataPushURL(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setDataRowTemplate(DataRowTemplate) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportLayout
setDataSource(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the data source for this event.
setDataType(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.SystemProps
setDataType(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
Sets the data type for this field.
(Allowed only for 'defined' fields)
setDate(TimeZone, int, int, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.DateTime
Sets the current date of this instance (time is left unchanged)
setDate(TimeZone, int, int, int, int, int, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.DateTime
Sets the current time of this instance
setDate(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.DateTime
Sets the current time of this instance
setDate(String, TimeZone) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.DateTime
Sets the current time of this instance
setDateFormat(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabel
Sets the date format for the current BasicPrivateLabel
setDateTimeFormat(String, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportLayout
setDayDistanceKM(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setDayEngineStarts(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setDayFuelIdle(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setDayFuelPTO(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setDayFuelTotal(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setDayFuelWork(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setDayIdleHours(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setDayNumber(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.DateTime.ParsedDateTime
setDayOfMonth(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.DateTime.ParsedDateTime
setDayWorkHours(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setDBRecord(DBRecord<?>) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactoryTree
Sets the DBRecord for this node
setDcsCommandHost(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the DCS Command Host assigned to this device (ie.
setDcsConfigMask(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the DCS configuration mask (usage defined by specific DCS)
setDcsConfigString(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the DCS configuration String (usage defined by specific DCS)
setDcsPropertiesID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setDcsPropertiesID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the DCS Properties ID assigned to this device (DCS Property ID)
Used by some DCS modules to select specific device configurations
setDCSPropertyID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.EventDataAnalog
Sets the DCS Property ID (for informational/debug use only)
setDDMMYY(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
Sets the day/month/year
setDebug(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.SendMail.SmtpProperties
setDebugCheckPassword(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.GeneralPasswordHandler
Sets debug logging for "checkPassword"
setDebugDumpHeaders(boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.HTMLTools
Debug: specify that header fields should be logged during "readPage_POST"/"readPage_GET"
SetDebugLogging(boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
Sets internal debug logging
SetDebugMode(boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.AbstractClientPacketHandler
Sets the global debug mode
setDebugMode(boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.RTConfig
Sets if debug mode is enabled or not
setDecodedPassword(BasicPrivateLabel, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setDecodedPassword(BasicPrivateLabel, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.User
setDecodedPassword(BasicPrivateLabel, String) -
Method in interface org.opengts.db.UserInformation
setDefault(Object) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTKey.Entry
setDefault(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.taglib.TrackTag
Sets the "default" attribute
setDefaultAccessLevel(AclEntry.AccessLevel) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.AclEntry
Sets the default access level for this AclEntry
setDefaultBaseURL(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabel
Sets the default BaseURL (ie.
setDefaultCSSFiles(Collection<String>) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportLayout
setDefaultLoginAccount(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabel
Sets the default login account name
setDefaultLoginUser(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabel
Sets the default login user name
SetDefaultMapDataFormat(int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.EventUtil
setDefaultPageDecorations(PageDecorations) -
Method in interface org.opengts.war.tools.PageDecorations
setDefaultPageDecorations(PageDecorations) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.PageDecorationsAdaptor
setDefaultPageDecorations(PageDecorations) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.PageDecorationsDefault
setDefaultPageDecorations(PageDecorations) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.PrivateLabel
Sets the default page decorations
setDefaultPasswordHandler(PasswordHandler) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setDefaultProperty(String, Object) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.RTKey
Sets the default property value of the property associated with the
specified key
setDefaultRadius() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
setDefaultSelection(ComboOption) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.ComboMap
Sets the default selected option
setDefaultStyleSheet(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportLayout
setDefaultUser(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
Sets the default login user-id
setDefaultValue(Object) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
Sets a default value for this field
Note: The data type of the specified default value is assumed to be
correct for this field type.
setDeleteAfter(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.PendingCommands
setDepartureStatusCode(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
Sets the status code to use when generating a "Depart" event.
setDepartureZone(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
Sets whether this instance can be used for departure detection.
setDescription(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerConfig
Sets the server description
setDescription(I18N.Text) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.FuelLevelProfile
Sets the Description of this FuelLevelProfile
setDescription(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes.Code
SetDescription(int, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Sets the description of the specified code
setDescription(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
Sets the description field value
setDescription(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.TreeNode
Sets the description of this TreeNode
setDescription(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportOption
Sets the String description (non-localizable)
setDescription(I18N.Text) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportOption
Sets a localizable text description for this ReportOption
setDescription(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.MapShape
setDescription(I18N.Text) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.MenuGroup
setDevice(Device) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.DeviceRecord
setDevice(Device) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.GeoEvent
Sets the Device
setDevice(Device) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.war.report.antx.AntxData
setDevice(Device) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.field.FieldData
setDevice(Device) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportDeviceList.DeviceHolder
setDevice(User, ReportDeviceList.DeviceHolder) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportDeviceList
setDeviceCode(String) -
Method in interface org.opengts.db.DataTransport
setDeviceCode(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the Device-Code (also called Server-ID) for this Device
setDeviceCode(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
setDeviceCommandAttributes(DCServerFactory.ResultCode, Device, String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerConfig.Command
setDeviceDescription(boolean, HttpServletRequest, AuthorizedUser, String, String, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.DeviceList
Set Device description/name, return DeviceStatus JSON response
setDeviceGroup(DeviceGroup) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.GroupRecord
setDeviceGroups(String[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.User
setDeviceGroups(List<String>) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.User
setDeviceGroupTitle(String, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setDeviceID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.DeviceRecord
setDeviceID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.GeoEvent
Sets the DeviceID
setDeviceID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Driver
Sets the driver associated device ID
setDeviceID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.ReportJob
Sets the assigned report Device-ID
setDeviceID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.SystemAudit
setDeviceNotifyEventsOnly(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.RequestProperties
setDeviceOdomKM(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.Entity
setDeviceTitle(String, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setDeviceType(String) -
Method in interface org.opengts.db.DataTransport
setDeviceType(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the Device-Type for this Device
setDeviceType(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
setDisplayColor(ColorTools.RGB) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the display color
setDisplayColor(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the display color
setDisplayName(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.AccountRecord
setDisplayRequest(boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.track.Track
setDisplayTimeZone(TimeZone) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.TrackStick
setDistanceKM(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the distance/trip odometer value in kilometers.
setDistanceUnits(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setDistanceUnits(Account.DistanceUnits) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setDistanceUnits(String, Locale) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setDistanceUnits(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.User
setDistanceUnits(Account.DistanceUnits) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.User
setDistanceUnits(String, Locale) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.User
setDomainName(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabel
Sets the host alias name
setDoorStateMask(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setDouble(String, double) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.war.report.antx.AntxData
setDouble(String, double) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.RTConfig
Sets the property value for the specified key
setDouble(String, double) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Sets the value of the specified property to the specified
setDouble(String, double) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.field.FieldData
setDoubleArray(String, double[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.RTConfig
Sets the long array property value for the specified key
setDoubleArray(String, double[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Sets the value of the specified property to the specified
array value
setDoubleValue(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.SystemProps
Sets the property value as a Double
setDoubleValue(String, double) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.SystemProps
setDriver(Driver) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.field.FieldData
setDriverID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the Driver-ID
setDriverID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Driver
setDriverID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the driver id
setDriverMessage(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the driver message
setDriverStatus(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the driver status
setDriverStatus(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Driver
Sets the driver/duty status
setDriverStatus(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the driver status
setDuplexConnectionProfile(byte[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.gtsdmtp.DeviceDBImpl
setDuplexMaxConn(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
OpenDMTP: Sets the maximum Duplex/TCP connections per Interval
setDuplexMaxConn(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
setDuplexMaxConnPerMin(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
OpenDMTP: Sets the maximum Duplex/TCP connections per Minute
setDuplexMaxConnPerMin(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
setDuplexProfileMask(DTProfileMask) -
Method in interface org.opengts.db.DataTransport
setDuplexProfileMask(DTProfileMask) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
OpenDMTP: Sets the Duplex/TCP connection profile mask
setDuplexProfileMask(DTProfileMask) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
setDutyStatus(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Driver
Sets the duty status
setEconomyUnits(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setEconomyUnits(Account.EconomyUnits) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setEconomyUnits(String, Locale) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setEditMode(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
Sets the edit mode for this field
setELogEnabled(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
Sets the "ELog/HOS Enabled" state for this Account
setELogEnabled(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the "ELog/HOS Enabled" state for this Device
setELogPassword(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
Sets the ELog/HOS password
setELogUsername(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
Sets the ELog/HOS username
setEMailAddress(String, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabel
Sets the default EMail 'From' addresses
setEmailAddresses(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportConstraints
setEmailProperties(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setEmailRecipient(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the email recipient
setEmailRTProperties(RTProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setEmailSubject(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.rule.tables.Rule
Sets the notification text used for the EMail "subject"
setEmailText(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.rule.tables.Rule
Sets the notification text used for the EMail "body"
setEnableDemo(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabel
Sets the 'demo' mode for this BasicPrivateLabel
setEnableDemo(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.RequestProperties
setEnableSSL(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.SendMail.SmtpProperties
setEnableTLS(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.SendMail.SmtpProperties
setEncodedPassword(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setEncodedPassword(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.User
setEncodeEMailHTML(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.RequestProperties
setEncoding(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Print
Sets the character encoding for the Printed text output
setEngineHours(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the engine hours
setEngineHours(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.GPSEvent
setEngineHoursOffset(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the displayed engine-hours offset
setEngineLoad(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the engine load (percent)
setEngineOnHours(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the engine hours since last engine on
setEngineRpm(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the engine RPM
setEngineTemp(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the engine temperature (C)
setEngineTorque(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the engine torque
setEntityID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setEntityManager(EntityManager) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the EntityManager
setEntityTitle(String, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setEntityType(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the Entity type
setEntityType(EntityManager.EntityType) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the Entity type
setEntityType(String, Locale) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the Entity type
setEntityType(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.Entity
setEntityType(EntityManager.EntityType) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.Entity
setEntityType(String, Locale) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.Entity
setEnvironmentVariablesEnabled(boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.RTConfig
Sets if system environment variables will be loaded on next
setEquipmentStatus(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the equipment status
setEquipmentType(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the equipment type
setError() -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
Sets the error state
setError(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
Sets the error state with a description
setEtaDistanceKM(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the ETA distance in kilometers
setEtaGeoPoint(GeoPoint) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the ETA GeoPoint
setEtaLatitude(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the ETA Latitude
setEtaLongitude(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the ETA Longitude
setEtaTimestamp(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the ETA timestamp in Unix/Epoch time
setEtaUniqueID(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the ETA unique-id
setEventCode(Object) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
Sets the event-code
setEventCodeEnabled(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerConfig
Sets the "Event Code Map Enable" config
setEventCodeMap(Map<Object, DCServerConfig.EventCode>) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerConfig
Sets the EventCodeMap
setEventDataAnalogField(int, EventData, double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerConfig
Converts/Sets the EventData field value
setEventDataAnalogField(DCServerConfig, int, EventData, double) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerConfig
Converts/Sets the EventData field value
setEventDateFrom(DateTime) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.RequestProperties
setEventDateTo(DateTime) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.RequestProperties
setEventIndex(int) -
Method in interface org.opengts.db.EventDataProvider
setEventIndex(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.EventDataProviderAdapter
setEventIndex(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the Event index (used for reporting)
setEventIndex(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.GPSEvent
setEventIndex(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.field.FieldData.FieldEventDataProvider
setEventLimit(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.RequestProperties
setEventLimitType(EventData.LimitType) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.RequestProperties
setEventLimitType(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.RequestProperties
setEventNotificationEMail(String, I18N.Text, I18N.Text, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabel
Sets the event notification Email attributes
setEventsReceived(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.SessionStats
setExpectAck(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the expected ACK state
setExpectAck(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
setExpectAckCode(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the expected ACK status code, or '0' if any code should match
setExpirationTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setExpirationTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the expiration time of this Device (in Unix Epoch time format)
setExpireTimestamp(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.DeviceMessage
Sets the time that the message expires
setFactory(DBFactory) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
Sets the parent table DBFactory for this field
setFailoverReverseGeocodeProvider(ReverseGeocodeProvider) -
Method in interface org.opengts.geocoder.ReverseGeocodeProvider
Sets the failover ReverseGeocodeProvider
setFailoverReverseGeocodeProvider(ReverseGeocodeProvider) -
Method in class org.opengts.geocoder.ReverseGeocodeProviderAdapter
Sets the failover ReverseGeocodeProvider
setFaultCode(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the fault code string
setFaultCode_OBDII(String[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the OBDII fault codes
setFeatureSet(String) -
Method in interface org.opengts.db.DataTransport
setFeatureSet(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the feature set of this Device
setFeatureSet(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
setField(int, DTTemplate.Field) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtypes.DTTemplate
Sets the field at the specified index
setFieldDefaultValue(String, Object) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
Set the field default value.
setFieldID(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.Antx
setFieldMask(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
setFieldNames(String...) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.EventDataAnalog
Sets the EventData field name
setFields(String[]) -
Method in interface org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory.InsertionValidator
setFieldValue(String, Object) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.GeoEvent
Sets a field value
setFieldValue(String, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.GeoEvent
Sets a Integer field value
setFieldValue(String, long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.GeoEvent
Sets a Long field value
setFieldValue(String, double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.GeoEvent
Sets a Double field value
setFieldValue(String, Object) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFieldValues
Sets the value for the specified field name
setFieldValue(String, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFieldValues
Sets the value for the specified field name
setFieldValue(String, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFieldValues
Sets the value for the specified field name
setFieldValue(String, long) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFieldValues
Sets the value for the specified field name
setFieldValue(String, float) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFieldValues
Sets the value for the specified field name
setFieldValue(String, double) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFieldValues
Sets the value for the specified field name
setFieldValue(String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFieldValues
Sets the value for the specified field name
setFieldValue(String, byte[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFieldValues
Sets the value for the specified field name
setFieldValue(String, DateTime) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFieldValues
Sets the value for the specified field name
setFieldValue(String, Object) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
Sets the value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'setter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass,
and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
setFieldValue(String, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
Sets the String value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'setter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass,
and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
setFieldValue(String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
Sets the boolean value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'setter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass,
and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
setFieldValue(String, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
Sets the int value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'setter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass,
and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
setFieldValue(String, long) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
Sets the long value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'setter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass,
and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
setFieldValue(String, float) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
Sets the float value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'setter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass,
and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
setFieldValue(String, double) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
Sets the double value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'setter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass,
and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
setFieldValue(String, Object) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecordKey
setFieldValue(String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecordKey
setFieldValue(String, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecordKey
setFieldValue(String, long) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecordKey
setFieldValue(String, double) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecordKey
setFieldValue(String, Object) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.GPSEvent
setFieldValue(String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.GPSEvent
setFieldValue(String, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.GPSEvent
setFieldValue(String, long) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.GPSEvent
setFieldValue(String, double) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.GPSEvent
setFieldValue(String, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.GPSEvent
setFieldValues(Map<String, String>, boolean, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFieldValues
Sets the specified field values from the specified ResultSet.
setFieldValues(DBFieldValues, boolean, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFieldValues
Sets the specified field values from the specified ResultSet.
setFile(String, File) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.RTConfig
Sets the File property value for the specified key
setFile(String, File) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Sets the value of the specified property to the specified File
setFillColor(Color) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.PushpinIcon.TextIcon
setFirstLoginPageID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.User
setFirstUpperCase(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
Sets the first character of the beginning of each new word in the specified
String to upper-case, and sets the remaining characters in each word to lower-case.
setFixedAddress(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the address for the fixed location for this device
setFixedContactPhone(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the phone number for the fixed location for this device
setFixedLatitude(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the fixed latitude for this device
setFixedLongitude(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the fixed longitude for this device
setFixedServiceTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the last time this fixed location was serviced
setFixType(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
Sets the fix type
setFleet(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.war.track.page.FullMap
setFleet(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.RequestProperties
setFleet(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.TrackMap
setFloat(String, float) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.RTConfig
Sets the property value for the specified key
setFloat(String, float) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Sets the value of the specified property to the specified
setFloatArray(String, float[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Sets the value of the specified property to the specified
array value
setFloatValue(float) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.SystemProps
Sets the property value as a Float
setFloatValue(String, float) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.SystemProps
setFontStyle(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.CssStyle
Sets the text font style ("font-style:")
setFontStyle(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ColumnValue
Sets the text font style ("font-style:")
setFontStyleItalic() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.CssStyle
Sets the text font style to "italic"
setFontStyleItalic() -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ColumnValue
Sets the text font style to "italic"
setFontWeight(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.CssStyle
Sets the text font weight ("font-weight:")
setFontWeight(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ColumnValue
Sets the text font weight ("font-weight:")
setFontWeightBold() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.CssStyle
Sets the text font weight to "bold"
setFontWeightBold() -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ColumnValue
Sets the text font weight to "bold"
setForegroundColor(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.StatusCode
Sets the String represntation of the foreground color
setForegroundColor(ColorTools.RGB) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.StatusCode
Sets the ColorTools.RGB represntation of the foreground color
setForegroundColor(ColorTools.RGB) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.CssStyle
Sets the text foregound color
setForegroundColor(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.CssStyle
Sets the text foregound color
setForegroundColor(ColorTools.RGB) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ColumnValue
Sets the text foregound color
setForegroundColor(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ColumnValue
Sets the text foregound color
setForegroundColor(Color) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.PushpinIcon.TextIcon
setFormat(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
Sets the 'format' String attribute
setFormatIndent(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.JSON._Array
Set format indent state
setFormatIndent(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.JSON._Object
Set format indent state
setFuelCapacity(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the tank Fuel Capacity, in Liters
setFuelCostPerLiter(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
Sets the Fuel cost per Liter
setFuelCostPerLiter(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the Fuel cost per Liter
setFuelEconomy(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the approximate Fuel Economy, in Km/Liter
setFuelEconomy(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the instantaneous fuel economy
setFuelEngineOn(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the fuel used since last engine-on
setFuelIdle(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the idle fuel used
setFuelLevel(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the fuel level
setFuelLevel2(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the fuel level in the alternate/second tank
setFuelManager(FuelManager) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the FuelManager
setFuelPressure(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the fuel pressure
setFuelPTO(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the PTO fuel used
setFuelRatePerHour(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the approximate Fuel Consumption Rate in Litres/Hour
setFuelRemain(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the fuel remaining in the tank (in Litres)
setFuelTankProfile(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the Fuel tank profile
setFuelTemp(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the fuel temperature
setFuelTotal(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the total fuel used
setFuelTotal(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.GPSEvent
setFuelTrip(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the trip fuel used
setFuelUsage(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the fuel usage (rate of use) in Litres/Hour
setFullAddress(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.geocoder.ReverseGeocode
Sets the full address
setGain(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.EventDataAnalog
Sets the Gain
setGender(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.User
setGender(User.Gender) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.User
setGender(String, Locale) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.User
setGeocoderMode(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setGeocoderMode(Account.GeocoderMode) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setGeocoderMode(String, Locale) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setGeoPoint(double, double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.GeoEvent
Sets the GeoPoint
setGeoPoint(GeoPoint) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.GeoEvent
Sets the GeoPoint
setGeoPoint(double, double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the latitude/longitude for this event
setGeoPoint(GeoPoint) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the latitude/longitude for this event instance
setGeoPoint(double, double) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.Entity
setGeoPoint(GeoPoint) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.Entity
setGeoPoint(GeoPoint) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.GPSEvent
setGeoPoint(GeoPoint) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
Sets the lat/lon as a GeoPoint
setGeoPoint(double, double) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
Sets the lat/lon as a GeoPoint
setGeoPoint(String, GeoPoint) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.field.FieldData
setGeoPoints(List<GeoPoint>) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
setGeoPoints(GeoPoint[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
setGeozone(Geozone) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.GeoEvent
Sets the Geozone
setGeozone(Geozone) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the Geozone, and GeozoneID
setGeozone(Geozone) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.GPSEvent
setGeozoneID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.GeoEvent
Sets the GeozoneID
setGeozoneID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the GeozoneID
setGeozoneID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
Sets the geozoneID key
setGeozoneID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.GPSEvent
setGeozoneIndex(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the Geozone index provided by the device
setGlobalResourceValue(String, String, String, Object) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Resource
Creates/Sets a global resource (owned by the "sysadmin" account)
setGpsAge(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setGpsAge(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.GPSEvent
setGpsAge(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
Sets the GPS age
setGpsFixStatus(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setGpsFixType(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the GPS fix type
setGpsFixType(EventData.GPSFixType) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the GPS fix type
setGpsFixType(String, Locale) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the GPS fix type
setGraphImageURL(URIArg) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportData
Sets the Graph image URL
setGroup(DeviceGroup) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.DeviceList
setGroupID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.GroupRecord
setGroupID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the user informational Group ID
(user informational only, not used by DeviceGroup)
(currently used in various ReportLayout subclasses)
setGroupID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
setGroupID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.ReportJob
Sets the assigned report Group-ID
setGroupType(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.DeviceGroup
setHasParsingErrors() -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory.ReportFactoryVars
setHasParsingWarnings() -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory.ReportFactoryVars
setHDOP(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setHDOP(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.GPSEvent
setHDOP(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
Sets the HDOP value
setHeader(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RemoteLogServer
Sets the header to use for remote access
setHeaderSubtitle(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportSpreadsheet
setHeaderTitle(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportSpreadsheet
setHeading(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.GeoEvent
Sets the Heading
setHeading(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setHeading(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.GPSEvent
setHeading(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
Sets the heading value, in degrees
setHeight(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.PixelDimension
Sets the height of the pixel
setHexInt(String, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Sets the property to the specified int
value as a hex String value
setHexInt(String, int, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Sets the property to the specified int
value as a hex String value
setHexLong(String, long) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Sets the property to the specified long
value as a hex String
setHexLong(String, long, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Sets the property to the specified long
value as a hex String
setHHMMSS(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
Sets the hours/minutes/seconds
setHidden(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.AclEntry
Sets the 'hidden' state of this AclEntry
setHierarchy(String[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.HierarchyRecord
setHierarchyKey(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.HierarchyRecord
setHighPriority(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes.Code
setHorzAccuracy(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setHorzAccuracy(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.GPSEvent
setHost(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.SendMail.SmtpProperties
setHost(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.URIArg
Sets the 'host'
setHostName(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabel
Sets the primary host name associated with this BasicPrivateLabel
setHour24(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.DateTime.ParsedDateTime
setHoursOfOperation(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the HoursOfOperation for this device
setHoursOfOperation(RTProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the HoursOfOperation for this device
setHoursOfOperation(WorkHours) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the HoursOfOperation for this device
setHttpServletRequest(HttpServletRequest) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.RequestProperties
setHttpServletResponse(HttpServletResponse) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.RequestProperties
setHttpUserAgent(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.HTMLTools
Sets the HTTP "User-Agent" value to use for HTTP requests.
setI18NTextProperty(String, I18N.Text) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabel
Sets the property I18N value for the specified key
setIconName(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes.Code
SetIconName(int, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
setIconName(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
setIconName(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.StatusCode
Sets the Icon name
setIconName(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.PointsOfInterest
setIconSelector(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.StatusCode
Sets the Icon RuleFactory selector.
setIconSelector(boolean, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.MapProviderAdapter
Sets this MapProvider's icon selector
setIconSelectorLegend(boolean, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.MapProviderAdapter
Sets this MapProvider's icon selector legend html
setID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.FuelLevelProfile
Gets the ID of this FuelLevelProfile
setIdleHours(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the engine idle hours
setIdleTimeout(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread
Sets the idle timeout in milliseconds
setIf(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.taglib.RTConfigTag
Sets the "if" attribute
setIfDefined(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.taglib.RTConfigTag
Sets the "ifDefined" attribute
setIfElse(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.taglib.RTConfigTag
Sets the "ifElseKey" attribute
setIfElseKey(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.taglib.RTConfigTag
Sets the "ifElseKey" attribute
setIfFalse(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.taglib.RTConfigTag
Sets the "ifFalse" attribute
setIfKey(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.taglib.RTConfigTag
Sets the "ifKey" attribute
setIfTrue(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.taglib.RTConfigTag
Sets the "ifTrue" attribute
setIgnitionIndex(int) -
Method in interface org.opengts.db.DataTransport
setIgnitionIndex(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the bit index for the inputMask ignition state indicator.
setIgnitionIndex(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
setIgnoreCase(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.OrderedMap
Sets the case-insensitive key-lookup mode
setIgnoreChar(int[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread
Sets the characters to ignore
setIgnoreInvalidFields(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFieldValues
Sets the state for ignoring invalid field names.
setIgnoreInvalidFields(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
Sets the state for ignoring invalid field names.
setIgnoreInvalidGpsFlag(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
Sets whether the A|V (valid|invalid) GPS location flag should be ignored.
Setting to "true" is not recommended as invalid GPS locations may be returned.
setIgnoreKeyCase(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Sets whether key-case is to be ignored on propery lookups.
setIgnoreMissingReports(boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
setImageURL(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ColumnValue
Sets the image URL
setImageURL(URIArg) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ColumnValue
Sets the image URL
setImageURL(String, PixelDimension) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ColumnValue
Sets the image URL
setImeiNumber(String) -
Method in interface org.opengts.db.DataTransport
setImeiNumber(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Gets the IMEI# (or ESN) for this device.
setImeiNumber(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
setImmutable() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.GeoPoint
Set this GeoPoint as Immutable
setImpactData(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the impact data
setImpactDataIndex(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the impact data index
setImpactDataPeriod(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the impact data period.
setImpactDataStatus(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the impact data status
setImpactDataType(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the impact data type
setIncludePacketLineTerminator(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread
Sets whether the line terminator character should be included in the returned packets
setIncludesEnabled(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Sets Configuration log messages (ie.
setIncludeStackFrame(int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Print
Sets the "includeStackFrame" state.
setInputMask(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setInputMask(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.GPSEvent
setInstallTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the install time of this Device (in Unix Epoch time format)
setInstrumentation(Instrumentation) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.OSTools
Sets the Instrumentation instance.
setInsuranceExpire(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the insurance expiration date as a DayNumber value
setInsuranceExpire(int, int, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the insurance expiration date
setInsuranceExpire(DayNumber) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the insurance expiration date as a DayNumber instance
setInt(String, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.war.report.antx.AntxData
setInt(String, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.RTConfig
Sets the property value for the specified key
setInt(String, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Sets the value of the property to the specified int
setInt(String, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.field.FieldData
setIntakeTemp(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the intake temperature (C)
setIntArray(String, int[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.RTConfig
Sets the int array property value for the specified key
setIntArray(String, int[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Sets the property to the specified int
array value
setIntervalTag(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.ReportJob
Sets the reporting interval
setIntValue(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.SystemProps
Sets the property value as an Integer
setIntValue(String, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.SystemProps
setIpAddress(DTIPAddress) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.SessionStats
setIpAddress(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.SessionStats
setIpAddress(DTIPAddress) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.SystemAudit
setIpAddress(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.SystemAudit
setIpAddress(DTIPAddress) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.UnassignedDevices
setIpAddress(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.UnassignedDevices
setIPAddress(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.RequestProperties
setIpAddressCurrent(String) -
Method in interface org.opengts.db.DataTransport
setIpAddressCurrent(DTIPAddress) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the last known IP address used by the Device
setIpAddressCurrent(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the last known IP address used by the Device
setIpAddressCurrent(DTIPAddress) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
setIpAddressCurrent(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
setIpAddressLocal(DTIPAddress) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the local IP address to which this device sent its latest packet
setIpAddressLocal(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the local IP address to which this device sent its latest packet
setIpAddressValid(DTIPAddrList) -
Method in interface org.opengts.db.DataTransport
setIpAddressValid(DTIPAddrList) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the valid assigned IP address/mask for this Device
(used for validating incoming IP addresses used by this Device)
setIpAddressValid(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the valid assigned IP address/mask for this Device
(used for validating incoming IP addresses used by this Device)
setIpAddressValid(DTIPAddrList) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
setIpAddressValid(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
setIsAccountManager(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setIsActive(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.AccountRecord
setIsAttached(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.Entity
setIsBorderCrossing(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setIsCronRule(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.rule.tables.Rule
Sets the "isCronRule" field value
setIsDriving(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtypes.DTELogState
Sets the driving state
setIsDuplex(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.SessionStats
setIsDuplex(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.UnassignedDevices
setIsError(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.Diagnostic
setIsLastEvent(boolean) -
Method in interface org.opengts.db.EventDataProvider
setIsLastEvent(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.EventDataProviderAdapter
setIsLastEvent(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the last event state for this event
setIsLastEvent(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.GPSEvent
setIsLastEvent(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.field.FieldData.FieldEventDataProvider
setIsTollRoad(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setIsTollRoad(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.geocoder.ReverseGeocode
Sets the toll-road state
setIsTollRoad(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.geocoder.ReverseGeocode
Sets the toll-road state
setItemID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.HierarchyRecord
setJ1708Fault(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the OBD(DTC)/J1708 fault code (encoded)
setJMXObjectName(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServiceRequest
Sets the JMX service object name
setJobLatitude(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the Job latitude
setJobLocation(GeoPoint, double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the Job location
setJobLongitude(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the Job longitude
setJobNumber(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the Job number
setJobNumber(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the job number
setJobRadius(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the Job radius, in meters
setJSPMap(Map<String, PrivateLabel.JSPEntry>) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.PrivateLabel
Sets the JSPEntry map
setJspURI(String) -
Method in interface org.opengts.war.tools.PageDecorations
setJspURI(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.PageDecorationsAdaptor
setJspURI(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.PageDecorationsDefault
setJspURI(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.WebPageAdaptor
setKeyReplacementMode(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Sets the key replacement mode
setKeys(Collection<URIArg.KeyVal>) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.URIArg
Sets the argument keys in this URI
setKeyValue(String, Object) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
Sets the value for the specified key.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'setter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass,
and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
setKeyValue(String, Object) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecordKey
setKeyValue(String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecordKey
setKeyValue(String, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecordKey
setKeyValue(String, long) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecordKey
setKeyValue(String, double) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecordKey
setKeyValueSeparatorChar(char) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Sets the character used to seperate key/value pairs.
setKeyValueSeparatorChars(char[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Sets the characters used to seperate key/value pairs.
setKmlURL(URIArg) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportData
Sets the Google KML URL
setLabel(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.TemperatureSet
Sets the temperature data set label
setLastAckCommand(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the last ACK command sent to the device
setLastAckCommand(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
setLastAckResponse(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the last ACK response
setLastAckTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the last ACK time (if supported)
setLastAckTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
setLastBatteryLevel(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the last battery level recieved
setLastBorderCrossTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the last calculated Border-Crossing time (Unix Epoch format)
setLastCaughtSQLException(SQLException) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
Sets the last caught SQLException
setLastCellServingInfo(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the last received serving cell-tower information
setLastConnectTime(long, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the last UDP/TCP connection time
setLastDataPushTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setLastDataPushTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the last data push time
setLastDataRequestTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setLastDistanceKM(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the last distance value
setLastDistanceKM(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtypes.DTELogState
Sets the distance travelled, in Kilometers
setLastDistanceMI(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtypes.DTELogState
Sets the distance travelled, in Miles
setLastDuplexConnectionTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.gtsdmtp.DeviceDBImpl
setLastDuplexConnectTime(long) -
Method in interface org.opengts.db.DataTransport
setLastDuplexConnectTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the last Duplex/TCP connection time
setLastDuplexConnectTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
setLastELogState(DTELogState) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the last HOS pata push time
setLastEngineHours(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the last engine-hours received
setLastEngineOffTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the last engine off time received
setLastEngineOnHours(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the engine-hours at the last engine-on time
setLastEngineOnTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the last engine on time received
setLastEventCreateMillis(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the Last Event Creation time, in milliseconds
setLastEventData(EventData) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtypes.DTELogState
Set Last timestamp and status-code per specified EventData instance
setLastEventsPerSecond(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the last estimated events-per-second
setLastEventsPerSecondMS(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the last event-per-second timestamp (milliseconds)
setLastEventTime(DateTime) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.RequestProperties
setLastEventTimestamp(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the last event timestamp
setLastFaultCode(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the last fault codes
setLastFuelLevel(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the last fuel level recieved
setLastFuelTotal(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the last fuel total recieved
setLastGeoPoint(GeoPoint) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtypes.DTELogState
Sets the last GeoPoint.
setLastGPSTimestamp(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the last valid GPS timestamp
setLastIgnitionHours(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the last ignition hours received.
setLastIgnitionOffTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the last ignition off time received
setLastIgnitionOnHours(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the ignition hours at the last ignition-on.
setLastIgnitionOnTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the last ignition on time received
setLastInputState(long) -
Method in interface org.opengts.db.DataTransport
setLastInputState(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the bit mask of the last digital input received
setLastInputState(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
setLastLoginTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setLastLoginTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.User
setLastLoginTime(long) -
Method in interface org.opengts.db.UserInformation
setLastMalfunctionLamp(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the last Malfuntion Indicator Lamp (MIL) state
setLastNotifyCode(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the Last Notification Status-Code for this Device
setLastNotifyEvent(long, String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the event information for the last rule-triggered notification
setLastNotifyEvent(EventData, String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the event information for the last rule-triggered notification
setLastNotifyRule(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the Rule-ID which triggered the Last Notification for this Device
setLastNotifyTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the Last Notification time for this Device (in Unix Epoch time format)
setLastOdometerKM(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the last odometer value
setLastOilLevel(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the last oil level recieved
setLastOutputState(long) -
Method in interface org.opengts.db.DataTransport
setLastOutputState(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the bit mask of the last digital output received
setLastOutputState(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
setLastPingTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the time of the last command sent to the device
setLastPingTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
setLastRecordKey(DBRecordKey<gDBR>) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBSelect
Sets the DBRecordKey of the last record retrieved by this DBSelect.
Called by DBRecordIterator to allow subclasses of this DBSelect to adjust
the selection criteria if necessary.
setLastReportTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.ReportJob
Sets the time of the last generated report
setLastServiceTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the last service time
setLastServingCellTower(CellTower) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the last received serving cell-tower information
setLastStartTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the last Start time
setLastStatusCode(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtypes.DTELogState
Sets the last status-code
setLastStopTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the last stopped time received.
setLastSubdivision(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the last valid subdivision/state
setLastTcpSessionID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the last TCP session ID
setLastTimestamp(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtypes.DTELogState
Sets the last timestamp
setLastTotalConnectionTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.gtsdmtp.DeviceDBImpl
setLastTotalConnectTime(long) -
Method in interface org.opengts.db.DataTransport
setLastTotalConnectTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the last UDP/TCP connection time
setLastTotalConnectTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
setLastUpdateAccount(String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
Sets the last update account if the 'lastUpdateAccount' field has been defined for this DBRecord,
otherwise this method will have no effect.
setLastUpdateTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
Sets the last update time of this record
setLastUpdateUser(String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
Sets the last update user if the 'lastUpdateUser' field has been defined for this DBRecord,
otherwise this method will have no effect.
setLastValidHeading(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the last valid heading
setLastValidLatitude(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Gets the last known valid latitude for this Device
setLastValidLongitude(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the last known valid longitude for this Device
setLastValidSpeedKPH(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the last valid speed
setLatitude(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.GeoEvent
Sets the latitude
setLatitude(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the latitude for this event
setLatitude(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.Entity
setLatitude(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.PointsOfInterest
setLatitude(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.UnassignedDevices
setLatitude(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.GPSEvent
setLatitude(double, double, double) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.GeoPoint
Sets the Latitude in degrees/minutes/seconds
setLatitude(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.GeoPoint
Sets the Latitude in degrees
setLatitude1(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
setLatitude2(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
setLatitude3(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
setLatitude4(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
setLatitude5(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
setLatitude6(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
setLatitude7(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
setLatitude8(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
setLatLonFormat(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setLatLonFormat(Account.LatLonFormat) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setLatLonFormat(String, Locale) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setLeaseAllowedDistKM(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the allowed distance over the term of the lease
setLeaseContractID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the lease contract id/number
setLeaseEndDate(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the lease ending day number
setLeaseEndDate(int, int, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the lease ending date
setLeaseEndDate(DayNumber) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the lease ending day number
setLeaseStartDate(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the lease starting day number
setLeaseStartDate(int, int, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the lease starting date
setLeaseStartDate(DayNumber) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the lease starting day number
setLeaseStartOdomKM(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the starting odometer at the beginning of the lease
setLength(int, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerConfig.CommandArg
setLevel(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.HierarchyRecord
setLicenseExpire(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the license/registration expiration date as a DayNumber value
setLicenseExpire(int, int, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the license/registration expiration date
setLicenseExpire(DayNumber) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the license/registration expiration date as a DayNumber instance
setLicenseExpire(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Driver
Sets the license expiration date as a DayNumber value
setLicenseExpire(int, int, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Driver
Sets the license expiration date
setLicenseExpire(DayNumber) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Driver
Sets the license expiration date as a DayNumber instance
setLicenseNumber(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Driver
setLicensePlate(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the Vehicle License Plate
setLicenseType(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Driver
setLightsStateMask(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setLimit(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecordIterator
Sets the limit block size
setLimit(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBSelect
Sets the LIMIT for this DBSelect
setLimitTimeInterval(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtypes.DTProfileMask
setLineTerminatorChar(char) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ClientSocketThread
Sets the line terminator character for "socketWriteLine"
setLineTerminatorChar(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread
Sets the line terminator character
setLineTerminatorChar(int[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread
Sets the line terminator characters
setLingerTimeoutSec(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread
Sets the linger timeout in seconds
setLinkDescription(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the Link-Description for this Device
setLinkURL(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the Link-URL for this Device
setLinkURL(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ColumnValue
Sets the link URL
setLinkURL(URIArg) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ColumnValue
Sets the link URL
setLinkURL(String, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ColumnValue
Sets the link URL
setLinkURL(URIArg, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ColumnValue
Sets the link URL
setListenBacklog(int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread
Sets the listen backlog for all created ServerSocket's
setListenPortCurrent(int) -
Method in interface org.opengts.db.DataTransport
setListenPortCurrent(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the last known listen port used by the Device
setListenPortCurrent(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
setLittleEndian() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
Sets the byte ordering of the payload to "Little-Endian"
Also called "LSB first", ...
setLocale(Locale) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.BufferedHttpServletResponse
setLocaleString(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabel
Sets the locale String code for this BasicPrivateLabel
setLocaleString(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.RequestProperties
Sets the locale String code for this Session
setLocationAreaCode(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
SetLogEventDataInsertion(int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
setLogFile(File) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Print
Sets the output log file
setLoggingEnabled(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread
Sets the logging enabled flag.
setLogHeaderLevel(int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Print
Sets the log header level.
setLoginRequired(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.WebPageAdaptor
setLogLevel(int, boolean, boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Print
Sets the log level and some other log settings.
setLogLevel(int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Print
Sets the log level.
setLogMissingColumnWarnings(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
Sets the state for logging warnings for missing table columns
setLogStream(PrintStream) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Print
Sets the override PrintStream used for logging
setLong(String, long) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.war.report.antx.AntxData
setLong(String, long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.RTConfig
Sets the property value for the specified key
setLong(String, long) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Sets the property to the specified long
setLong(String, long) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.field.FieldData
setLongArray(String, long[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.RTConfig
Sets the long array property value for the specified key
setLongArray(String, long[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Sets the property to the specified long
array value
setLongitude(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.GeoEvent
Sets the longitude
setLongitude(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the longitude for this event
setLongitude(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.Entity
setLongitude(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.PointsOfInterest
setLongitude(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.UnassignedDevices
setLongitude(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.GPSEvent
setLongitude(double, double, double) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.GeoPoint
Sets the Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds
setLongitude(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.GeoPoint
Sets the Longitude in degrees
setLongitude1(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
setLongitude2(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
setLongitude3(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
setLongitude4(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
setLongitude5(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
setLongitude6(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
setLongitude7(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
setLongitude8(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
setLongValue(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.SystemProps
Sets the property value as a Long
setLongValue(String, long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.SystemProps
setM(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.Point
SetMACProvider(MACProvider) -
Static method in class org.opengts.geocoder.google.GoogleSig
setMagneticVariation(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
Sets the magnetic variation in degrees
setMaintEngHoursHR0(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the maintenance engine-hours elapsed for index #0
setMaintIntervalHR0(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the maintenance engine-hours interval for index #0
setMaintIntervalKM0(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the maintenance interval for index #0
setMaintIntervalKM1(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the maintenance interval for index #1
setMaintNotes(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the maintenance notes
setMaintOdometerKM0(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the maintenance odometer for index #0
setMaintOdometerKM1(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the maintenance odometer for index #1
setMaintTriggeredKM(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the index of the first triggered device maintenance.
(Used for Rule '$MAINTKM' trigger state caching)
setMalfunctionLamp(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the Malfunction-Indicator-Lamp state
setManagerID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setMapIconSelector(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportData
Sets the map icon selector
setMapIconSelector(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
setMapLegend(boolean, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setMapLegend(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the map legend (currently not used)
setMapLegend(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.DeviceGroup
setMapLegendDevice(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setMapLegendGroup(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setMapProvider(MapProvider) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.RequestProperties
setMapShapes(List<MapShape>) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.PrivateLabel
Sets the global MapShapes
setMapURL(URIArg) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportData
Sets the Map URL
setMassAirFlowRate(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the mass air flow rate (g/sec)
setMaxAccessLevel(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.User
setMaxAccessLevel(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.User
setMaxAccessLevel(AclEntry.AccessLevel) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.User
setMaxAllowedEvents(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
OpenDMTP: Sets the maximum allowed OpenDMTP events
setMaxAllowedEvents(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
setMaxIdleMS(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ThreadPool
Sets the maximum number of milliseconds that a thread is allowed to remain idle
before it self terminates.
setMaxIdleSec(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ThreadPool
Sets the maximum number of seconds that a thread is allowed to remain idle
before it self-terminates.
setMaxIdleSec(RTKey, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ThreadPool
Sets the maximum number of seconds that a thread is allowed to remain idle
before it self-terminates.
setMaximumAgeMS(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.geocoder.ReverseGeocodeCache
Sets the maximum entry age, in milliseconds
setMaximumCacheSize(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.util.MemCache.MemCacheMap
setMaximumCacheSize(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.util.MemCache
Sets the maximum cache size
setMaximumCacheSize(int) -
Method in interface org.opengts.extra.util.MemCacheAPI
Sets the maximum cache size
setMaximumClientThreadPoolSize(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread
Sets the maximum client thread pool size
setMaximumDevices(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setMaximumEntryAgeMS(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.util.MemCache.MemCacheMap
setMaximumEntryAgeMS(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.util.MemCache
Sets the maximum age of a cached entry (in milliseconds)
setMaximumPacketLength(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread
Sets the maximum packet length
setMaximumSize(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.geocoder.ReverseGeocodeCache
Sets the maximum cache size
setMaxLatitude(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
Sets the geozone bounding maximum latitude
setMaxLatitude(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.GeoBounds
Sets the maximum latitude
setMaxLongitude(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
Sets the geozone bounding maximum longitude
setMaxLongitude(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.GeoBounds
Sets the maximum longitude
setMaxPassengers(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the maximum number of passengers
setMaxPingCount(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setMaxPingCount(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the maximum number of commands that can be sent to the device
setMaxPingCount(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
setMaxPoolSize(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ThreadPool
Sets the maximum size of this thread pool
setMaxPoolSize(RTKey, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ThreadPool
Sets the maximum size of this thread pool
setMaxQueueSize(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ThreadPool
Sets the maximum allowed number of waiting jobs (in "jobQueue")
setMaxQueueSize(RTKey, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ThreadPool
Sets the maximum allowed number of waiting jobs (in "jobQueue")
setMenuButtonAltImage(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.WebPageAdaptor
setMenuButtonImage(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.WebPageAdaptor
setMenuDescription(I18N.Text) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.WebPageAdaptor
setMenuGroup(MenuGroup) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.WebPageAdaptor
setMenuGroupMap(Map<String, MenuGroup>) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.PrivateLabel
Sets the MenuGroup map
setMenuHelp(I18N.Text) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.WebPageAdaptor
setMenuIconImage(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.WebPageAdaptor
setMessage(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.DeviceMessage
Sets the message
setMessageID(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the MESSAGE id
setMessageID(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.DeviceMessage
Sets the MessageID as a long value
setMessageID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.DeviceMessage
Sets the MessageID
setMessageSender(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.DeviceMessage
Sets the message sender
setMessageStatus(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the MESSAGE Status
setMessageTimestamp(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the MESSAGE time
setMessageTitle(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.DeviceMessage
Sets the message title
setMessageType(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.DeviceMessage
Sets the enumerated message type
setMessageType(DeviceMessage.MessageType) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.DeviceMessage
Sets the enumerated message type
setMinimumPacketLength(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread
Sets the minimum packet length
setMinimuTimeoutIntervalMS(int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread
Sets the minimum timeout interval used for calling the ClientPacketHandler method
setMinLatitude(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
Sets the geozone bounding minimum latitude
setMinLatitude(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.GeoBounds
Sets the minimum latitude
setMinLongitude(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
Sets the geozone bounding minimum longitude
setMinLongitude(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.GeoBounds
Sets the minimum longitude
setMinNotifyAge(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.rule.tables.Rule
Sets the minimum notification age
setMinute(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.DateTime.ParsedDateTime
setMinuteOfDay(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.DateTime.ParsedDateTime
setMobileCountryCode(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setMobileID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.GeoEvent
Sets the MobileID
setMobileID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.UnassignedDevices
setMobileID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
Sets the mobile-id
setMobileNetworkCode(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setModemID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the preextracted Mobile-ID for this device
setMonth1(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.DateTime.ParsedDateTime
setName(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerConfig
Sets the server name/id
setName(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.SMSOutboundGateway
setName(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFieldValues
Sets the name of this instance
setName(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.geocoder.GeocodeProviderAdapter
Sets the name of this GeocodeProvider
setName(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.geocoder.ReverseGeocodeProviderAdapter
Sets the name of this ReverseGeocodeProvider
setName(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.GeoPolygon
Sets the name of the polygon
setName(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Sets the name of this instance
setName(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.TreeNode
Sets the name of this TreeNode
setName(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.MapShape
setName(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.MenuGroup
setNavigationDescription(I18N.Text) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.WebPageAdaptor
setNavigationTab(I18N.Text) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.WebPageAdaptor
setNeighborCellTower(int, CellTower) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setNeighborCellTowers(CellTower[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setNeighborCellTowers(List<CellTower>) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setNewDeviceDescription(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setNewDeviceDescription(String, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setNextServiceTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the next service time
setNotes(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.AccountRecord
setNotifyAction(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the Notify Actions to be executed if the Notify Rule-Selector is triggered.
This notify action is currently only used by default with the "RuleFactoryLite" module.
setNotifyDescription(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the Notify Description for the rule-selector specified.
This notify description is currently only used by default with the "RuleFactoryLite" module.
setNotifyEmail(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setNotifyEmail(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the Notification Email address
setNotifyEmail(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.DeviceGroup
Sets the Notification Email address
setNotifyEmail(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.User
setNotifyEmail(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.rule.tables.Rule
Sets the "notifyEmail" field value
setNotifyPriority(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
(OBSOLETE) Sets the notification priority.
The method is obsolete and should not be used.
setNotifySelector(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the Rule Selector to be evaluated by the installed RuleFactory.
This rule-selector is currently only used by default with the "RuleFactoryLite" module.
setNotifySubject(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the Email Subject for the triggered notification email .
This email subject is currently only used by default with the "RuleFactoryLite" module.
setNotifyText(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the Email Body/Text for the triggered notification email .
This email body/text is currently only used by default with the "RuleFactoryLite" module.
setNotifyUseWrapper(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
(OBSOLETE) Sets the configuration state indicating whether the email wrapper from the "private.xml"
file should be used.
The method is obsolete and should not be used.
setNumberOfSatellites(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
Sets the number of satellites in view
setOBDFault(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the OBD(DTC)/J1708 fault code (encoded)
setObfuscationKey(Object) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServiceRequest.Authorization
setObject(JSON._Object) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.JSON
Sets the main JSON._Object
setObject(Object) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.TreeNode
Sets a node leaf object
setOdometerKM(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.GeoEvent
Sets the Odometer
setOdometerKM(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setOdometerKM(double, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setOdometerKM(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.Entity
setOdometerKM(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.GPSEvent
setOdometerOffsetKM(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the displayed odometer offset in kilometers.
setOdometerOffsetKM(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setOfficeLocation(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.User
setOffset(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.EventDataAnalog
Sets the Offset
setOffset(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBSelect
Sets the OFFSET for this DBSelect
setOffsetLatitude(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.GeoOffset
Sets the Latitude offset
setOffsetLongitude(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.GeoOffset
Sets the Longitude offset
setOilCoolerInTemp(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the oil cooler inlet temperature
setOilCoolerOutTemp(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the oil cooler outlet temperature
setOilLevel(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the oil level (percent)
setOilPressure(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the oil pressure
setOilTemp(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the oil temperature (C)
setOptionalEventFieldHandler(EventUtil.OptionalEventFields) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.EventUtil
setOptionalFieldValue(String, Object) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFieldValues
Sets the value for the specified optional field name
setOptionalFieldValue(String, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFieldValues
Sets the value for the specified optional field name
setOptionalFieldValue(String, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFieldValues
Sets the value for the specified optional field name
setOptionalFieldValue(String, long) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFieldValues
Sets the value for the specified optional field name
setOptionalFieldValue(String, float) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFieldValues
Sets the value for the specified optional field name
setOptionalFieldValue(String, double) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFieldValues
Sets the value for the specified optional field name
setOptionalFieldValue(String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFieldValues
Sets the value for the specified optional field name
setOptionalFieldValue(String, byte[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFieldValues
Sets the value for the specified optional field name
setOptionalFieldValue(String, DateTime) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFieldValues
Sets the value for the specified optional field name
setOptionalFieldValue(String, Object) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
Sets the value for the specified optional field name.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'setter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass,
and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
setOptionalFieldValue(String, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
Sets the String value for the specified optional field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'setter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass,
and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
setOptionalFieldValue(String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
Sets the boolean value for the specified optional field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'setter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass,
and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
setOptionalFieldValue(String, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
Sets the int value for the specified optional field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'setter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass,
and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
setOptionalFieldValue(String, long) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
Sets the long value for the specified optional field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'setter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass,
and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
setOptionalFieldValue(String, float) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
Sets the float value for the specified optional field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'setter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass,
and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
setOptionalFieldValue(String, double) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
Sets the double value for the specified optional field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'setter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass,
and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
setOptionalFieldValue(String, DateTime) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
Sets the DateTime value for the specified optional field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'setter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass,
and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
setOptions(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.taglib.TrackTag
Sets the "option" attribute
setOrderAscending(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBSelect
Set ascending/descending sort order
setOrderAscending(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportConstraints
Sets whether data records are to be in ascending order
setOrderByFields(String...) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBSelect
Sets the order-by fields
setOrFalse(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.taglib.RTConfigTag
Sets the "orFalse" attribute
setOrTrue(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.taglib.RTConfigTag
Sets the "orTrue" attribute
setOutputHandler(BasicPrivateLabelLoader.OutputHandler) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
Sets the output delegate
setOutputHandler(CheckInstall.OutputHandler) -
Static method in class org.opengts.tools.CheckInstall
setOutputMask(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setPacketBytes(byte[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.PendingPacket
setPacketBytes(byte[], int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.PendingPacket
setPackets(Packet[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.PendingPacket
setPacketTerminatorPattern(byte[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread
Sets the packet terminator pattern
setPacketTimeout(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread
Sets the packet timeout in milliseconds
setPageFooter(String) -
Method in interface org.opengts.war.tools.PageDecorations
setPageFooter(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.PageDecorationsAdaptor
setPageFooter(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.PageDecorationsDefault
setPageFrameContentOnly(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.RequestProperties
setPageFrameSections(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.RequestProperties
setPageHeader(String) -
Method in interface org.opengts.war.tools.PageDecorations
setPageHeader(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.PageDecorationsAdaptor
setPageHeader(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.PageDecorationsDefault
setPageLeft(String) -
Method in interface org.opengts.war.tools.PageDecorations
setPageLeft(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.PageDecorationsAdaptor
setPageLeft(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.PageDecorationsDefault
setPageName(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.RequestProperties
setPageName(String) -
Method in interface org.opengts.war.tools.WebPage
setPageName(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.WebPageAdaptor
setPageName(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.AccountLogin
setPageNavigation(String) -
Method in interface org.opengts.war.tools.PageDecorations
setPageNavigation(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.PageDecorationsAdaptor
setPageNavigation(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.PageDecorationsDefault
setPageNavigation(String[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.WebPageAdaptor
setPageNavigationHTML(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.RequestProperties
setPageRight(String) -
Method in interface org.opengts.war.tools.PageDecorations
setPageRight(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.PageDecorationsAdaptor
setPageRight(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.PageDecorationsDefault
setPageStyle(String) -
Method in interface org.opengts.war.tools.PageDecorations
setPageStyle(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.PageDecorationsAdaptor
setPageStyle(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.PageDecorationsDefault
setPageTitle(I18N.Text) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabel
Sets the title used on HTML pages displayed for this BasicPrivateLabel
setPageTitle(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabel
Sets the title used on HTML pages displayed for this BasicPrivateLabel
setParent(TreeNode) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.TreeNode
Sets the parent of this TreeNode
setParentNode(DBFactoryTree) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactoryTree
Sets the parent DBFactoryTree node
setParentProperties(RTProperties.OrderedProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties.OrderedProperties
setParkedAddress(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the parked address, if parked
setParkedLatitude(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the Parked Latitude
setParkedLocation(GeoPoint, double, double, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the parked location state
setParkedLongitude(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the Parked Longitude
setParkedMaxSpeedKPH(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the parked maximum speed km/h
setParkedRadius(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the parked radius, in meters
setParsedRecordType(long, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
Adds the parsed record types (mask)
setPasswdChangeTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setPasswdChangeTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.User
setPasswdQueryTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setPasswdQueryTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.User
setPasswdQueryTime(long) -
Method in interface org.opengts.db.UserInformation
setPassword(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setPassword(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.User
setPassword(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.SendMail.SmtpProperties
setPasswordHandler(PasswordHandler) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabel
Sets the PasswordHandler for this Domain
SetPayloadTemplate(String, String, PayloadTemplate) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.EventTemplate
setPendingCommand(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
setPendingMessage(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the pending message for this device
setPendingMessageACK(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the pending message acknowledgement for this device
setPendingPingCommand(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the currently pending commands which should be sent to the device
setPendingPingCommand(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
setPingCommandURI(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
setPingDispatcher(PingDispatcher) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the PingDispatcher
setPlanDistanceKM(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the assigned "Plan Distance" for this device, in kilometers
setPluralTitle(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.AccountString
setPoiID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.PointsOfInterest
setPoints(GeoPoint[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.MapShape
setPoints(List<GeoPoint>) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.MapShape
setPointsOfInterest(List<PoiProvider>) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.PrivateLabel
Sets the global PointsOfInterest
setPoiType(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.PointsOfInterest
setPort(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.SendMail.SmtpProperties
setPort(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.URIArg
Sets the 'port'
setPostalCode(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setPostalCode(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
Sets the postal code for this geozone.
setPostalCode(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.geocoder.ReverseGeocode
Sets the postal code
setPredefinedRulesActions(PredefinedRuleAction[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabel
Sets the list of PredefinedRuleActions
setPreferredDeviceID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.User
setPreferredFormat(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportData
Sets the preferred report format
setPressureUnits(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setPressureUnits(Account.PressureUnits) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setPressureUnits(String, Locale) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setPreviousEventData(EventData) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the previous EventData record
setPriority(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the event priority
setPriority(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
Sets the geozone overlap priority
setPriority(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.DeviceMessage
Sets the message priority
setPriority(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.rule.tables.Rule
Sets the "priority" field value
(EXPERIMENTAL - not used in production)
setPrivateLabel(PrivateLabel) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.RequestProperties
setPrivateLabel(PrivateLabel) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.WebPageAdaptor
setPrivateLabelJsp(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setPrivateLabelName(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setPrivateLabelName(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.SystemAudit
setProcessCpuLoad(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.OSTools.CpuUsage
setProcessCpuTimeNS(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.OSTools.CpuUsage
setPrompt(byte[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread
Sets the prompt for TCP connections
setPrompt(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread
Sets the prompt for TCP connections
setPromptEnabled(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.AbstractClientPacketHandler
Sets the prompt enabled state
setPromptEnabled(boolean) -
Method in interface org.opengts.util.ClientPacketHandler
Sets the prompt enabled state
setPromptEnabled(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread
Sets the prompt enabled state
setProperties(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Resource
setProperties(RTProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.geocoder.GeocodeProviderAdapter
Sets the properties for this ReverseGeocodeProvider
setProperties(RTProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.geocoder.ReverseGeocodeProviderAdapter
Sets the properties for this ReverseGeocodeProvider
setProperties(Properties) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.RTConfig
Adds the properties in the specified Properties
to the config
file properties
setProperties(RTProperties) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.RTConfig
Adds the properties in the specified RTProperties
to the config
file properties
setProperties(RTProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Adds the properties in the specified RTProperties instance to this instance
setProperties(RTProperties, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Adds the properties in the specified RTProperties instance to this instance
setProperties(URL) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Adds the properties in the saved properties at the specified URL to
this instance
setProperties(URL, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Adds the properties in the saved properties at the specified URL to
this instance
setProperties(File) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Adds the properties in the saved properties in the specified file to
this instance
setProperties(File, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Adds the properties in the saved properties in the specified file to
this instance
setProperties(InputStream) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Adds the properties from the specified input stream to this instance
setProperties(InputStream, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Adds the properties from the specified input stream to this instance
setProperties(Map) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Adds the properties in the specified Map
to this instance
setProperties(Map, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Adds the properties in the specified Map
to this instance
setProperties(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Adds the properties in the specified string to this instance
setProperties(String, char) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Adds the properties in the specified string to this instance
setProperties(String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Adds the properties in the specified string to this instance
setProperties(RTProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
setProperties(String) -
Method in interface org.opengts.war.tools.MapProvider
Sets the properties for this MapProvider.
setProperties(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.MapProviderAdapter
Sets this MapProvider's properties
setProperties(RTProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.WebPageAdaptor
setProperty(Object, Object) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabel
Sets the property value for the specified key
setProperty(String, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.SystemProps
Sets the String value for specified property ID, creating the property-ID if it
does not already exist.
setProperty(K, V) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.OrderedMap
Puts the specified key/value Strings into the map.
setProperty(Object, Object) -
Method in interface org.opengts.util.RTConfig.PropertySetter
setProperty(String, Object) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.RTConfig
Sets the value for the specified key
setProperty(Object, Object) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Sets the value for the specified key
setProperty(String, String[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Sets the value of the specified property to the specified string array
setProperty(String, double) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Sets the value of the specified property to the specified
setProperty(String, float) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Sets the value of the specified property to the specified
setProperty(String, BigInteger) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Sets the value of the specified property to the specified
setProperty(String, long) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Sets the value of the property to the specified long
setProperty(String, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Sets the property to the specified int
setProperty(String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Sets the value of the specified property to the specified
setProperty(String, Object) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.TreeNode
Sets the specified node property value
setProperty(String, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.MapProviderAdapter
Adds a property key/value to this MapProvider
setPropertySeparatorChar(char) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Sets the character used to seperate properties.
setPropKey(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.Property
setProtocol(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.URIArg
Sets the 'protocol'
setProximityGroupID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the nearby proximity Group ID
setProximityMaximumAge(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the nearby proximity location maximum age (in seconds)
setProximityRadius(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the nearby proximity radius, in meters
setPtoDistanceKM(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the PTO distance tripometer value in kilometers.
setPtoEngaged(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the PTO engaged state
setPtoHours(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the PTO hours
setPtoHours(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.GPSEvent
setPulseCount(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setPushpinIconIndex(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the explicit Pushpin Icon Index
setPushpinIconIndex(String, OrderedSet<String>) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the explicit Pushpin Icon Index
setPushpinIconIndexProvider(PushpinIconIndexProvider) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the Pushpin Icon Index Provider
setPushpinID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the defined pushpin-id, or blank if no pushpin-id is defined
setQueueTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.PendingPacket
setQueueTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.PendingCommands
setQueueTimestamp(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.DeviceMessage
Sets the time that the message was initially queued
setQuiet(boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.RTConfig
Set Quiet
setRadius(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
setRadiusMeters(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.MapShape
setRawData(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the Raw Packet data for this event (if available)
setReadTimeout(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ClientSocketThread
Sets the read timeout in milliseconds
setReadTimestamp(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.DeviceMessage
Sets the time that the message was initially read
setRecipients(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.ReportJob
Sets the list of email recipients
setRecordListener(DBRecordListener<gDBR>) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
Sets the DBRecordListnener for this DBFactory
param rcdListener The DBRecordListener
setRecordVersion(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
Sets the record version
setRedirectedOutput(OutputStream) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Print
Redirects all redirectable output to the specified OutputStream
setRedirectedOutput(PrintStream) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Print
Redirects all redirectable output to the specified PrintStream
setRefreshURL(URIArg) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportData
Sets the report refresh URL
setReminderInterval(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the maintenance reminder interval
setReminderMessage(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the maintenance reminder message
setReminderTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the maintenance reminder time
setReminderType(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the maintenance reminder type
setReminderType(Device.ReminderType) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the maintenance reminder type
setRemoteHost(String, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.DatagramMessage
Set the remote(destination) host
setRemoteHost(InetAddress, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.DatagramMessage
Set the remote(destination) host
setRemoteLogging(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerConfig
Sets the remote logging attributes for this DCS
setRemoteLogging(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Print
Sets the remote log host:port and buffer size, and starts the RemoteLogServer
setRemoteLogging(int, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Print
Sets the remote log port, and starts the RemoteLogServer
setRemoteLogging(String, int, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Print
Sets the remote log port, and starts the RemoteLogServer
setRemoteLogging(InetAddress, int, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Print
Sets the remote log port, and starts the RemoteLogServer
setRemotePort(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread
Sets the remote UDP response port
setRemotePortCurrent(int) -
Method in interface org.opengts.db.DataTransport
setRemotePortCurrent(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the last known remote port used by the Device
setRemotePortCurrent(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
setRemoveInlineComments(boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Sets removing inline comments when reading properties from an InputStream.
setRepeatLast(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.EventTemplate
setReport(ReportData) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportCallback
setReport(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.RequestProperties
setReportCallback(ReportCallback) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportData
Sets the ReportCallback instance
setReportColumns(ReportColumn[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportData
Sets the report columns
setReportConstraints(ReportConstraints) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportData
Sets the ReportConstraints for this report
setReportDeviceList(ReportDeviceList) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportData
Sets the device list
setReportDistanceKM(double, GeoPoint) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the report distance and location (kilometers)
setReportFormat(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.ReportJob
Gets the report format
setReportHeaderGroups(ReportHeaderGroup[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportData
Sets the report header groups
setReportJob(Object) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportData
Sets the ReportJob for this report (if any)
setReportJobID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.ReportJob
Sets the report ID for this entry
setReportLimit(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportConstraints
Sets the report limit
setReportMap(Map<String, ReportEntry>) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.PrivateLabel
Sets the ReportEntry map
setReportName(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.ReportJob
Sets the report name (as defined in 'reports.xml')
setReportName(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportData
Sets the name of this report
setReportOption(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.ReportJob
Sets the assigned report options
setReportOption(ReportOption) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportData
Sets the report options
setReportOptionMap(OrderedMap<String, ReportOption>) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
setReportOptionMap(ReportOptionsProvider) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
setReportPresentationClassName(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportLayout
setReportRecordCount(int, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportData
Sets the report record count
setReportSubtitle(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportData
Sets the report sub-title
setReportTimeFrom(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.ReportJob
Sets the Report "From" time.
setReportTimeTo(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.ReportJob
Sets the Report "To" time.
setReportTitle(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportData
Sets the report title
setReportType(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.ReportMenu
setRequestBody(ServiceRequest.RequestBody) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServiceRequest
Sets the request body handler
setRequestIPAddress(DTIPAddrList) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setRequestIPAddress(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setRequestPassCode(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setRequired(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
Sets the 'required' state of this DBFactory
setResetTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the reset time of this Device (in Unix Epoch time format)
setResource(Account, String, String, String, Object) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Resource
Creates/Set the specified Resourse
setResponseContentType(HttpServletResponse, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.tools.CommonServlet
Sets the content type for the specified 'response'.
setResponseContentType(HttpServletResponse, String, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.tools.CommonServlet
Sets the content type for the specified 'response'.
setRestricted(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabel
Sets the 'restricted mode' for this BasicPrivateLabel.
setResult(RTProperties, DCServerFactory.ResultCode) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.CommandPacketHandler
setRetainedEventAge(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setRetainOriginalValue(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.OrderedSet
Sets the retain-original state for this OrderedSet if duplicate entries are added.
setRetry(boolean) -
Method in exception org.opengts.util.SendMail.SendMailException
setRetryCount(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.SendMail.SmtpProperties
setReverseGeocode(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
Sets whether this instance can be used for reverse-geocoding
setRfidTag(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the stored RFID tag
setRole(Role) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.RoleRecord
setRoleID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.User
setRotateDeleteAgeSec(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Print
Sets the rotated log file delete age (in seconds)
setRotateLogFileSize(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Print
Sets the maximum output log file size (in bytes).
setRowSpan(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.HeaderColumnTemplate
setRowType(DBDataRow.RowType) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.field.FieldData
setRTProperties(RTProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabel
Sets (appends) the the specified properties to this BasicPrivateLabel
setRTProperties(RTProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Resource
setRuleDisable(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.rule.tables.Rule
Sets the "ruleDisable" field value
(EXPERIMENTAL - not used in production)
setRuleEnable(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.rule.tables.Rule
Sets the "ruleEnable" field value
(EXPERIMENTAL - not used in production)
setRuleFactory(RuleFactory) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the RuleFactory
setRuleSelector(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportConstraints
Sets the rule selector constraint
setRuleTag(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.rule.tables.Rule
Sets the "ruleTag" field value
setRuntimeDefaultValues() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.AccountRecord
Sets the runtime default values.
setRuntimeDefaultValues() -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
Override to set default values
setRuntimePropertyKeyPrefix(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.WebPageAdaptor
setSampleID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the sample ID
setSampleIndex(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the sample index
setSatelliteCount(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the Satellite count
setSatelliteCount(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.GPSEvent
setSatPorts(InetAddress, int[], boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerConfig
Sets the default SAT port for this server
setSavedEventCount(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.AbstractClientPacketHandler
Sets the event count state to the specified value
setSavedRangeEvents(EventData[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the saved list of cached events
setScale(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.EventDataAnalog
Sets the Scale
setSeatbeltMask(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setSecond(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.DateTime.ParsedDateTime
setSecondOfDay(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.DateTime.ParsedDateTime
setSection(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.taglib.TrackTag
Sets the "section" attribute
setSelectedDeviceGroupID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.RequestProperties
setSelectedDeviceGroupID(String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.RequestProperties
setSelectedDeviceID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.RequestProperties
setSelectedDeviceID(String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.RequestProperties
setSelectedFields(Set<String>) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBSelect
Sets a list of selected fields
setSelectedFields(String...) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBSelect
Sets an array of selected fields
setSelectionLimit(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportConstraints
Sets the selection limit
setSelectionLimit(EventData.LimitType, long) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportConstraints
Sets the selection limit and type
setSelector(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.rule.tables.Rule
Sets the "selector" field value
setSendCommand(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.rule.tables.Rule
Sets the "sendCommand" field value
(EXPERIMENTAL - not used in production)
setSendState(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.PendingCommands
setSendTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.PendingCommands
setSensorHigh(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the high sensor value
setSensorLow(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the low sensor value
setSent(long, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.DeviceMessage
Sets this DeviceMessage as sent, and optionally updates the record
setSentTimestamp(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.DeviceMessage
Sets the time that the message was initially sent
setSequence(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.PendingPacket
setSequence(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the Satellite count
setSerialNumber(String) -
Method in interface org.opengts.db.DataTransport
setSerialNumber(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the assigned device serial number
setSerialNumber(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
setServerIDArg(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_antares
setServerIDArg(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_atrack
setServerIDArg(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_calamp
setServerIDArg(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_citgt06
setServerIDArg(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_eloc
setServerIDArg(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_enfora
setServerIDArg(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_General
setServerIDArg(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_gos777
setServerIDArg(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_gos9600
setServerIDArg(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_gos9800
setServerIDArg(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_gosafe
setServerIDArg(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_gtsdmtp
setServerIDArg(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_intellitrac
setServerIDArg(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_meitrack2
setServerIDArg(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_nt1000
setServerIDArg(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_ntslim
setServerIDArg(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_pgt3000
setServerIDArg(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_qgl200
setServerIDArg(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_qgt300
setServerIDArg(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_qgt500
setServerIDArg(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_qgv100
setServerIDArg(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_qgv200
setServerIDArg(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_qgv300
setServerIDArg(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_rvct03
setServerIDArg(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_rvct04
setServerIDArg(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_scatlite
setServerIDArg(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_scvl2000
setServerIDArg(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_SMS
setServerIDArg(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_telgh3000
setServerIDArg(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_teltonika
setServerIDArg(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_template
setServerIDArg(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_ulbotech
setServerIDArg(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_xirgo
setServerIDArg(String) -
Method in interface org.opengts.war.track.page.DeviceCmdHandler
setServiceRequest(ServiceRequest) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServiceRequest.Authorization
setServingCellTower(CellTower) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setServletContextProperties(Map<Object, Object>) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.RTConfig
Sets the runtime mode to 'WebApp' and initializes the Servlet context
setSessionAttribute(HttpSession, String, Object) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.tools.AttributeTools
Sets the HttpSession attribute value for the specified key
setSessionAttribute(ServletRequest, String, Object) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.tools.AttributeTools
Sets the ServletRequest attribute value for the specified key
setSessionBoolean(ServletRequest, String, boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.tools.AttributeTools
Sets the ServletRequest attribute Boolean value for the specified key
setSessionDouble(ServletRequest, String, double) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.tools.AttributeTools
Sets the ServletRequest attribute Double value for the specified key
setSessionInfo(ServerSocketThread.SessionInfo) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.AbstractClientPacketHandler
Sets the session info handler
setSessionInfo(ServerSocketThread.SessionInfo) -
Method in interface org.opengts.util.ClientPacketHandler
Sets the session info handler
setSessionInt(ServletRequest, String, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.tools.AttributeTools
Sets the ServletRequest attribute Int value for the specified key
setSessionLong(ServletRequest, String, long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.tools.AttributeTools
Sets the ServletRequest attribute Long value for the specified key
setSessionStatsFactory(SessionStatsFactory) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the SessionStatsFactory
setSessionTimeout(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread
Sets the session timeout in milliseconds
setShapeColor(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
setShowExecutedSQL(boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBConnection
Sets a flag indicating that all SQL statements should be displayed prior to execution
setShowInMenuBar(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.MenuGroup
setShowInTopMenu(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.MenuGroup
setShowPassword(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabel
Sets whether to show the password, or not
setShowPassword(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.RequestProperties
SetShowThreadModel(boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.SendMail
Returns true if the SendMail thread-model should be displayed when in debug mode.
setSignalStrength(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the current signal strength
setSignalStrength(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.GPSEvent
setSimID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Gets the SIM-ID
setSimPhoneNumber(String) -
Method in interface org.opengts.db.DataTransport
setSimPhoneNumber(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the SIM phone number
setSimPhoneNumber(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
setSingleDeviceRuleListEntry(String, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.rule.tables.Rule
set RuleList device/codes
(internal use only)
setSingleGroupRuleListEntry(String, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.rule.tables.Rule
Set RuleList group/codes
(internal use only)
setSingularTitle(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.AccountString
SetSleepAfterEMailMS(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.SendMail
Sets the amount of time to sleep after sending an email.
Note: this must be used with caution, since it could cause a significant
backlog if many emails are sent to the threadpool.
setSmsEmail(String) -
Method in interface org.opengts.db.DataTransport
setSmsEmail(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the SMS email address for this device.
Used for sending commands to the device using email-to-SMS.
setSmsEmail(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
setSmsEnabled(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setSmsProperties(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setSmsRTProperties(RTProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setSmsText(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.rule.tables.Rule
Sets the text used for SMS message notification
setSmtpProperties(SendMail.SmtpProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabel
Set SMTP server properties
setSoapRequest(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.RequestProperties
setSocketReadTimeout() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ClientSocketThread
Sets the read timeout on the currently open socket to the previous specified value
setSocketReadTimeout(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ClientSocketThread
Sets the read timeout on the currently open socket to the specified value
setSortable(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportColumn
Sets the sortable flag for this column
setSortID(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
Sets the sort index
setSortKey(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ColumnValue
Sets the value that should be used for sorting.
setSortKey(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ColumnValue
Sets the value that should be used for sorting.
setSortKey(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ColumnValue
Sets the value that should be used for sorting.
SetSpecificDCServerName(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerFactory
Sets the specific DCServerConfig name
setSpeedKnots(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
Sets the speed value, in Knots
setSpeedKPH(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.GeoEvent
Sets the Speed
setSpeedKPH(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setSpeedKPH(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.GPSEvent
setSpeedKPH(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
Sets the speed value, in km/h
setSpeedLimitKPH(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the assigned speed limit for this device, in km/h
setSpeedLimitKPH(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the posted speed limit
(typically obtained from the reverse-geocoding service)
setSpeedLimitKPH(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
Sets the geozone speed limit
setSpeedLimitKPH(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.geocoder.ReverseGeocode
Sets the speed limit at the reverse-geocoded location
setSpeedUnits(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setSpeedUnits(Account.SpeedUnits) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setSpeedUnits(String, Locale) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setSpeedUnits(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.User
setSpeedUnits(Account.SpeedUnits) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.User
setSpeedUnits(String, Locale) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.User
setStartStopStatusCodes(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerConfig
Sets the start and stop status codes.
setStartStopStatusCodes(int, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerConfig
Sets the start and stop status codes.
setStartStopStatusCodes(int[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerConfig
Sets the start and stop status codes.
setStateProvince(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setStateProvince(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
Sets the state/province for this geozone.
setStateProvince(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.geocoder.ReverseGeocode
Sets the state/province
setStatusCode(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.GeoEvent
Sets the StatusCode
setStatusCode(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the status code of this event
setStatusCode(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.StatusCode
Sets the status code value
setStatusCode(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.Entity
Sets the last event status code for this entity
setStatusCode(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.GPSEvent
setStatusCode(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
Sets the status-code
setStatusCodeOnly(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabel
Sets the exclusive status codes state
setStatusCodes(int[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportConstraints
Sets the status code constraints
setStatusCodes(int[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.RequestProperties
Sets the status-code list
setStatusCodeState(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the bit mask of the StatusCode on/off state
setStatusCodeStateBit(int, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the StatusCode state for the specified bit
setStatusMarkers(int[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.RequestProperties
Sets the status-code marker
setStatusName(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.StatusCode
Sets the status code name
setStopID(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the STOP id
setStopIndex(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the STOP Index
setStopped(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the vehicle 'stopped' state
setStopStatus(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the STOP Status
setStreetAddress(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setStreetAddress(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
Sets the street-address for this geozone.
setStreetAddress(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.geocoder.ReverseGeocode
Sets the street address
setString(String, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.war.report.antx.AntxData
setString(String, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.RTConfig
Sets the property value for the specified key
setString(String, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Sets the property value for the specified key
setString(String, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.field.FieldData
setStringArray(String, String[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.RTConfig
Sets the string array property value for the specified key
setStringArray(String, String[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Sets the value of the specified property to the specified string array
setStringArray(String, String[], boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Sets the value of the specified property to the specified string array
setStringProperty(String, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabel
Sets the property String value for the specified key
setStringValue(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Resource
setStringValue(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.SystemProps
Sets the property String value
setStringValue(String, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.SystemProps
setStyleSheet(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportLayout
setSubdivision(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setSubdivision(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
Sets the subdivision-code for this geozone.
setSubdivision(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.geocoder.ReverseGeocode
Sets the country/state subdivision
setSubtitle(int, String, int) -
Method in interface org.opengts.util.ExcelAPI
setSubtitle(int, String, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ExcelTools.Spreadsheet
setSupportedEncodings(int) -
Method in interface org.opengts.db.DataTransport
setSupportedEncodings(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
OpenDMTP: Sets the supported OpenDMTP encodings
setSupportedEncodings(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
setSupportedFeatures(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.MapProviderAdapter
Sets the supported map features
SetSupportedLocalesMap(OrderedMap<String, I18N.Text>) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabel
Sets the supported Locales
setSupportsDMTP(boolean) -
Method in interface org.opengts.db.DataTransport
setSupportsDMTP(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
OpenDMTP: Sets the OpenDMTP protocol support state
setSupportsDMTP(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
setSynthesizedEvent(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the synthesized event state (ie.
setSysadminEmail(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.SendMail.SmtpProperties
setSysAdminOnly(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
setSysStderr(PrintStream) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Print
Sets the stderr PrintStream
setSysStdout(PrintStream) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Print
Sets the stdout PrintStream
setSystemCpuLoad(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.OSTools.CpuUsage
setSystemLoadAverage(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.OSTools.CpuUsage
setSystemRuleSettings() -
Method in class org.opengts.rule.tables.Rule
If this rule delegates to a sysadmin rule, then sets various system-rule
settings from the delegated sysadmin rule, otherwie does nothing.
setTableSortable(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
setTaggedFieldNames(Set<String>) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecordKey
Sets a list of 'tagged' data fields.
setTankLevel(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the general tank level
setTarget(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.WebPageURL
setTcpIdleTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.extra.servers.generic.TrackServer
setTcpIdleTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.extra.servers.sanav.TrackServer
setTcpIdleTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.aspicore.TrackServer
setTcpIdleTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.astra.TrackServer
setTcpIdleTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.icare.TrackServer
setTcpIdleTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.lantrix.TrackServer
setTcpIdleTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.sipgear.TrackServer
setTcpIdleTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.taip.TrackServer
setTcpIdleTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.template.TrackServer
setTcpIdleTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.template_old.TrackServer
setTcpIdleTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.tk10x.TrackServer
setTcpPacketTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.extra.servers.generic.TrackServer
setTcpPacketTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.extra.servers.sanav.TrackServer
setTcpPacketTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.aspicore.TrackServer
setTcpPacketTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.astra.TrackServer
setTcpPacketTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.icare.TrackServer
setTcpPacketTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.lantrix.TrackServer
setTcpPacketTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.sipgear.TrackServer
setTcpPacketTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.taip.TrackServer
setTcpPacketTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.template.TrackServer
setTcpPacketTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.template_old.TrackServer
setTcpPacketTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.tk10x.TrackServer
setTcpPorts(InetAddress, int[], boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerConfig
Sets the default TCP port for this server
setTcpSessionTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.extra.servers.generic.TrackServer
setTcpSessionTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.extra.servers.sanav.TrackServer
setTcpSessionTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.aspicore.TrackServer
setTcpSessionTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.astra.TrackServer
setTcpSessionTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.icare.TrackServer
setTcpSessionTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.lantrix.TrackServer
setTcpSessionTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.sipgear.TrackServer
setTcpSessionTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.taip.TrackServer
setTcpSessionTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.template.TrackServer
setTcpSessionTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.template_old.TrackServer
setTcpSessionTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.tk10x.TrackServer
setTemperatureUnits(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setTemperatureUnits(Account.TemperatureUnits) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setTemperatureUnits(String, Locale) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setTemplate(DTTemplate) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.EventTemplate
setTemplate(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.EventTemplate
SetterMethod(Object, String, Class...) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.MethodAction
Returns a MethodAction instance which represents a bean field 'setter' method.
setterMethodName(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.MethodAction
Returns the bean 'setter' method name for the specified field
setTerminateOnTimeout(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread
Sets if the thread should be terminated after a timeout [CHECK]
setTerminateSession() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.CommandPacketHandler
setTerminateSession(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.AbstractClientPacketHandler
Sets the terminate-session state to the specified value
setTerminateSession() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.AbstractClientPacketHandler
Sets the terminate-session state to true
setTerminateSession() -
Method in interface org.opengts.util.ClientPacketHandler
Sets the session termination state (a hint to the session thread that the
session should be terminated)
setTestMode(boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.RTConfig
Sets if test mode is enabled
setTextDecoration(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.CssStyle
Sets the text decoration style ("text-decoration:")
setTextDecoration(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ColumnValue
Sets the text decoration style ("text-decoration:")
setTextDecorationBlink() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.CssStyle
Sets the text decoration style to "blink"
setTextDecorationBlink() -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ColumnValue
Sets the text decoration style to "blink"
setTextDecorationOverline() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.CssStyle
Sets the text decoration style to "overline"
setTextDecorationOverline() -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ColumnValue
Sets the text decoration style to "overline"
setTextDecorationUnderline() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.CssStyle
Sets the text decoration style to "underline"
setTextDecorationUnderline() -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ColumnValue
Sets the text decoration style to "underline"
setTextPackets(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread
Sets if the packets to be sent are text
setThermalProfile(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the temperature profile for this device
setThermoAverage(int, double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setThermoAverage0(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setThermoAverage1(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setThermoAverage2(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setThermoAverage3(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setThermoAverage4(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setThermoAverage5(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setThermoAverage6(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setThermoAverage7(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
SetThreadModel(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.SendMail
Sets the 'thread model' for email sent by this class.
SetThreadModel(String, boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.SendMail
Sets the 'thread model' for email sent by this class.
setThreadPrivateLabel(BasicPrivateLabel) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
Assigns the specified BasicPrivateLabel instance to the current Thread
setThrottlePos(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the throttle position (percent)
setTimeEnd(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportConstraints
Sets the time 'end' constraint
setTimeFormat(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabel
Sets the time format for this BasicPrivateLabel
setTimeMillis(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.DateTime
Sets the Epoch time in milliseconds represented by this instance
setTimeoutMS(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.SendMail.SmtpProperties
setTimeRange(long, long) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportConstraints
Sets the time 'start'/'end' constraint
setTimeSec(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.DateTime
Sets the Epoch time in seconds represented by this instance
setTimestamp(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.Diagnostic
setTimestamp(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.Property
setTimestamp(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.GeoEvent
Sets the timestamp
setTimestamp(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the timestamp of this event in Unix/Epoch time
setTimestamp(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.Antx
setTimestamp(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.Entity
setTimestamp(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.SessionStats
setTimestamp(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.UnassignedDevices
setTimestamp(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.GPSEvent
setTimeStart(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportConstraints
Sets the time 'start' constraint
setTimeZone(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setTimeZone(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.User
Sets the timezone for this user
setTimeZone(String) -
Method in interface org.opengts.db.UserInformation
setTimeZone(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.util.Cron
Sets the current TimeZone
setTimeZone(TimeZone) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.util.Cron
Sets the current TimeZone
setTimeZone(TimeZone) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.DateTime
Sets the current TimeZone
setTimeZone(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.DateTime
Sets the current TimeZone
setTimeZone(TimeZone) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportConstraints
Sets the timezone
setTimeZone(TimeZone, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.RequestProperties
setTimeZone(TimeZone) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.RequestProperties
setTimeZones(OrderedSet<String>) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabel
Sets the TimeZones supported by this BasicPrivateLabel
setTimeZones(List<String>) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabel
Sets the TimeZones supported by this BasicPrivateLabel
setTimeZones(String[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabel
Sets the TimeZones supported by this BasicPrivateLabel
setTirePressure(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the tire pressure list as a comma separated String
setTirePressure_kPa(double[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets an array of tire pressures (kPa)
setTirePressure_psi(double[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets an array of tire pressures (PSI)
setTireTemp(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the tire temperature list as a comma separated String
setTireTemp_C(double[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets an array of tire temperatures (C)
setTitle(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Resource
setTitle(I18N.Text) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
Sets the I18N title for this field
setTitle(int, String, int) -
Method in interface org.opengts.util.ExcelAPI
setTitle(int, String, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ExcelTools.Spreadsheet
setTitle(I18N.Text) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportHeaderGroup
setTitle(I18N.Text) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.MenuGroup
setTotalConnectionProfile(byte[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.gtsdmtp.DeviceDBImpl
setTotalMaxConn(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
OpenDMTP: Sets the maximum total connections allowed per interval
setTotalMaxConn(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
setTotalMaxConnPerMin(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
OpenDMTP: Sets the maximum total connections allowed per minute
setTotalMaxConnPerMin(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
setTotalPingCount(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setTotalPingCount(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the total number of commands sent to the device, since last reset
setTotalPingCount(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
setTotalProfileMask(DTProfileMask) -
Method in interface org.opengts.db.DataTransport
setTotalProfileMask(DTProfileMask) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
OpenDMTP: Sets the total (UDP/TCP) connection profile mask
setTotalProfileMask(DTProfileMask) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
setTrackServlet_debugOnly() -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
setTrackServlet_loaderOnly() -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabel
setTransOilTemp(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the transmission oil temperature
setTransport(Transport) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the Transport for this Device
setTransportID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the transport-id for this event.
setTriggerReset(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.rule.tables.Rule
Sets the "triggerReset" field value
setTriggerReset(Rule.TriggerReset) -
Method in class org.opengts.rule.tables.Rule
Sets the "triggerReset" field value
setTriggerReset(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.rule.tables.Rule
Sets the "triggerReset" field value
setTrimCacheSize(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.util.MemCache.MemCacheMap
setTrimOnAdd(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.util.MemCache
Sets the trim-on-add state
setTrimOnAdd(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.geocoder.ReverseGeocodeCache
Sets the trim-on-add attribute
setTripBrakeCount(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setTripClutchCount(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setTripDistanceKM(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setTripElapsedSeconds(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setTripIdleHours(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setTripMaxRpm(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setTripMaxSpeedKPH(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setTripPtoHours(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setTripStartLatitude(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setTripStartLongitude(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setTripStartTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setTripStopTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setTurboPressure(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the turbo pressure (kPa)
setType(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Resource
setType(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.Antx
setType(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.TreeNode
Sets the type of this TreeNode
(usage defined by caller)
setType(MapShape.ShapeType) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.MapShape
setUdpIdleTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.extra.servers.generic.TrackServer
setUdpIdleTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.extra.servers.sanav.TrackServer
setUdpIdleTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.aspicore.TrackServer
setUdpIdleTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.astra.TrackServer
setUdpIdleTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.icare.TrackServer
setUdpIdleTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.lantrix.TrackServer
setUdpIdleTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.sipgear.TrackServer
setUdpIdleTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.taip.TrackServer
setUdpIdleTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.template.TrackServer
setUdpIdleTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.template_old.TrackServer
setUdpIdleTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.tk10x.TrackServer
setUdpPacketTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.extra.servers.generic.TrackServer
setUdpPacketTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.extra.servers.sanav.TrackServer
setUdpPacketTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.aspicore.TrackServer
setUdpPacketTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.astra.TrackServer
setUdpPacketTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.icare.TrackServer
setUdpPacketTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.lantrix.TrackServer
setUdpPacketTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.sipgear.TrackServer
setUdpPacketTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.taip.TrackServer
setUdpPacketTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.template.TrackServer
setUdpPacketTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.template_old.TrackServer
setUdpPacketTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.tk10x.TrackServer
setUdpPorts(InetAddress, int[], boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerConfig
Sets the default UDP port for this server
setUdpSessionTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.extra.servers.generic.TrackServer
setUdpSessionTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.extra.servers.sanav.TrackServer
setUdpSessionTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.aspicore.TrackServer
setUdpSessionTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.astra.TrackServer
setUdpSessionTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.icare.TrackServer
setUdpSessionTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.lantrix.TrackServer
setUdpSessionTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.sipgear.TrackServer
setUdpSessionTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.taip.TrackServer
setUdpSessionTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.template.TrackServer
setUdpSessionTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.template_old.TrackServer
setUdpSessionTimeout(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.tk10x.TrackServer
setUniqueID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the Unique-ID for this Device
setUniqueID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
setUniqueKeys(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.URIArg
Sets the 'Unique Arg' attribute
setUniquePrefix(String[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerConfig
Sets the array of allowed UniqueID prefixes
setUnitLimitInterval(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
OpenDMTP: Sets the OpenDMTP unit limit interval
setUnitLimitInterval(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
setUntranslatedTableName(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBDelete
Sets the untranslated table name for this DBDelete (if not set, the table
name of the defined DBFactory will be used).
setUntranslatedTableName(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBSelect
Sets the untranslated table name for this DBSelect (if not set, the table
name of the defined DBFactory will be used).
setUpdateTime(DateTime) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.DBFParser
setUpdateTime(int, int, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.DBFParser
setURI(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.URIArg
Sets the URI from a string
setURL(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServiceRequest
Sets the service URL
setURL(URL) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServiceRequest
Sets the service URL
setURL(JMXServiceURL, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServiceRequest
Sets the service URL
setURL(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.WebPageURL
setUseEmailWrapper(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.rule.tables.Rule
Sets the "useEmailWrapper" field value
setUser(User) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.UserRecord
setUser(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.SendMail.SmtpProperties
setUserEmail(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.SendMail.SmtpProperties
setUserList(String[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.RequestProperties
setUserLogin(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabel
Sets the user login display state
setUserPageDecorations(PageDecorations) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.PrivateLabel
Sets the user page decorations
setUserType(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.User
setUseSSL(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerConfig
Sets whether to use SSL on TCP connections
setValidateFieldValues(boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFieldValues
Sets the global state for validating field values
setValidating(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
Sets if this record id validating [CHECK]
setValidGPSRequired(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportConstraints
Sets whether a valid GPS fix is required for all events
setValue(byte[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Resource
setValue(Object) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Resource
setValue(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.SystemProps
setValue(String, Object) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
Sets the value for the specified field.
This method attempts to use the field 'setter' method for setting the field value.
setValue(String, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
Sets the String value for the specified field.
This method attempts to use the field 'setter' method for setting the field value.
setValue(String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
Sets the value for the specified field.
This method attempts to use the field 'setter' method for setting the field value.
setValue(String, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
Sets the value for the specified field.
This method attempts to use the field 'setter' method for setting the field value.
setValue(String, long) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
Sets the value for the specified field.
This method attempts to use the field 'setter' method for setting the field value.
setValue(String, float) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
Sets the value for the specified field.
This method attempts to use the field 'setter' method for setting the field value.
setValue(String, double) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
Sets the value for the specified field.
This method attempts to use the field 'setter' method for setting the field value.
setValue(String, Object) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.war.report.antx.AntxData
setValue(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.URIArg.KeyVal
setValue(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ColumnValue
Sets the current value
setValue(String, Object) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.field.FieldData
setValue(String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.field.FieldData
setValue(String, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.field.FieldData
setValue(String, long) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.field.FieldData
setValue(String, double) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.field.FieldData
setValue(String, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportOption
Sets the specified property value
setValue(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.taglib.RTConfigTag
Sets the comparison value
setVBatteryVolts(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the vehicle battery volts
setVehicleID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
setVehicleMake(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the vehicle make
setVehicleModel(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the vehicle model
setVehicleYear(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the vehicle year
setVerbose(boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.RTConfig
Set Verbose
setVertAccuracy(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
setVertices(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
setVerticesList(List<GeoPoint>) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
setVirtual(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
Sets the "virtual" state
setVolumeUnits(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setVolumeUnits(Account.VolumeUnits) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setVolumeUnits(String, Locale) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
setWebApp(boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.RTConfig
Sets if this instance is running as a webapp
setWebPageJSP(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.PrivateLabel
Sets the default JSP URI
setWebPageMap(Map<String, WebPage>) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.PrivateLabel
Sets the WebPage map
setWebPageURI(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.RequestProperties
setWhere(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBDelete
Sets the DBWhere instance used for this DBDelete
setWhere(DBWhere) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBSelect
Sets the DBWhere instance used for this DBSelect
setWhere(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBSelect
Sets the where clause used for this DBSelect
setWhere(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportConstraints
Sets the selection 'WHERE' clause
setWidth(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.PixelDimension
Sets the witdh of the pixel
setWorkDistanceKM(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the work distance tripometer value in kilometers.
setWorkHours(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Sets the engine work hours
setWorkOrderID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the Work Order ID
setWorkOrderID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.DeviceGroup
setWorkOrderIDs(String[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the Work Order IDs as an array
setX(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.PixelPoint
Sets the X coordinate value
setX(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.PixelPoint
Sets the X coordinate value
setXAxis(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Accelerometer
Sets the X-Axis accelerometer value (Meters/Second/Second).
setXAxisG(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Accelerometer
Sets the X-Axis accelerometer value (G-Force).
setY(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.PixelPoint
Sets the Y coordinate value
setY(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.PixelPoint
Sets the Y coordinate value
setYAxis(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Accelerometer
Sets the Y-Axis accelerometer value (Meters/Second/Second).
setYAxisG(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Accelerometer
Sets the Y-Axis accelerometer value (G-Force).
setYear(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.DateTime.ParsedDateTime
setZ(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.Point
setZ(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.PixelPoint
Sets the Z coordinate value
setZ(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.PixelPoint
Sets the Z coordinate value
setZAxis(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Accelerometer
Sets the Z-Axis accelerometer value (Meters/Second/Second).
setZAxisG(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Accelerometer
Sets the Z-Axis accelerometer value (G-Force).
setZoneChanged() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
Sets the zone changed flag
setZonePurposeID(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
setZoneType(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
Sets the geozone type
setZoneType(Geozone.GeozoneType) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
Sets the geozone type
setZoneType(String, Locale) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
Sets the geozone type
setZoomRegion(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
Sets the zoom-region state.
setZoomTo(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.MapShape
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.GeoPoint
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.GeoPoint
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.GeoPoint
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.GeoPoint
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.GeoPoint
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.GeoPoint
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.GeoPoint
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.GeoPoint
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.GeoPoint
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.GeoPoint
Shape - Class in org.opengts.extra.shapefile
Shape(Shape) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.Shape
Shape(Payload) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.Shape
Shape(int, int, BoundingBox, Point[], int[], int[], Range, Range) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.Shape
Shape(int, GeoPoint) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.Shape
Initialize with single GeoPoint
Shape(int, GeoPolygon) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.Shape
Initialize with single GeoPolygon
ShapefileSet - Class in org.opengts.extra.shapefile
ShapefileSet() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.ShapefileSet
Create new shapefile
ShapefileSet(String) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.ShapefileSet
Load existing shapefile
ShapefileSet.ZipOutput - Class in org.opengts.extra.shapefile
ShapefileSet.ZipOutput() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.ShapefileSet.ZipOutput
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.Shape
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.Shape
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.Shape
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.Shape
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.Shape
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.Shape
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.Shape
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.Shape
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.Shape
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.Shape
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.Shape
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.Shape
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.Shape
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.Shape
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.Shape
shortFormat(TimeZone) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.DateTime
Formats the current DateTime instance (using format "MMM dd, yyyy HH:mm:ss z")
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Data
showInMenuBar() -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.MenuGroup
showInTopMenu() -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.MenuGroup
showLastEventDevicePushpin(boolean, BasicPrivateLabel) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Returns true if the Device pushpin should be shown for the last event
showMapRouteLine(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.war.report.field.NearbyDevicesReport
Returns true if the map route-line is to be displayed, false otherwise.
This implementation overrides the superclass default and always returns false.
showMapRouteLine(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportData
Returns true if the map route-line is to be displayed, false otherwise
showSingleItemTextField(PrivateLabel) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.track.DeviceChooser
SHPParser - Class in org.opengts.extra.shapefile
SHPParser() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.SHPParser
SHPParser constuctor
SHPParser(int, BoundingBox, Range, Range, List<Shape>) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.SHPParser
SHPParser constuctor
SHPParser(SHPParser) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.SHPParser
Copy constuctor
SHPParser(byte[]) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.SHPParser
SHP file parser constuctor
SHPParser(File) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.SHPParser
SHP file parser constuctor
shuffle(T[], BigInteger) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
Shuffle the array (in place) based on the specified randomizer seed
shuffle(T[], long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
Shuffle the array (in place) based on the specified randomizer
shuffle(T[], Random) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
Shuffle the array (in place) based on the specified randomizer
shuffle(char[], BigInteger) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
Shuffle the array (in place) based on the specified randomizer
shuffle(char[], long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
Shuffle the array (in place) based on the specified randomizer
shuffle(char[], Random) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
Shuffle the array (in place) based on the specified randomizer
shuffle(String, BigInteger) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
Shuffle the String based on the specified randomizer
shuffle(String, long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
Shuffle the String based on the specified randomizer
shuffle(String, Random) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
Shuffle the String based on the specified randomizer
shuffle(byte[], BigInteger) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
Shuffle the array (in place) based on the specified randomizer
shuffle(byte[], long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
Shuffle the array (in place) based on the specified randomizer
shuffle(byte[], Random) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
Shuffle the array (in place) based on the specified randomizer
shuffle(int[], BigInteger) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
Shuffle the array (in place) based on the specified randomizer
shuffle(int[], long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
Shuffle the array (in place) based on the specified randomizer
shuffle(int[], Random) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
Shuffle the array (in place) based on the specified randomizer
shuffleAlphabet(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Base64
return a shuffled Base64 alphabet
shuffleAlphabet(long, char[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Base64
return a shuffled Base64 alphabet
shuffleAlphabet(BigInteger) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Base64
return a shuffled Base64 alphabet
shuffleAlphabet(BigInteger, char[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Base64
return a shuffled Base64 alphabet
shutdown(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread
Shuts down the server
shutdownAll(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtypes.DTOBDFault
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.DCServerFactory
signal(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.PosixSignalHandler
overridable handler callback
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.PosixSignalHandler
signal_ABRT() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.PosixSignalHandler
"ABRT" signal callback
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.PosixSignalHandler
signal_HUP() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.PosixSignalHandler
"HUP" signal callback
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.PosixSignalHandler
signal_INT() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.PosixSignalHandler
"INT" signal callback
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.PosixSignalHandler
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.PosixSignalHandler
signal_TERM() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.PosixSignalHandler
"TERM" signal callback
signalShutdown() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread.ServerSessionThread
Signal thread to shut down
signURL(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.geocoder.google.GoogleSig
Calculate and append Google "&signature=" hash.
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.template.TrackClientPacketHandler
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.tk10x.TrackClientPacketHandler
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.servers.generic.TrackClientPacketHandler
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.servers.sanav.TrackClientPacketHandler
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.aspicore.TrackClientPacketHandler
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.astra.TrackClientPacketHandler
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.gtsdmtp.DeviceDBImpl
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.lantrix.TrackClientPacketHandler
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.taip.TrackClientPacketHandler
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.template.TrackClientPacketHandler
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.template_old.TrackClientPacketHandler
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.tk10x.TrackClientPacketHandler
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Data
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.gc101.Data
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.gprmc.Data
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.DCServerFactory
size() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.CachedLogOutputStream
Gets the current size of the buffer
size() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.CurveFit
Returns the size of this CurveFit
size() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.GeoPolygon
size() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.JSON._Array
Gets the number of items in this array
size() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools.CollectionProxy
size(ByteArrayOutputStream) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
Returns the size of the specified ByteArrayOutputStream
size(ByteArrayInputStream) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
Returns the size of the specified ByteArrayInputStream
size(Map<?, ?>) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
Returns the size of the specified Map
size(Collection<?>) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
Returns the size of the specified Collection
size(T[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
Returns the size of the specified array
size(char[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
Returns the size of the specified character array
size(byte[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
Returns the size of the specified byte array
size(short[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
Returns the size of the specified short array
size(int[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
Returns the size of the specified int array
size(long[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
Returns the size of the specified long array
size(float[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
Returns the size of the specified float array
size(double[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
Returns the size of the specified double array
size() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.OrderedSet
Returns the number of elements in this set
size() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
Return the number of properties in this instance
size() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ThreadLocalMap
Returns the number of key-value mappings in this map
size() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.TreeNode
Returns number of children in this node
size() -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportDeviceList
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.TreeNode
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.TreeNode
sleepMS(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.OSTools
Sleeps for the specified number of milliseconds
sleepSec(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.OSTools
Sleeps for the specified number of seconds
SlowOperationException - Exception in org.opengts.geocoder
SlowOperationException() -
Constructor for exception org.opengts.geocoder.SlowOperationException
SlowOperationException(String) -
Constructor for exception org.opengts.geocoder.SlowOperationException
SMS_Prefix -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.SMSOutboundGateway
SMSOutboundGateway - Class in org.opengts.db
Outbound SMS gateway handler
SMSOutboundGateway() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.SMSOutboundGateway
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.RTKey
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.RTKey
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.RTKey
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.RTKey
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.RTKey
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.RTKey
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.RTKey
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.RTKey
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.RTKey
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.RTKey
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.RTKey
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.RTKey
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.RTKey
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.RTKey
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.RTKey
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.DCServerFactory
socketReadBytes(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ClientSocketThread
Reads the specified number of bytes from the socket
socketReadBytes(Socket, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ClientSocketThread
Reads the specified number of bytes from the specifed socket
socketReadBytes(ByteArrayOutputStream, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ClientSocketThread
Reads the bytes from the specifed socket until an eod-of-stream error occurs, or
until the maximum number of bytes has bee read.
socketReadBytes(Socket, ByteArrayOutputStream, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ClientSocketThread
Reads the bytes from the specifed socket until an eod-of-stream error occurs, or
until the maximum number of bytes has bee read.
socketReadLine() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ClientSocketThread
Reads a line from the socket input stream
socketReadLine(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ClientSocketThread
Reads a line from the socket input stream
socketReadLine(StringBuffer) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ClientSocketThread
Reads a line from the socket input strea
socketReadLine(int, StringBuffer) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ClientSocketThread
Reads a line from the socket input stream
socketReadLine(Socket, int, StringBuffer) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ClientSocketThread
Reads a line from the specified socket's input stream
socketWriteBytes(byte[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ClientSocketThread
Writes the specified byte array to the socket output stream
socketWriteBytes(byte[], int, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ClientSocketThread
Writes length
bytes from the specified byte array
starting at offset
to the socket output stream.
socketWriteBytes(Socket, byte[], int, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ClientSocketThread
Writes length
bytes from the specified byte array
starting at offset
to the specified socket's output stream.
socketWriteBytes(Socket, byte[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ClientSocketThread
Writes the specified byte array to the specified socket's output stream
socketWriteLine(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ClientSocketThread
Writes the specified line to the socket output stream
socketWriteLine(Socket, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ClientSocketThread
Writes the specified line to the specified socket's output stream
socketWriteString(StringBuffer) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ClientSocketThread
Writes the specified StringBuffer to the socket output stream
socketWriteString(Socket, StringBuffer) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ClientSocketThread
Writes the specified StringBuffer to the specified socket's output stream
socketWriteString(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ClientSocketThread
Writes the specified String to the socket output stream
socketWriteString(Socket, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ClientSocketThread
Writes the specified String to the specified socket's output stream
sort(List<T>, Comparator<? super T>) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
Sorts the specified List based on the specified Comparator
sort(List<T>, Comparator<? super T>, boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
Sorts the specified List based on the specified Comparator and sort order
sort(T[], Comparator<? super T>) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
Sorts the specified array based on the specified Comparator
sort(T[], Comparator<? super T>, boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
Sorts the specified array based on the specified Comparator
sort(String[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
Sorts the specified String array in ascending order
sort(String[], boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
Sorts the specified String array
sortByDeviceDescription(List<FieldData>) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.report.field.FieldData
SortByX(XYPair[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.XYPair
Sorts the XYPair list by the X value
sortKeys(Comparator<K>) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.OrderedMap
Sorts the key set based on the specified Comparator
SortList(List<IDDescription>, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.tools.IDDescription
Sorts the specified IDDescription list by the specified field
SortList(List<IDDescription>, IDDescription.SortBy) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.tools.IDDescription
Sorts the specified IDDescription list by the specified field
Static variable in interface org.opengts.war.report.ReportPresentation
Static variable in interface org.opengts.war.tools.WebPage
Static variable in interface org.opengts.war.report.ReportPresentation
Static variable in interface org.opengts.war.tools.WebPage
Static variable in interface org.opengts.war.report.ReportPresentation
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.tools.WebPageAdaptor
Static variable in interface org.opengts.war.report.ReportPresentation
Static variable in interface org.opengts.war.tools.WebPage
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.tools.WebPageAdaptor
SP -
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.HTMLTools
speedKnots -
Variable in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtypes.DTOBDFault
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtypes.DTOBDFault
split(String, char) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
See StringTools.parseStringArray(String, char)
split(String, char, boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
See StringTools.parseStringArray(String, char, boolean)
split(StringBuffer, char) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
See StringTools.parseStringArray(StringBuffer, char)
split(StringBuffer, char, boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
See StringTools.parseStringArray(StringBuffer, char, boolean)
split(byte[], char) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
Converts the specified byte array to a String, then splits the resulting
String per "StringTools.parseStringArray".
split(byte[], char, boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
Converts the specified byte array to a String, then splits the resulting
String per "StringTools.parseStringArray".
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.GeoPoint
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.GeoPoint
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.GeoPoint
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.GeoPoint
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.DCServerFactory
SRATTR_account -
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.ServiceRequest
SRATTR_auth -
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.ServiceRequest
SRATTR_code -
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.ServiceRequest
SRATTR_command -
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.ServiceRequest
SRATTR_password -
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.ServiceRequest
SRATTR_result -
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.ServiceRequest
SRATTR_user -
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.ServiceRequest
SRTAG_Authorization -
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.ServiceRequest
SRTAG_GTSRequest -
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.ServiceRequest
SRTAG_GTSResponse -
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.ServiceRequest
SRTAG_Message -
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.ServiceRequest
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.SendMailArgs
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.DCServerFactory
start() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread.ServerSessionThread
Start Client session thread
start() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread
Starts main ServerSocketThread port listener thread
start(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread
Starts this thread handler
startAutoTrimThread(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.geocoder.ReverseGeocodeCache
Starts the "trim" thread.
startCommandHandler(int, Class<? extends CommandPacketHandler>) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerConfig
Start Command Listener
startJavaScript() -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.HTMLTools
Returns a String representing a start-of-JavaScript tag
startNode(TreeNode) -
Method in interface org.opengts.util.TreeNode.TreeNodeHandler
startRemoteLogging() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerConfig
Starts the RemoteLogServer if remote logging is enabled
startRemoteLogging(DCServerConfig) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerConfig
Starts the RemoteLogServer if remote logging is enabled
startReverseGeocodeFailoverMode() -
Method in class org.opengts.geocoder.ReverseGeocodeProviderAdapter
Start failover mode (with default timeout)
startReverseGeocodeFailoverMode(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.geocoder.ReverseGeocodeProviderAdapter
Start failover mode (with specified timeout)
startServer() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RemoteLogServer
Starts the remote log server
startServerSocketThread(ServerSocketThread, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerConfig
Start ServerSocketThread
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.DCServerConfig
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.DCServerConfig
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.DCServerConfig
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.DCServerConfig
STARTSWITH(String, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBWhere
"field LIKE '...%...'"
startsWith(byte[], String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
Returns true if the specified byte array starts with the pattern String
startsWith(byte[], String[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
Returns true if the specified byte array starts with any of the specified pattern Strings
startsWith(String, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
Returns true if the specified target String starts with the pattern String
startsWith(String, String[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
Returns true if the specified target String starts with any of the specified pattern Strings
startsWithIgnoreCase(String, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
Returns true if the specified target String starts with the pattern String
without regard to case (a method that should be on the String class itself, but isn't)
startsWithIgnoreCase(String, String[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
Returns true if the specified target String starts with any of the specified pattern Strings
without regard to case.
startsWithListChar(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Accelerometer
Returns true if the specified list starts with a Accelerometer list character
startsWithListChar(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.XYPair
Returns true if the specified list starts with a XYPair list character
StartsWithSMS(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.SMSOutboundGateway
Return true if string starts with "SMS:"
startTAG(boolean, String, String, boolean, boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.XMLTools
Start tag
startThread() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ClientSocketThread
Causes this thread to begin execution
startTrackServer(int[], int[], int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.extra.servers.generic.TrackServer
startTrackServer(int[], int[], int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.extra.servers.sanav.TrackServer
startTrackServer(int[], int[], int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.aspicore.TrackServer
startTrackServer(int[], int[], int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.astra.TrackServer
startTrackServer(int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.icare.TrackServer
startTrackServer(int[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.icare.TrackServer
startTrackServer(int[], int[], int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.lantrix.TrackServer
startTrackServer(int[], int[], int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.sipgear.TrackServer
startTrackServer(int[], int[], int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.taip.TrackServer
startTrackServer(int[], int[], int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.template.TrackServer
startTrackServer(int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.template_old.TrackServer
startTrackServer(int[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.template_old.TrackServer
startTrackServer(int[], int[], int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.tk10x.TrackServer
StartupInit - Class in org.opengts
Provides startup initialization.
This class is loaded by DBConfig.java
at startup initialization time, and
various methods are called within this class to allow custom DB initialization.
The actual class loaded and executed by DBConfig
can be overridden by placing
the following line in the system 'default.conf' and 'webapp.conf' files:
StartupInit() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.StartupInit
(Created with the DBConfig db startup initialization)
StateColumnLength -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
STATUS_1000 -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.google.GoogleGeocodeV3
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
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Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
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Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
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Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.google.GoogleGeocodeV3
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
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Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
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Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.google.GoogleGeocodeV3
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
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Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.google.GoogleGeocodeV3
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Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.google.GoogleGeocodeV3
StatusCode - Class in org.opengts.db.tables
StatusCode() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.tables.StatusCode
StatusCode(StatusCode.Key) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.tables.StatusCode
statusCode -
Variable in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
StatusCode.Key - Class in org.opengts.db.tables
StatusCode.Key() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.tables.StatusCode.Key
StatusCode.Key(String, int) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.tables.StatusCode.Key
StatusCode.Key(String, String, int) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.tables.StatusCode.Key
StatusCodeInfo - Class in org.opengts.extra.war.track.page
StatusCodeInfo() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.extra.war.track.page.StatusCodeInfo
StatusCodeProvider - Interface in org.opengts.db
StatusCodes - Class in org.opengts.db
StatusCodes() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
StatusCodes.Code - Class in org.opengts.db
StatusCodes.Code(int, String, I18N.Text) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes.Code
StatusCodes.Code(int, String, I18N.Text, boolean) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes.Code
StatusCodes.Code(int, String, String) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes.Code
StatusCodes.Code(int, String, String, boolean) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes.Code
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.ThreadPool
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.ThreadPool
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.ThreadPool
stopAutoTrimThread() -
Method in class org.opengts.geocoder.ReverseGeocodeCache
Stop the "trim" thread.
stopThread() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ClientSocketThread
Attemps to stop the thread [CHECK]
StopThreads(boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ThreadPool
Tell all active threads to stop
stopThreads() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ThreadPool
Stops all threads in this pool once queued jobs are complete
stopThreads(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ThreadPool
Stops all threads in this pool once queued jobs are complete
StreetColumnLength -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
StringTools - Class in org.opengts.util
Provides various String parsing/format utilities
StringTools() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.StringTools
StringTools.FilterNumber - Class in org.opengts.util
Class used to parse numeric values
StringTools.FilterNumber(String, Class<?>) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.StringTools.FilterNumber
StringTools.HTMLFilterType - Enum in org.opengts.util
StringTools.KeyValueMap - Interface in org.opengts.util
KeyValueMap interface.
StringTools.KeyValueMap_SBIndex - Class in org.opengts.util
KeyValueMap_SBIndex interface.
StringTools.KeyValueMap_SBIndex() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.StringTools.KeyValueMap_SBIndex
StringTools.RegexIndex - Class in org.opengts.util
StringTools.RegexIndex(Matcher) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.StringTools.RegexIndex
StringTools.RegexIndex(int, int) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.StringTools.RegexIndex
StringTools.ValueFilter - Interface in org.opengts.util
ValueFilter interface.
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
stripChars(String, char[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
Strips the specified characters from the input String
stripChars(String, char) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
Strips the specified character from the input String
stripChars(String, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
Strips the specified characters from the input String
stripChars(String, char, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
Strips the specified character from the input String
stripChars(String, String, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
Strips the specified characters from the input String
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.ExcelTools
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.ExcelTools
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.HeaderRowTemplate
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.HeaderColumnTemplate
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.HeaderColumnTemplate
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.ExcelTools
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.ExcelTools
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.ExcelTools
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.ExcelTools
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.ExcelTools
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.AclEntry
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.tools.WebPageAdaptor
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.ReverseGeocode
SubdivisionException - Exception in org.opengts.geocoder
SubdivisionException class
SubdivisionException(String, Throwable) -
Constructor for exception org.opengts.geocoder.SubdivisionException
Message/Cause constructor
SubdivisionProvider - Interface in org.opengts.geocoder
subList(int, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.OrderedSet
Thows UnsupportedOperationException
SubmitMatch(String, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.WebPageAdaptor
SubmitMatch(String, String, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.WebPageAdaptor
subtract(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.AccumulatorInteger
Subtracts the specified value from the accumulator
subtract(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.AccumulatorLong
Subtracts the specified value from the accumulator
SUCCESS(boolean, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Response
suffix(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTKey
Apply the specified partial key as a suffix to the key name contained in this RTKey
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.WorkHours
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.DateTime
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.DateTime
sunSignalHandlerAvailable() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.PosixSignalHandler
Returns true if the "sun.misc.Signal" is available
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
SupportsAccountManager() -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
supportsActiveCorridor() -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Returns true if active corridors are supported
supportsAssignedUserID() -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Returns true if assigned-userID is supported
SupportsBorderCrossing() -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
supportsBorderCrossing() -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Returns true if this Device record supports Border-Crossing
supportsCommandDispatcher(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerFactory
Returns true if the named server supports a command port
supportsCommandDispatcher(Device) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerFactory
Returns true if the server for the specified Device supports a command port
supportsCorridor() -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
Returns true if this zone supports GeoCorridor information.
supportsDataPushTime() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Returns true if DataPushTime is supported
SupportsDataPushURL() -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
supportsDMTP() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
OpenDMTP: Returns true if this device supports the OpenDMTP protocol
supportsDMTP() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
supportsEfficientCount() -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
Return true if this DBFactory suports efficient records countins.
supportsELogState() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Returns true if ELogState is supported
supportsEncoding(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.gtsdmtp.DeviceDBImpl
supportsEventsPerSecond() -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Returns true if EventsPerSecond is supported/enabled
supportsFaultCode() -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Returns true if the fault code string is supported
supportsFaultCodes() -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Returns true if Fault Codes are supported
supportsFilesGetAttribute() -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.FileTools
Returns true if "Files.getAttribute(...)" is supported.
supportsFixedLocation() -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Returns true if Fixed Locations are supported
supportsHoursOfOperation() -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Returns true if HoursOfOperation/WorkHours is supported
supportsLastEngineHours() -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Returns true if LastEngineHours is supported
supportsLastOdometer() -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Returns true if the Device record supports the last odometer fields
supportsLimit() -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
Returns true if the DBProvider supports limits
supportsLimit() -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBSelect
Returns true if the DBProvider supports a LIMIT clause
supportsLinkURL() -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Returns true if this Device record supports the "linkURL" field
supportsNotification() -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Returns true if this Device record supports the "allowNotify" field
supportsNotification() -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.DeviceGroup
Returns true if this DeviceGroup record supports the "allowNotify" field
supportsOffset() -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
Returns true if the DBProvider supports offsets
supportsOffset() -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBSelect
Returns true if the DBProvider supports a OFFSET clause
supportsPendingMessage() -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Returns true if PendingMessage is supported
supportsPeriodicMaintenance() -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Returns true if Periodic Maintenance fields are supported
supportsPriority() -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
Returns true if this table supports overlap priority
supportsSpeedLimitKPH() -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
Returns true if this table supports speed limit
supportsThermalProfile() -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Returns true if ThermalProfile is supported
supportsType(Class<T>) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools.FilterNumber
swap(List<T>, int, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
Swap 2 items in the specified list
swap(T[], int, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
Swap 2 items in the specified list
swap(char[], int, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
Swap 2 items in the specified list
swap(byte[], int, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
Swap 2 items in the specified list
swap(int[], int, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
Swap 2 items in the specified list
swap(long[], int, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
Swap 2 items in the specified list
swap(double[], int, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
Swap 2 items in the specified list
Static variable in class org.opengts.rule.tables.Rule
Static variable in class org.opengts.rule.tables.Rule
SysAdminAccounts - Class in org.opengts.war.track.page
SysAdminAccounts() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.track.page.SysAdminAccounts
SysAdminDevices - Class in org.opengts.extra.war.track.page
SysAdminDevices() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.extra.war.track.page.SysAdminDevices
SysAdminInfo - Class in org.opengts.extra.war.track.page
SysAdminInfo() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.extra.war.track.page.SysAdminInfo
sysPrint(String, Object...) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Print
Prints the specified message to stdout (no extra line terminator is included)
The stack-frame is ommitted.
sysPrint(StringBuffer, Object...) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Print
Prints the specified message to stdout (no extra line terminator is included)
The stack-frame is ommitted.
sysPrintActiveSessions(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread
Prints the active session list to stdout
sysPrintln(String, Object...) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Print
Prints the specified message to stdout (includes the line-terminator '\n')
The stack-frame is ommitted.
sysPrintln(StringBuffer, Object...) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Print
Prints the specified message to stdout (includes the line-terminator '\n')
The stack-frame is ommitted.
sysStackTrace(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Print
Prints the specified message and current stacktrace to stdout (includes the line-terminator '\n')
The stack-frame is ommitted.
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.RoleRecord
Static variable in class org.opengts.rule.tables.Rule
systemAdminOnly() -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.war.track.page.LAFInfo
systemAdminOnly() -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.war.track.page.SysAdminDevices
systemAdminOnly() -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.war.track.page.SysAdminInfo
systemAdminOnly() -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.war.track.page.SystemPropsAdmin
systemAdminOnly() -
Method in interface org.opengts.war.tools.WebPage
systemAdminOnly() -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.WebPageAdaptor
systemAdminOnly() -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.ReportMenuSysAdmin
systemAdminOnly() -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.SysAdminAccounts
SystemAudit - Class in org.opengts.extra.tables
SystemAudit() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.extra.tables.SystemAudit
SystemAudit(SystemAudit.Key) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.extra.tables.SystemAudit
SystemAudit.Key - Class in org.opengts.extra.tables
SystemAudit.Key() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.extra.tables.SystemAudit.Key
SystemAudit.Key(String, long, int) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.extra.tables.SystemAudit.Key
SystemProps - Class in org.opengts.db.tables
SystemProps() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.tables.SystemProps
SystemProps(SystemProps.Key) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.tables.SystemProps
SystemProps.Key - Class in org.opengts.db.tables
SystemProps.Key() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.tables.SystemProps.Key
SystemProps.Key(String) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.tables.SystemProps.Key
SystemPropsAdmin - Class in org.opengts.extra.war.track.page
SystemPropsAdmin() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.extra.war.track.page.SystemPropsAdmin
- T8806_NAME -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.DCServerFactory
- T880X_NAME -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.DCServerFactory
- TAB -
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
Static method in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.Diagnostic
Static method in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.EventTemplate
Static method in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.PendingPacket
Static method in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.Property
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.AccountString
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.DeviceGroup
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.DeviceList
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Driver
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.GroupList
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Resource
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Role
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.RoleAcl
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.StatusCode
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.SystemProps
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.UniqueXID
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.User
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.UserAcl
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.UserDevice
Static method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.Antx
Static method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.DeviceMessage
Static method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.Entity
Static method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.PendingCommands
Static method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.PointsOfInterest
Static method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.ReportJob
Static method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.SessionStats
Static method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.SystemAudit
Static method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.UnassignedDevices
Static method in class org.opengts.rule.tables.Rule
- tableExists() -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
- Return true if the table represented by this DBFactory exists
- TableNameMap -
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
- tableRequired() -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
- Return true if the table represented by this DBFactory is required
- TabulatedList<KEYTYPE> - Class in org.opengts.util
- TabulatedList() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.TabulatedList
- Constructor
- TabulatedMap<KEYTYPE,VALTYPE> - Class in org.opengts.util
- TabulatedMap() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.TabulatedMap
- Constructor
- TAG_Account -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.EventUtil
- TAG_Account -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.ReportTable
- TAG_AccountID -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.UserAttributes
- TAG_AccountName -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.UserAttributes
- TAG_AckResponse -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.DeviceList
- TAG_AckTime -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.DeviceList
- TAG_Acl -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_AclName -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_Acls -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_Action -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.EventUtil
- TAG_ActionBar -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.CustomConfig
- TAG_ActionCommand -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_Active -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.DeviceList
- TAG_Address -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.EventUtil
- TAG_address -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.geonames.GeoNames
- TAG_address -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.google.GoogleGeocodeV2
- TAG_Address -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.DeviceList
- TAG_address_components -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.google.GoogleGeocodeV3
- TAG_AddressDetails -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.google.GoogleGeocodeV2
- TAG_addressparts -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.nominatim.Nominatim
- TAG_adm1Code -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.gisgraphy.GisGraphy
- TAG_adm1Name -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.gisgraphy.GisGraphy
- TAG_adminCode1 -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.geonames.GeoNames
- TAG_AdministrativeArea -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.google.GoogleGeocodeV2
- TAG_AdministrativeAreaName -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.google.GoogleGeocodeV2
- TAG_adminName1 -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.geonames.GeoNames
- TAG_adminName2 -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.geonames.GeoNames
- TAG_Alias -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_Altitude -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.EventUtil
- TAG_Altitude -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.DeviceList
- TAG_Arg -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.HandleCommand
- TAG_Args -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.HandleCommand
- TAG_Ascending -
Static variable in interface org.opengts.extra.service.ServiceXML
- TAG_Ascending -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.ReportTable
- TAG_Auth -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.HandleCommand
- TAG_Authorization -
Static variable in interface org.opengts.extra.service.ServiceXML
- TAG_AutoIndex -
Static variable in interface org.opengts.extra.service.ServiceXML
- TAG_BackgroundGradient -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.CustomConfig
- TAG_bar -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.nominatim.Nominatim
- TAG_BaseURL -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.HTMLTools
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.HTMLTools
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.HTMLTools
- TAG_Body -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.HTMLTools
- TAG_bounds -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.google.GoogleGeocodeV3
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.HTMLTools
- TAG_Button -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.CustomConfig
- TAG_ButtonImage -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_ButtonImageAlt -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.HTMLTools
- TAG_City -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.EventUtil
- TAG_city -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.nominatim.Nominatim
- TAG_City -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.ReverseGeocode
- TAG_cityName -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.geonames.GeoNames
- TAG_code -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.geonames.GeoNames
- TAG_code -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.google.GoogleGeocodeV2
- TAG_COLOR(Color) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.HTMLTools
- Returns a TagBlock 'font' wrapper with the specified color
- TAG_COLOR(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.HTMLTools
- Returns a TagBlock 'font' wrapper with the specified color String
- TAG_ColorThemes -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.CustomConfig
- TAG_Column -
Static variable in interface org.opengts.extra.service.ServiceXML
- TAG_Column -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
- TAG_Columns -
Static variable in interface org.opengts.extra.service.ServiceXML
- TAG_Columns -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
- TAG_Command -
Static variable in interface org.opengts.extra.service.ServiceXML
- TAG_Command -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.HandleCommand
- TAG_Commands -
Static variable in interface org.opengts.extra.service.ServiceXML
- TAG_Comment -
Static variable in interface org.opengts.extra.service.ServiceXML
- TAG_ConfigCode -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.CustomConfig
- TAG_Constraints -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
- TAG_ContactPhone -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.DeviceList
- TAG_coordinates -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.google.GoogleGeocodeV2
- TAG_Copyright -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_Country -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.google.GoogleGeocodeV2
- TAG_country -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.nominatim.Nominatim
- TAG_country_code -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.nominatim.Nominatim
- TAG_countryCode -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.geonames.GeoNames
- TAG_countryCode -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.gisgraphy.GisGraphy
- TAG_CountryCode -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.ReverseGeocode
- TAG_countryName -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.geonames.GeoNames
- TAG_CountryName -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.google.GoogleGeocodeV2
- TAG_CountryNameCode -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.google.GoogleGeocodeV2
- TAG_countrySubdivision -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.geonames.GeoNames
- TAG_county -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.nominatim.Nominatim
- TAG_CreationFromMS -
Static variable in interface org.opengts.extra.service.ServiceXML
- TAG_CreationToMS -
Static variable in interface org.opengts.extra.service.ServiceXML
- TAG_CustomCommand -
Static variable in interface org.opengts.extra.service.ServiceXML
- TAG_CustomConfig -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.CustomConfig
- TAG_DataColumns -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.EventUtil
- TAG_DataSet -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.EventUtil
- TAG_DateFormat -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_DateFormat -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
- TAG_DefaultLoginAccount -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_DefaultLoginUser -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_DefaultStyle -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
- TAG_Description -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_Description -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.EventUtil
- TAG_Description -
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
- TAG_Description -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
- TAG_Device -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.EventUtil
- TAG_Device -
Static variable in interface org.opengts.extra.service.ServiceXML
- TAG_DeviceCommand -
Static variable in interface org.opengts.extra.service.ServiceXML
- TAG_DeviceGroup -
Static variable in interface org.opengts.extra.service.ServiceXML
- TAG_DeviceGroups -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.DeviceList
- TAG_DeviceGroups -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.UserAttributes
- TAG_DeviceID -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.DeviceList
- TAG_DeviceID -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.UserAttributes
- TAG_DeviceList -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.DeviceList
- TAG_DeviceList -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.UserAttributes
- TAG_DeviceMessages -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.DeviceList
- TAG_DeviceName -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.DeviceList
- TAG_DeviceName -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.UserAttributes
- TAG_DeviceNames -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.UserAttributes
- TAG_DeviceStatus -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.DeviceList
- TAG_DigitalInputMask -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.EventUtil
- TAG_distance -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.geonames.GeoNames
- TAG_DistanceUnits -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.UserAttributes
- TAG_Domain -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_DormantInterval -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.HandleCommand
- TAG_DriverID -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.EventUtil
- TAG_DriverMessage -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.EventUtil
- TAG_EMailAddress -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_EmailAddress -
Static variable in interface org.opengts.extra.service.ServiceXML
- TAG_EMailAddresses -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_EncodeArgs -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.HandleCommand
- TAG_EngineCoolantLevel -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.EventUtil
- TAG_EngineCoolantTemperature -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.EventUtil
- TAG_EngineFuelUsed -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.EventUtil
- TAG_EngineHours -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.EventUtil
- TAG_EngineRPM -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.EventUtil
- TAG_Event -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.EventUtil
- TAG_EventData -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.EventUtil
- TAG_EventData -
Static variable in interface org.opengts.extra.service.ServiceXML
- TAG_EventNotificationEMail -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_Events -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.DeviceList
- TAG_ExpireTime -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.DeviceList
- TAG_fast_food -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.nominatim.Nominatim
- TAG_Field -
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
- TAG_Field -
Static variable in interface org.opengts.extra.service.ServiceXML
- TAG_formatted_address -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.google.GoogleGeocodeV3
- TAG_FullAddress -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.ReverseGeocode
- TAG_GeocodeProvider -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_geometry -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.google.GoogleGeocodeV3
- TAG_geoname -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.geonames.GeoNames
- TAG_geonames -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.geonames.GeoNames
- TAG_Geozone -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.EventUtil
- TAG_Geozones -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.HandleCommand
- TAG_GPSPoint -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.EventUtil
- TAG_GPSRequired -
Static variable in interface org.opengts.extra.service.ServiceXML
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.HTMLTools
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.HTMLTools
- TAG_GroupID -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.DeviceList
- TAG_GroupID -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.HandleCommand
- TAG_GroupID -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.UserAttributes
- TAG_GroupName -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.DeviceList
- TAG_GroupName -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.HandleCommand
- TAG_GroupName -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.UserAttributes
- TAG_GTSRequest -
Static variable in interface org.opengts.extra.service.ServiceXML
- TAG_GTSResponse -
Static variable in interface org.opengts.extra.service.ServiceXML
- TAG_H1 -
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.HTMLTools
- TAG_H2 -
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.HTMLTools
- TAG_H3 -
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.HTMLTools
- TAG_hamlet -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.nominatim.Nominatim
- TAG_HeaderGroup -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
- TAG_HeaderGroups -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
- TAG_Heading -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.EventUtil
- TAG_Heading -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.DeviceList
- TAG_house -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.nominatim.Nominatim
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.HTMLTools
- TAG_I18N -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_IconImage -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_IconSelector -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_ID -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.HandleCommand
- TAG_ImpromptuStatusCodes -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.HandleCommand
- TAG_ImpromptuStatusCodes -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.UserAttributes
- TAG_Include -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_Include -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
- TAG_IntervalTag -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
- TAG_IsParked -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.DeviceList
- TAG_isTollRoad -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.geonames.GeoNames
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.HTMLTools
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_JSPEntries -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_kml -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.google.GoogleGeocodeV2
- TAG_LabelForeground -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.CustomConfig
- TAG_LastAddress -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.DeviceList
- TAG_LastEvent -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.EventUtil
- TAG_LastGPSTime -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.DeviceList
- TAG_LastHeading -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.DeviceList
- TAG_LastLatitude -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.DeviceList
- TAG_LastLongitude -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.DeviceList
- TAG_LastSpeedKPH -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.DeviceList
- TAG_lat -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.geonames.GeoNames
- TAG_lat -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.google.GoogleGeocodeV3
- TAG_Latitude -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.ReverseGeocode
- TAG_Latitude -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.DeviceList
- TAG_LatLonFormat -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.UserAttributes
- TAG_LayoutStyle -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
- TAG_Legend -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_Limit -
Static variable in interface org.opengts.extra.service.ServiceXML
- TAG_Link -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_LINK(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.HTMLTools
- Returns a TagBlock 'a href=' wrapper with the specified url
- TAG_LINK(String, boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.HTMLTools
- Returns a TagBlock 'a href=' wrapper with the specified url
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.HTMLTools
- TAG_lng -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.geonames.GeoNames
- TAG_lng -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.google.GoogleGeocodeV3
- TAG_Locale -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_Locality -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.google.GoogleGeocodeV2
- TAG_LocalityName -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.google.GoogleGeocodeV2
- TAG_location -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.google.GoogleGeocodeV3
- TAG_location_type -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.google.GoogleGeocodeV3
- TAG_LogMessage -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_long_name -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.google.GoogleGeocodeV3
- TAG_Longitude -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.ReverseGeocode
- TAG_Longitude -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.DeviceList
- TAG_MapData -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.EventUtil
- TAG_MapData -
Static variable in interface org.opengts.extra.service.ServiceXML
- TAG_MapIconSelector -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
- TAG_MapProvider -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_MapShapes -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_MenuDescription -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_MenuDescription -
Static variable in interface org.opengts.extra.service.ServiceXML
- TAG_MenuDescription -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
- TAG_MenuGroup -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_MenuHelp -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_Message -
Static variable in interface org.opengts.extra.service.ServiceXML
- TAG_Message -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.DeviceList
- TAG_Message -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.ReportTable
- TAG_MessageID -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.DeviceList
- TAG_Messages -
Static variable in interface org.opengts.extra.service.ServiceXML
- TAG_MessageType -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.DeviceList
- TAG_MinimumTransmitInterval -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.HandleCommand
- TAG_MobileLocationProvider -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.HTMLTools
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.HTMLTools
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.HTMLTools
- TAG_MovingInterval -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.HandleCommand
- TAG_name -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.geonames.GeoNames
- TAG_name -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.gisgraphy.GisGraphy
- TAG_name -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.google.GoogleGeocodeV2
- TAG_Name -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.CustomConfig
- TAG_NavigationDescription -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_NavigationTab -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_northeast -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.google.GoogleGeocodeV3
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.HTMLTools
- TAG_Odometer -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.EventUtil
- TAG_Option -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
- TAG_Options -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_Options -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
- TAG_OrderAscending -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
- TAG_OrderDescending -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
- TAG_Page -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_Page -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.CustomConfig
- TAG_PageTitle -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_ParkedAddress -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.DeviceList
- TAG_ParkedLatitude -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.DeviceList
- TAG_ParkedLongitude -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.DeviceList
- TAG_ParkedRadius -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.DeviceList
- TAG_Partial -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.ReportTable
- TAG_PasswordHandler -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_Placemark -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.google.GoogleGeocodeV2
- TAG_placename -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.geonames.GeoNames
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_Point -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.EventUtil
- TAG_Point -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.google.GoogleGeocodeV2
- TAG_Points -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_PointsOfInterest -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_PostalCode -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.EventUtil
- TAG_postalcode -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.geonames.GeoNames
- TAG_postalCode -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.geonames.GeoNames
- TAG_PostalCode -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.google.GoogleGeocodeV2
- TAG_PostalCode -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.ReverseGeocode
- TAG_PostalCodeNumber -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.google.GoogleGeocodeV2
- TAG_postcode -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.nominatim.Nominatim
- TAG_PredefinedRuleActions -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_Priority -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.DeviceList
- TAG_PrivateLabels -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_Properties -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_Properties -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.CustomConfig
- TAG_Properties -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
- TAG_Property -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_Property -
Static variable in interface org.opengts.extra.service.ServiceXML
- TAG_Property -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
- TAG_PropertyGroup -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_Protocol -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.HandleCommand
- TAG_Provider -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.ReverseGeocode
- TAG_Pushpin -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_Pushpin -
Static variable in interface org.opengts.extra.service.ServiceXML
- TAG_Pushpin -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.DeviceList
- TAG_Pushpins -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_Pushpins -
Static variable in interface org.opengts.extra.service.ServiceXML
- TAG_QTime -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.gisgraphy.GisGraphy
- TAG_QueueTime -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.DeviceList
- TAG_ReadTime -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.DeviceList
- TAG_Record -
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
- TAG_Record -
Static variable in interface org.opengts.extra.service.ServiceXML
- TAG_RecordKey -
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
- TAG_RecordKey -
Static variable in interface org.opengts.extra.service.ServiceXML
- TAG_RecordKeys -
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
- TAG_Records -
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.HTMLTools
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.HTMLTools
- TAG_Report -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_Report -
Static variable in interface org.opengts.extra.service.ServiceXML
- TAG_Report -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.ReportTable
- TAG_Report -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
- TAG_ReportDefinition -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
- TAG_ReportEmail -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.ReportTable
- TAG_ReportHtml -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.ReportTable
- TAG_ReportItem -
Static variable in interface org.opengts.extra.service.ServiceXML
- TAG_ReportJob -
Static variable in interface org.opengts.extra.service.ServiceXML
- TAG_ReportJobs -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
- TAG_ReportLayout -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
- TAG_ReportLimit -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.ReportTable
- TAG_ReportLimit -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
- TAG_ReportList -
Static variable in interface org.opengts.extra.service.ServiceXML
- TAG_Reports -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_ReportType -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
- TAG_ReportTypes -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
- TAG_ReportUrl -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.ReportTable
- TAG_request -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.google.GoogleGeocodeV2
- TAG_residential -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.nominatim.Nominatim
- TAG_Response -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.google.GoogleGeocodeV2
- TAG_result -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.gisgraphy.GisGraphy
- TAG_result -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.nominatim.Nominatim
- TAG_results -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.gisgraphy.GisGraphy
- TAG_results -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.google.GoogleGeocodeV3
- TAG_reversegeocode -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.nominatim.Nominatim
- TAG_ReverseGeocodeProvider -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.HTMLTools
- TAG_road -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.nominatim.Nominatim
- TAG_RuleAction -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_RuleSelector -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.ReportTable
- TAG_RuleSelector -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
- TAG_Select -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_SelectionLimit -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.ReportTable
- TAG_SelectionLimit -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
- TAG_Sender -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.DeviceList
- TAG_SentTime -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.DeviceList
- TAG_Server -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.HandleCommand
- TAG_Shape -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_Shape -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.EventUtil
- TAG_short_name -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.google.GoogleGeocodeV3
- TAG_ShortName -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.DeviceList
- TAG_ShortName -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.UserAttributes
- TAG_SimpleColumns -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.HTMLTools
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.HTMLTools
- TAG_southwest -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.google.GoogleGeocodeV3
- TAG_Speed -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.EventUtil
- TAG_speedCategory -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.geonames.GeoNames
- TAG_SpeedKPH -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.DeviceList
- TAG_SpeedLimit -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.ReverseGeocode
- TAG_speedRestriction -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.geonames.GeoNames
- TAG_SpeedUnits -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.UserAttributes
- TAG_state -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.nominatim.Nominatim
- TAG_state_district -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.nominatim.Nominatim
- TAG_StateProvince -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.ReverseGeocode
- TAG_status -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.geonames.GeoNames
- TAG_Status -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.google.GoogleGeocodeV2
- TAG_status -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.google.GoogleGeocodeV3
- TAG_StatusCode -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_StatusCode -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.EventUtil
- TAG_StatusCode -
Static variable in interface org.opengts.extra.service.ServiceXML
- TAG_StatusCode -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.DeviceList
- TAG_StatusCodes -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_StatusName -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.DeviceList
- TAG_street -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.geonames.GeoNames
- TAG_StreetAddress -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.ReverseGeocode
- TAG_streetNumber -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.geonames.GeoNames
- TAG_streetSegment -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.geonames.GeoNames
- TAG_String -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_Subdivision -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.ReverseGeocode
- TAG_Subject -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_Subtitle -
Static variable in interface org.opengts.extra.service.ServiceXML
- TAG_Subtitle -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.ReportTable
- TAG_Subtitle -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
- TAG_suburb -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.nominatim.Nominatim
- TAG_SupportedLocales -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_TableSchema -
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
- TAG_TableSchema -
Static variable in interface org.opengts.extra.service.ServiceXML
- TAG_TableSchemas -
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
- TAG_TextForeground -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.CustomConfig
- TAG_Time -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.EventUtil
- TAG_TimeEnd -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
- TAG_TimeFormat -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_TimeFormat -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
- TAG_TimeFrom -
Static variable in interface org.opengts.extra.service.ServiceXML
- TAG_TimeFrom -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.ReportTable
- TAG_Timestamp -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.EventUtil
- TAG_Timestamp -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.DeviceList
- TAG_TimeStart -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
- TAG_TimeTo -
Static variable in interface org.opengts.extra.service.ServiceXML
- TAG_TimeTo -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.ReportTable
- TAG_TimeZone -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.UserAttributes
- TAG_TimeZone -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
- TAG_TimeZones -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_Title -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_Title -
Static variable in interface org.opengts.extra.service.ServiceXML
- TAG_Title -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.DeviceList
- TAG_Title -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.ReportTable
- TAG_Title -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
- TAG_TollRoad -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.ReverseGeocode
- TAG_TOOLTIP(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.HTMLTools
- Returns a TagBlock 'span' wrapper with the specified title/tooltip
- TAG_town -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.nominatim.Nominatim
- TAG_tram -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.nominatim.Nominatim
- TAG_types -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.google.GoogleGeocodeV3
- TAG_UniqueID -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.DeviceList
- TAG_UniqueID -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.UserAttributes
- TAG_UpdateTime -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.DeviceList
- TAG_User -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.UserAttributes
- TAG_UserID -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.UserAttributes
- TAG_UserName -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.UserAttributes
- TAG_ValidGPSRequired -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.ReportTable
- TAG_ValidGPSRequired -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
- TAG_VehicleBatteryVolts -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.EventUtil
- TAG_Version -
Static variable in interface org.opengts.extra.service.ServiceXML
- TAG_Version -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.HandleCommand
- TAG_viewport -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.google.GoogleGeocodeV3
- TAG_village -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.nominatim.Nominatim
- TAG_WebPages -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- TAG_Where -
Static variable in interface org.opengts.extra.service.ServiceXML
- TAG_Where -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.ReportTable
- TAG_Where -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
- TAG_ZoneID -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.HandleCommand
- TAG_ZoneName -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.HandleCommand
- TAG_ZonePoints -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.HandleCommand
- TAG_ZoneRadius -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.HandleCommand
- TAG_ZoneType -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.HandleCommand
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.DCServerFactory
Static variable in interface org.opengts.db.SessionStatsFactory
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.tables.SessionStats
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.servers.sanav.TrackClientPacketHandler
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.servers.generic.Constants
Static variable in interface org.opengts.db.SessionStatsFactory
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.tables.SessionStats
- tcpWrite(byte[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.AbstractClientPacketHandler
- Write bytes to TCP output stream
- tcpWrite(byte[]) -
Method in interface org.opengts.util.ClientPacketHandler
- Write bytes to TCP output stream asynchronously
Instended to be called from a separate thread wishing to write a command
asynchronously to the active device session.
- tcpWrite(byte[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread.ServerSessionThread
- tcpWrite(byte[]) -
Method in interface org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread.SessionInfo
- tcpWriteToSessionID(String, byte[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread
- Find the named TCP session and write the specified bytes TCP output stream
- TELGH3000_NAME -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.DCServerFactory
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.DCServerFactory
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
- Temperature - Class in org.opengts.util
- Temperature container
- Temperature(long, double) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.Temperature
- Temperature constructor
- Temperature.TemperatureUnits - Enum in org.opengts.util
- Enum: Temperature Units
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.Temperature
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.Temperature
- TemperatureSet - Class in org.opengts.util
- Temperature container
- TemperatureSet() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.TemperatureSet
- Constructor
- TemperatureSet(String) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.TemperatureSet
- Constructor
- TemperatureSet(String, Temperature[]) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.TemperatureSet
- Constructor
- TemperatureSet(String, Collection<Temperature>) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.TemperatureSet
- Constructor
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.DCServerFactory
- TemplateCommandHandler - Class in org.opengts.servers.template
- This module contains the general
"business logic" for sending commands to the remote tracking device.- TemplateCommandHandler() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.servers.template.TemplateCommandHandler
- tempProps -
Variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.servers.generic.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.servers.sanav.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.aspicore.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.astra.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.icare.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.lantrix.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.sipgear.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.taip.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.template.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.template_old.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.tk10x.Constants
- terminateSession() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.CommandPacketHandler
- terminateSession() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.AbstractClientPacketHandler
- Callback to determine if the current session should be terminated
- terminateSession() -
Method in interface org.opengts.util.ClientPacketHandler
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.DBFParser
- test(String, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.MethodAction
- Command-line test method
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.RTKey
- testAndRun(TimeZone, ThreadPool) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.util.Cron.CronJob
- testNow(long, TimeZone) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.util.Cron.When
- TestRange(String, int, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.extra.util.Cron
- Tests to see if the specified value is within the specified range
- testSession(byte[], boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread
- Run a test session from the specified input data array
- testSession(InputStream, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread
- Run a test session from the specified input stream
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.CssStyle
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ColumnValue
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.CssStyle
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ColumnValue
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.CssStyle
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ColumnValue
- Text_NOWRAP -
Static variable in interface org.opengts.util.ExcelAPI
- Text_WRAP -
Static variable in interface org.opengts.util.ExcelAPI
- ThermoFieldInfo -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.SendMail
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.SendMail
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.SendMail
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.SendMail
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.SendMail
- ThreadLocalMap<K,V> - Class in org.opengts.util
- A thread local map container
- ThreadLocalMap() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.ThreadLocalMap
- Constructor
- ThreadLocalMap(Class<Map<K, V>>) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.ThreadLocalMap
- Constructor
- ThreadPool - Class in org.opengts.util
- Thread pool manager
- ThreadPool(String) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.ThreadPool
- Constuctor
- ThreadPool(String, int) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.ThreadPool
- Constructor
- ThreadPool(String, int, int, int) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.ThreadPool
- Constructor
- ThreadPool(String, RTKey, int, int, int) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.ThreadPool
- Constructor
- ThreadPool_CronTask_ -
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.RTKey
- ThreadPool_DeviceEventUpdate_ -
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.RTKey
- ThreadPool_EventRuleAction_ -
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.RTKey
- ThreadPool_SendMail_ -
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.RTKey
- threadStarted() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ClientSocketThread
- Called when the thread is started
- threadStopped() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ClientSocketThread
- Called when the thread has stopped
- THU -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.WorkHours
- THU -
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.DateTime
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.DateTime
- TIMEOUT_Geocode -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.geonames.GeoNames
- TIMEOUT_Geocode -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.google.GoogleGeocodeV2
- TIMEOUT_Geocode -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.google.GoogleGeocodeV3
- TIMEOUT_Geocode -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.tinygeocoder.TinyGeocoder
- TIMEOUT_ReverseGeocode -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.geonames.GeoNames
- TIMEOUT_ReverseGeocode -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.google.GoogleGeocodeV2
- TIMEOUT_ReverseGeocode -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.google.GoogleGeocodeV3
- TIMEOUT_ReverseGeocode -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.tinygeocoder.TinyGeocoder
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.servers.generic.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.servers.sanav.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.aspicore.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.astra.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.icare.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.lantrix.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.sipgear.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.taip.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.template.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.template_old.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.tk10x.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.servers.generic.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.servers.sanav.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.aspicore.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.astra.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.icare.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.lantrix.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.sipgear.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.taip.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.template.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.template_old.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.tk10x.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.servers.generic.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.servers.sanav.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.aspicore.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.astra.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.icare.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.lantrix.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.sipgear.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.taip.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.template.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.template_old.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.tk10x.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.servers.generic.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.servers.sanav.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.aspicore.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.astra.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.icare.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.lantrix.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.sipgear.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.taip.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.template.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.template_old.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.tk10x.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.servers.generic.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.servers.sanav.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.aspicore.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.astra.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.icare.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.lantrix.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.sipgear.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.taip.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.template.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.template_old.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.tk10x.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.servers.generic.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.servers.sanav.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.aspicore.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.astra.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.icare.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.lantrix.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.sipgear.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.taip.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.template.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.template_old.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.tk10x.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.WorkHours
- timeZone -
Variable in class org.opengts.util.DateTime.ParsedDateTime
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabel
- TinyGeocoder - Class in org.opengts.geocoder.tinygeocoder
- TinyGeocoder(String, String, RTProperties) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.geocoder.tinygeocoder.TinyGeocoder
- Constructor
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.servers.generic.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.servers.sanav.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.aspicore.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.astra.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.icare.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.lantrix.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.sipgear.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.taip.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.template.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.template_old.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.tk10x.Constants
- TK10X_NAME -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.DCServerFactory
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.tk10x.TrackClientPacketHandler
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.tk10x.TrackClientPacketHandler
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.tk10x.TrackClientPacketHandler
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.tk10x.TrackClientPacketHandler
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.tk10x.TrackClientPacketHandler
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.DCServerFactory
- toAccountUnits(Account, double) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.war.report.antx.AntxChannel
- toArray() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools.CollectionProxy
- toArray(T[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools.CollectionProxy
- toArray(Enumeration<?>, Class<T>) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
- Copies the specified Enumeration to a new array of the specified Class type
- toArray(Collection<?>) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
- Copies the specified Collection to a new array
- toArray(Collection<?>, Class<T>) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
- Copies the specified Collection to a new array of the specified Class type
- toArray(T[], int, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
- Creates a new array containing a subset of the elements in the specified array
- toArray(byte[], int, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
- Creates a new array containing a subset of the elements in the specified array
- toArray(int[], int, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
- Creates a new array containing a subset of the elements in the specified array
- toArray(long[], int, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
- Creates a new array containing a subset of the elements in the specified array
- toArray(double[], int, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
- Creates a new array containing a subset of the elements in the specified array
- toArray() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.OrderedSet
- Returns an array of Object elements in this set
- toArray(K[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.OrderedSet
- Returns an array of Object elements in this set
- toArray(List) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Converts a list of Objects to an array of Strings
- toBinaryString(byte[], int, int, StringBuffer) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Converts the specified byte array to a String binary representation
- toBinaryString(byte[], StringBuffer) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Converts the specified byte array to a String binary representation
- toBinaryString(byte[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Converts the specified byte array to a String binary representation
- toBinaryString(byte[], int, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Converts the specified byte array to a String binary representation
- toBinaryString(byte, StringBuffer) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Converts the specified byte to a String binary representation
- toBinaryString(byte) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Converts the specified byte to a String binary representation
- toBinaryString(int, StringBuffer) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Converts the specified int to a String binary representation
- toBinaryString(int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Converts the specified int to a String binary representation
- toBinaryString(long, int, StringBuffer) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Converts the specified int to a String binary representation
- toBinaryString(long, StringBuffer) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Converts the specified int to a String binary representation
- toBinaryString(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Converts the specified int to a String binary representation
- toByteArray() -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.ShapefileSet.ZipOutput
- toByteArray() -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.BufferedHttpServletResponse.BufferedServletOutputStream
- toByteArray() -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.BufferedHttpServletResponse
- toColor() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ColorTools.RGB
- toDecimalString(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.IButton
- Converts the iButton tag value to a 64-bit decimal String
- toDecimalString() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.IButton
- Converts the iButton tag value to a 64-bit decimal String (Little-Endian format)
- toDistanceAbbr() -
Method in enum org.opengts.util.GeoPoint.DistanceUnits
- toDistanceAbbr(Locale) -
Method in enum org.opengts.util.GeoPoint.DistanceUnits
- toDoubleArray(byte[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.PropertyKey
- toDoubleArray(Collection<N>) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
- Creates a new 'double' array containing the elements in the specified 'Double' list
- toFile(URL) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.FileTools
- Convert a URL specification to a File
- toFile(File, String[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.FileTools
- Convert a URL specification to a File
- toFile(String[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.FileTools
- Convert a URL specification to a File
- toGPRMC() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
- Return a formatted $GPRMC record from the values in this instance
- toHexString(Color) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ColorTools
- Returns a hex String representation of the specified Color.
- toHexString(Color, boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ColorTools
- Returns a hex String representation of the specified Color.
- toHexString(int, boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ColorTools
- Returns a hex String representation of the specified Color.
- toHexString(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.IButton
- Converts the iButton tag value to a 64-bit hex String (Big-Endian format)
(this format typically matches the hex value displayed on the iButton device)
- toHexString() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.IButton
- Converts the iButton tag value to a 64-bit hex String (Big-Endian format)
(this format typically matches the hex value displayed on the iButton device)
- toHexString(byte, StringBuffer) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Converts the specified byte to a String hex representation
- toHexString(byte) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Converts the specified byte to a String hex representation
- toHexString(byte[], int, int, StringBuffer) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Converts the specified byte array to a String hex representation
- toHexString(byte[], StringBuffer) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Converts the specified byte array to a String hex representation
- toHexString(byte[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Converts the specified byte array to a String hex representation
- toHexString(byte[], int, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Converts the specified byte array to a String hex representation
- toHexString(BigInteger, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Converts the specified BigInteger value to a hex representation
- toHexString(BigInteger) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Converts the specified long value to a hex representation
- toHexString(int, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Converts the specified long value to a hex representation
- toHexString(long, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Converts the specified long value to a hex representation
- toHexString(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Converts the specified long value to a hex representation
- toHexString(int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Converts the specified int value to a hex representation
- toHexString(short) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Converts the specified short value to a hex representation
- toHexString(Number) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Converts the specified short value to a hex representation
- toHexString(Number, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Converts the specified short value to a hex representation
- toHexString48() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.IButton
- Extract the middle 48-bits of the iButton tag value and returns it
as a 48-bit hex String (Big-Endian format).
- toHexString48(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.IButton
- Extract the middle 48-bits of the iButton tag value and returns it
as a 48-bit hex String.
- toIntArray(byte[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.PropertyKey
- toIntArray(Collection<N>) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
- Creates a new 'int' array containing the elements in the specified 'Integer' list
- toIterator(Iterable<T>) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
- Returns an Iterator for the specified Iterable
- toIterator(Enumeration<T>) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
- Converts the specified Enumeration into an Iterator
- toIterator(T[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
- Returns an iterator over the elements in the specified array
- toJSON() -
Method in class org.opengts.geocoder.ReverseGeocode
- Returns a JSON String containing this ReverseGeocode information
- toJSON(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.geocoder.ReverseGeocode
- Returns a JSON String containing this ReverseGeocode information
- toJsonObject() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerConfig.Command
- toJsonObject() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerConfig.CommandArg
- toLegacyZoomRegion() -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.MapShape
- toList(T...) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
- Copies the specified array elements to a List
- toList(List<T>, T...) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
- Copies the specified array elements to a List
- toList(T[], List<T>) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
- Copies the specified array elements to a List
- toList(T[], int, int, List<T>) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
- Copies the specified array elements to a List
- toList(Enumeration<T>) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
- Copies the Enumeration to a List
- toList(Enumeration<T>, List<T>) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
- Copies the Enumeration to a List
- toList(Iterator<T>) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
- Copies the Iterator to a List
- toList(Iterator<T>, List<T>) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
- Copies the Iterator to a List
- toList(Iterable<T>) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
- Copies the Iterable to a List
- toList(Iterable<T>, List<T>) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
- Copies the Iterable to a List
- toList(Set<T>) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
- Copies the Set to a List
- toList(Set<T>, List<T>) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
- Copies the Set to a List
- toList(StringTokenizer) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
- Copies the StringTokenizer to a List
- toList(StringTokenizer, List<String>) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
- Copies the StringTokenizer to a List
- toList(List<T>) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
- Copies the contents of the specified List to a new List
- toList(List<T>, List<T>) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
- Copies the specified list to a new List
- ToListString(Accelerometer[], StringBuffer) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Accelerometer
- Appends a properly formatted Accelerometer list to the specified StringBuffer
- ToListString(Accelerometer[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Accelerometer
- Returns a properly formatted Accelerometer list String
- ToListString(List<Accelerometer>, StringBuffer) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Accelerometer
- Appends a properly formatted Accelerometer list to the specified StringBuffer
- ToListString(List<Accelerometer>) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Accelerometer
- Returns a properly formatted Accelerometer list String
- ToListString(XYPair[], StringBuffer) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.XYPair
- Appends a properly formatted XYPair list to the specified StringBuffer
- ToListString(XYPair[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.XYPair
- Returns a properly formatted XYPair list String
- toListWrapper(T[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
- Returns a java.util.List that is backed by the specified array
- toLongArray(Collection<N>) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
- Creates a new 'long' array containing the elements in the specified 'Long' list
- toMap(Object[][]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
- Creates a new Map instance containing the elements from the specified array
- toMap(Object[][], Map<Object, Object>) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
- Creates a new Map instance containing the elements from the specified array
- toMap(String, Object[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
- Creates a Map instance containing the elements from the specified array.
- toMap(String, Object[], Map<Object, Object>) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
- Creates a Map instance containing the elements from the specified array.
- toNumber(Number) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools.FilterNumber
- TopMenu - Class in org.opengts.war.track.page
- TopMenu() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.track.page.TopMenu
- TopMenu.MenuType - Enum in org.opengts.war.track.page
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
- toSet(T...) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
- Copies the specified Object array to a new Set
- toSet(Set<T>, T...) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
- Copies the specified Object array to a new Set
- toSet(T[], Set<T>) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
- Copies the specified Object array to a new Set
- toSet(T[], int, int, Set<T>) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
- Copies the specified Object array to a new Set
- toSet(Collection<T>) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
- Copies the specified Collection to a new Set
- toSet(Collection<T>, Set<T>) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
- Copies the specified Collection to a new Set
- toSpeedAbbr() -
Method in enum org.opengts.util.GeoPoint.DistanceUnits
- toSpeedAbbr(Locale) -
Method in enum org.opengts.util.GeoPoint.DistanceUnits
- toString() -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.AclEntry.AccessLevel
- toString(Locale) -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.AclEntry.AccessLevel
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.AclEntry
- Returns a String representation of this AclEntry
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabel
- Return String representation of this instance
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.BatteryLevelProfile
- Returns a String representation of this instance
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerConfig.CommandArg
- toString() -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.DCServerConfig.CommandProtocol
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerConfig.EventCode
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerConfig
- Returns a String representation of this instance
- toString(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerConfig
- Returns a String representation of this instance
- toString() -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.DCServerFactory.ResultCode
- toString(Locale) -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.DCServerFactory.ResultCode
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.Diagnostic
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.PendingPacket
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.Property
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.PropertyKey
- toString(byte[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.PropertyKey
- toString() -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.EntityManager.EntityType
- toString(Locale) -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.EntityManager.EntityType
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.EventDataAnalog
- Returns a String representation of this instance
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.FuelLevelProfile
- Returns a String representation of this instance
- toString() -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.FuelManager.LevelChangeType
- toString(Locale) -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.FuelManager.LevelChangeType
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.GeneralPasswordHandler
- Return String representation of this instance
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.GeoEvent
- Gets a String representation of this instance
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.PredefinedRuleAction
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.Recipients
- Returns a String representation of this instance (debug only)
- toString() -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.ReportURL.Format
- toString() -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.RuleFactory.NotifyAction
- toString(Locale) -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.RuleFactory.NotifyAction
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.SMSOutboundGateway
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes.Code
- toString(Locale) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes.Code
- ToString(int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.StatusCodes
- Returns the String representation of the specified code
- toString() -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.AccountType
- toString(Locale) -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.AccountType
- toString() -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.AltitudeUnits
- toString(Locale) -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.AltitudeUnits
- toString() -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.AreaUnits
- toString(Locale) -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.AreaUnits
- toString() -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.Currency
- toString(Locale) -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.Currency
- toString() -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.DistanceUnits
- toString(Locale) -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.DistanceUnits
- toString() -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.EconomyUnits
- toString(Locale) -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.EconomyUnits
- toString() -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.ForceUnits
- toString(Locale) -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.ForceUnits
- toString() -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.GeocoderMode
- toString(Locale) -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.GeocoderMode
- toString() -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.LatLonFormat
- toString(Locale) -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.LatLonFormat
- toString() -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.MassUnits
- toString(Locale) -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.MassUnits
- toString() -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.PressureUnits
- toString(Locale) -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.PressureUnits
- toString() -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.SpeedUnits
- toString(Locale) -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.SpeedUnits
- toString() -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.TemperatureUnits
- toString(Locale) -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.TemperatureUnits
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
- toString() -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.VolumeUnits
- toString(Locale) -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.VolumeUnits
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.AccountString
- toString() -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Device.BorderCrossingState
- toString(Locale) -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Device.BorderCrossingState
- toString() -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Device.FuelEconomyType
- toString(Locale) -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Device.FuelEconomyType
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device.GeozoneTransition
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device.NearbyDevice
- toString() -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Device.ReminderType
- toString(Locale) -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Device.ReminderType
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
- Return a String representation of this Device
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.DeviceGroup
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.DeviceList
- toString() -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Driver.DutyStatus
- toString(Locale) -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Driver.DutyStatus
- toString() -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.EventData.GPSFixType
- toString(Locale) -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.EventData.GPSFixType
- toString() -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone.GeozoneType
- toString(Locale) -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone.GeozoneType
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.GroupList
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Resource
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Role
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.RoleAcl
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.StatusCode
- Gets the String representation
- toString() -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Transport.Encodings
- toString(Locale) -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Transport.Encodings
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
- toString() -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.User.Gender
- toString(Locale) -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.User.Gender
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.User
- toString() -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.User.UserType
- toString(Locale) -
Method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.User.UserType
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.UserAcl
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.UserDevice
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.WorkHours.Day
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.WorkHours
- Returns a String repreentation of this instance
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBAlternateIndex
- Returns a String representation of this DBAlternateIndex
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBDelete
- Returns the DELETE statement for this DBDelete
- toString() -
Method in exception org.opengts.dbtools.DBException
- Returns a String representation of this exception
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
- Returns a String representation of this DBFactory (the table name)
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory.ValidationLog
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactoryTree
- Gets the String representation of this class (typically the DBFactory table name)
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
- Returns a String representation of this field (for display purposes only)
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFieldType
- Gets the String representation of the current value
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFieldValues
- Gets a string representation of this instance
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
- Returns a String representation of the DBRecordKey for this DBRecord
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecordKey
- Returns a string representation of this object
- toString(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBSelect
- Returns the DBSelect statement as a String representation, for the specified
DBProvider name.
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBSelect
- Returns the DBSelect statement as a String representation
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBWhere
- Returns a String representation of this DBWhere instance
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtypes.DTELogState
- Gets the String representation of this instance
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtypes.DTIPAddress
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtypes.DTIPAddrList
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtypes.DTOBDFault
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtypes.DTProfileMask
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtypes.DTTemplate.Field
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtypes.DTTemplate
- Returns the String representation of this DTTemplate
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtypes.DTUniqueID
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.service.ServiceMessage
- Returns a String representation of this Message
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.BoundingBox
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.DBFParser
- Gets a String representation of this instance
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.Field
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.Point
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.Range
- toString(StringBuffer) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.Shape
- Returns a String representation of this instance
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.Shape
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.ShapefileSet
- Gets a String representation of this instance
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.SHPParser
- toString() -
Method in enum org.opengts.extra.tables.DeviceMessage.MessageType
- toString(Locale) -
Method in enum org.opengts.extra.tables.DeviceMessage.MessageType
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.Entity
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.PendingCommands
- toString() -
Method in enum org.opengts.extra.tables.PointsOfInterest.PoiType
- toString(Locale) -
Method in enum org.opengts.extra.tables.PointsOfInterest.PoiType
- toString(Locale) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.ReportJob.IntervalTag
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.ReportJob
- Returns a String representation of instance
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.SessionStats
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.SystemAudit
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.UnassignedDevices
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.util.Cron.CronJob
- toString(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.util.Cron.CronJob
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.util.Cron.When
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.util.MemCache.MemCacheMap
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.util.MemCache.MemEntry
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.util.MemCache
- Gets a String representation of the contents of this MemCache.
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.war.report.antx.AntxField
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.geocoder.ReverseGeocode
- Returns a String representation of this instance
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.geocoder.ReverseGeocodeProviderAdapter
- Returns a String representation of this instance
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.rule.tables.Rule
- Gets the String representation of this instance
- toString() -
Method in enum org.opengts.rule.tables.Rule.TriggerReset
- toString(Locale) -
Method in enum org.opengts.rule.tables.Rule.TriggerReset
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.GPSEvent
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.gtsdmtp.AccountDBImpl
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.gtsdmtp.DeviceDBImpl
- toString() -
Method in enum org.opengts.servers.tk10x.TrackClientPacketHandler.TKDeviceType
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.tools.MergeLocalStrings.MergeItem
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.tools.MergeLocalStrings
- toString() -
Method in enum org.opengts.util.Accelerometer.ForceUnits
- toString(Locale) -
Method in enum org.opengts.util.Accelerometer.ForceUnits
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Accelerometer
- Gets the String representation of this instance
- toString(StringBuffer) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Accelerometer
- Gets the String representation of this instance
- toString(StringBuffer, boolean, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Accelerometer
- Gets the String representation of this instance
- toString() -
Method in enum org.opengts.util.Checksum.CRC
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ColorTools.RGB
- toString(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ColorTools.RGB
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.CssStyle
- Returns the "style" String representation of this instance
- toString() -
Method in enum org.opengts.util.CurveFit.Precision
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.CurveFit
- Gets a String representation of this instance
- toString(StringBuffer, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.CurveFit
- Gets a String representation of this instance
- toString() -
Method in enum org.opengts.util.DateTime.DateStringFormat
- toString(Locale) -
Method in enum org.opengts.util.DateTime.DateStringFormat
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.DateTime.ParsedDateTime
- toString(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.DateTime
- Returns a String representation of the specified epoch time seconds
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.DateTime
- Returns a String representation of this DateTime instance
- toString(TimeZone) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.DateTime
- Returns a String representation of this DateTime instance
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.DayNumber
- Returns a String representation of this instance
- toString(Locale) -
Method in interface org.opengts.util.EnumTools.StringLocale
- toString() -
Method in enum org.opengts.util.EnumTools.TestEnum
- toString(Locale) -
Method in enum org.opengts.util.EnumTools.TestEnum
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.GeoBounds
- Return a String representation of this GeoBounds
- toString() -
Method in enum org.opengts.util.GeoPoint.CompassHeading
- toString(Locale) -
Method in enum org.opengts.util.GeoPoint.CompassHeading
- toString() -
Method in enum org.opengts.util.GeoPoint.DistanceUnits
- toString(Locale) -
Method in enum org.opengts.util.GeoPoint.DistanceUnits
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.GeoPoint
- Returns a String representation of this GeoPoint
- toString(char) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.GeoPoint
- Returns a String representation of this GeoPoint
- toString(String, Locale) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.GeoPoint
- Returns a String representation of this GeoPoint
- toString(String, char, Locale) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.GeoPoint
- Returns a String representation of this GeoPoint
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.GeoPolygon
- Returns a String representation of this class.
Currently, this simply includes the number of points this polygon contains.
- toString(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.HTMLTools.TagWrap
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.HTMLTools.TagWrap
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.I18N.Text
- toString(I18N) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.I18N.Text
- toString(I18N, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.I18N.Text
- toString(Locale) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.I18N.Text
- toString(Locale, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.I18N.Text
- toString() -
Method in enum org.opengts.util.IButton.DisplayFormat
- toString(Locale) -
Method in enum org.opengts.util.IButton.DisplayFormat
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.IButton
- Returns the 64-bit hex String iButton tag value
- toString(IButton.DisplayFormat) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.IButton
- Returns the String representation of this iButton value in the specified
- toString(long, IButton.DisplayFormat) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.IButton
- Converts the specified iButton value into a String value
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.IPTools.IPAddress
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.IPTools.IPAddressList
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.JSON._Array
- Returns a String representation of this instance
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.JSON._KeyValue
- Returns a String representation of this instance
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.JSON._Object
- Returns a String representation of this instance
- toString(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.JSON._Object
- Returns a String representation of this instance
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.JSON._Value
- Returns a String representation of this instance
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.JSON.JSONParsingContext
- toString() -
Method in exception org.opengts.util.JSON.JSONParsingException
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.JSON
- Return a String representation of this instance
- toString(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.JSON
- Return a String representation of this instance
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
- Returns a string representation of this object
- toString(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.OSTools.CpuUsage
- toString(long, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.OSTools.MemoryUsage
- toString(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.OSTools.MemoryUsage
- toString(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.OSTools.MemoryUsage
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.OSTools.MemoryUsage
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
- Returns a hex string representation of the payload
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.PixelDimension
- Returns a String representation of this instance
- toString(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.PixelPoint
- Returns a string representation of this PixelPoint
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.PixelPoint
- Returns a string representation of this PixelPoint
- toString(Object) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTKey.Entry
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTKey.Entry
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTKey.EntryReference
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTKey
- Gets the name of the property
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
- Returns a string representation of this
- toString(RTProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
- Returns a string representation of this
- toString(Collection<?>) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
- Returns a string representation of this
- toString(RTProperties, Collection<?>) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
- Returns a string representation of this
- toString(RTProperties, Collection<?>, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
- Returns a string representation of this
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.SendMail.Args
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.SendMail.Attachment
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.SendMail.SmtpProperties
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServiceRequest.Authorization
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServiceRequest
- Returns a XML string representation of this instance
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools.FilterNumber
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools.RegexIndex
- toString(Object) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Returns a String representation of the specified value.
(used for debug logging)
- toString(Object[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Returns a String representation of the specified value.
(used for debug logging)
- toString(double) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Returns a String representation of the specified value.
(used for debug logging)
- toString(double[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Returns a String representation of the specified value
(used for debug logging)
- toString(float) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Returns a String representation of the specified value
(used for debug logging)
- toString(float[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Returns a String representation of the specified value
(used for debug logging)
- toString(long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Returns a String representation of the specified value
(used for debug logging)
- toString(long[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Returns a String representation of the specified value
(used for debug logging)
- toString(int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Returns a String representation of the specified value
(used for debug logging)
- toString(int[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Returns a String representation of the specified value
(used for debug logging)
- toString(short) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Returns a String representation of the specified value
(used for debug logging)
- toString(byte) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Returns a String representation of the specified value
(used for debug logging)
- toString(byte[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Returns a String representation of the specified value
(used for debug logging)
- toString(char) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Returns a String representation of the specified value
(used for debug logging)
- toString(char[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Returns a String representation of the specified value
(used for debug logging)
- toString() -
Method in enum org.opengts.util.Temperature.TemperatureUnits
- toString(Locale) -
Method in enum org.opengts.util.Temperature.TemperatureUnits
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Temperature
- Gets the String representation of this instance
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ThreadPool
- Returns the name of the thread pool
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.TreeNode
- Gets the String representation of this TreeNode
- toString(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.TreeNode
- Gets the String representation of this TreeNode
- toString() -
Method in enum org.opengts.util.TriState
- Returns the String representation of this instance
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Tuple.Pair
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Tuple.Quad
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Tuple.Single
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Tuple.Triple
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.URIArg.KeyVal
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.URIArg
- A String reperesentation of this URI (with arguments)
- toString(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.URIArg
- A String reperesentation of this URI (with arguments)
- toString(StringBuffer) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.XYPair
- Appends a String representation of this instance to the specified StringBuffer
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.XYPair
- Returns a String representation of this instance
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ColumnValue
- Gets the current value
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportCallback
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportColumn
- Returns the String representation of this column
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportConstraints
- Returns a String representation of this ReportConstraints instance
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportDeviceList
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportHeaderGroup
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportLayout.AgeColorRange
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.BufferedHttpServletResponse
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.ComboMap
- Returns the String representation of this ComboMap
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.ComboOption
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.IDDescription
- Returns the object String representation
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.MapDimension
- Returns a String representation of this MapDimension
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.MapProviderAdapter
- Returns a String representation of this instance
- toString() -
Method in enum org.opengts.war.tools.MapShape.ShapeType
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.MapShape
- toString() -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.PushpinIcon
- Returns the String representation of this Pushpin object
- toString() -
Method in enum org.opengts.war.track.page.TopMenu.MenuType
- toString(Locale) -
Method in enum org.opengts.war.track.page.UserInfo.FirstLogin
- toStringArray(Object[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
- Returns a String array comprised of toString() calls to the specified Object array
- toStringArray(Collection<?>) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.ListTools
- Returns a String array comprised of toString() calls to the specified Collection of Objects
- toStringArray(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
- Returns an array of strings representing the key/value pairs in this
- toStringBuffer(int, StringBuffer) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.JSON._Array
- Write a String representation of this instance to the StringBuffer
- toStringBuffer(int, StringBuffer) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.JSON._KeyValue
- Write a String representation of this instance to the StringBuffer
- toStringBuffer(int, StringBuffer) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.JSON._Object
- Write a String representation of this instance to the StringBuffer
- toStringBuffer(int, StringBuffer) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.JSON._Value
- Write a String representation of this instance to the StringBuffer
- toStringBuffer(StringBuffer) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
- Returns a string representation of this object
- toStringValue(byte[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.PropertyKey
- toStringValue(Object) -
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFieldValues
- Converts the specified object to a String representation
- toStringValue(String, char) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Converts the specified String to a String based on the default character set,
replacing any unprintable characters.
- toStringValue(byte[], char) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Converts the specified byte array to a String based on the default character set,
replacing any unprintable characters.
- toStringValue(byte[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Converts the specified byte array to a String based on the default character set.
- toStringValue(byte[], int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Converts the specified byte array to a String based on the default character set.
- toStringValue(byte[], int, int, char) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Converts the specified byte array to a String based on the default character set.
- toStringValue(byte[], int, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Converts the specified byte array to a String based on the default character set.
- toStringValue(char[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Converts the specified character array to a String.
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.BodyColumnTemplate
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.BodyColumnTemplate
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.DCServerFactory
- toURL(File) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.FileTools
- Convert a File specification to a URL
- toURL() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.URIArg
- Returns this URI as a new URL
- toUTF16String(byte[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Converts the specified byte array to a String based on the default character set.
- toUTF8Bytes(byte[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Converts the specified byte array to a String based on the UTF-8 character set.
- toWorldCoordinates(double) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.PixelPoint
- Transforms this PixelPoint frame to world/parent 2D coordinates.
- toXML(StringBuffer, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
- Returns an XML representation of this DBFactory
- toXML(StringBuffer, int, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
- Returns an XML representation of this DBFactory
- toXML(StringBuffer, int, Set<String>) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
- Encodes this DBRecord into XML
- toXML(StringBuffer, int, Set<String>, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
- Encodes this DBRecord into XML
- toXML(StringBuffer, int, Set<String>, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
- Encodes this DBRecord into XML
- toXML(StringBuffer, int, Set<String>, int, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
- Encodes this DBRecord into XML
- toXML(StringBuffer, int, Set<String>, int, boolean, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
- Encodes this DBRecord into XML
- toXML(StringBuffer, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecordKey
- Encodes this DBRecordKey into XML
- toXML(StringBuffer, int, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecordKey
- Encodes this DBRecordKey into XML
- toXML(StringBuffer, int, int, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecordKey
- Encodes this DBRecordKey into XML
- toXML(StringBuffer, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServiceRequest.Authorization
- toXML(String, ServiceRequest.RequestBody) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServiceRequest
- Assembles and returns an XML request string
- Track - Class in org.opengts.war.track
- Track() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.track.Track
Static method in class org.opengts.war.tools.RequestProperties
- TrackClientPacketHandler - Class in org.opengts.extra.servers.generic
- TrackClientPacketHandler() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.extra.servers.generic.TrackClientPacketHandler
- TrackClientPacketHandler - Class in org.opengts.extra.servers.sanav
- TrackClientPacketHandler() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.extra.servers.sanav.TrackClientPacketHandler
- TrackClientPacketHandler - Class in org.opengts.servers.aspicore
- TrackClientPacketHandler() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.servers.aspicore.TrackClientPacketHandler
- TrackClientPacketHandler - Class in org.opengts.servers.astra
- TrackClientPacketHandler() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.servers.astra.TrackClientPacketHandler
- TrackClientPacketHandler - Class in org.opengts.servers.icare
- TrackClientPacketHandler() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.servers.icare.TrackClientPacketHandler
- TrackClientPacketHandler - Class in org.opengts.servers.lantrix
- TrackClientPacketHandler() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.servers.lantrix.TrackClientPacketHandler
- TrackClientPacketHandler - Class in org.opengts.servers.sipgear
- TrackClientPacketHandler() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.servers.sipgear.TrackClientPacketHandler
- TrackClientPacketHandler - Class in org.opengts.servers.taip
- TrackClientPacketHandler() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.servers.taip.TrackClientPacketHandler
- TrackClientPacketHandler - Class in org.opengts.servers.template
- This module contains the general
"business logic" for parsing incoming data packets from the remote tracking
Device.- TrackClientPacketHandler() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.servers.template.TrackClientPacketHandler
- TrackClientPacketHandler - Class in org.opengts.servers.template_old
- TrackClientPacketHandler() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.servers.template_old.TrackClientPacketHandler
- TrackClientPacketHandler - Class in org.opengts.servers.tk10x
- TrackClientPacketHandler() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.servers.tk10x.TrackClientPacketHandler
- Packet handler constructor
- TrackClientPacketHandler.TKDeviceType - Enum in org.opengts.servers.tk10x
- Enumerated type: TK device type
- TrackMap - Class in org.opengts.war.track.page
- TrackMap() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.track.page.TrackMap
- TrackMapDevice - Class in org.opengts.war.track.page
- TrackMapDevice() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.track.page.TrackMapDevice
- TrackMapFleet - Class in org.opengts.war.track.page
- TrackMapFleet() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.track.page.TrackMapFleet
- TrackServer - Class in org.opengts.extra.servers.generic
- TrackServer - Class in org.opengts.extra.servers.sanav
- TrackServer - Class in org.opengts.servers.aspicore
- TrackServer - Class in org.opengts.servers.astra
- TrackServer - Class in org.opengts.servers.icare
- TrackServer - Class in org.opengts.servers.lantrix
- TrackServer - Class in org.opengts.servers.sipgear
- TrackServer - Class in org.opengts.servers.taip
- TrackServer - Class in org.opengts.servers.template
- This module initializes the various communication
methods used to received data packets from the remote tracking device.- TrackServer - Class in org.opengts.servers.template_old
- TrackServer - Class in org.opengts.servers.tk10x
- TrackStick - Class in org.opengts.db
- TrackStick(Account, Device) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.TrackStick
- TrackTag - Class in org.opengts.war.track.taglib
- TrackTag() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.track.taglib.TrackTag
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.DCServerFactory
- translateColumnName(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
- Translates column name for DB provider
- translateEventCodeToStatusCode(Map<Object, Integer>) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
- Translates the event-code to status-code, using the specified map.
- translateStatusCode(int, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerConfig
- Translates the specified device status code into a GTS status code
- translateStatusCode(String, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerConfig
- Translates the specified device status code into a GTS status code
- translateTableName(DBProvider, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
- Translates table name for DB provider
- translateTableName(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
- Translates table name for DB provider
Static variable in interface org.opengts.db.CustomParser
- Transport - Class in org.opengts.db.tables
- This class represents a single data transport for a tracking/telematic hardware device.
- Transport() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
- Transport(Transport.Key) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
- Transport.Encodings - Enum in org.opengts.db.tables
- Transport.Key - Class in org.opengts.db.tables
- Transport.Key() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport.Key
- Transport.Key(String, String) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport.Key
- traverseAllFiles(File, FileFilter) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.FileTools
- Executed the filter "accept" callback on all files within the specified directory
- traverseTree(TreeNode.TreeNodeHandler) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.TreeNode
- Prefix traversal of TreeNodes
- TreeNode - Class in org.opengts.util
- Tree Node
- TreeNode() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.TreeNode
- Constructor
- TreeNode(String) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.TreeNode
- Constructor
- TreeNode(String, List<TreeNode>) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.TreeNode
- Constructor
- TreeNode.TreeNodeHandler - Interface in org.opengts.util
- trim() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTKey
- Gets the name of the property
- trim(StringBuffer) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Trims the leading/trailing blanks from the specified StringBuffer argument.
Similar to the String 'trim()' method with the addition that if the argument
is null, a non-null empty String will be returned.
- trim(Object) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Trims the leading/trailing blanks from the String representation of the specified Object argument.
- trim(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Trims the leading/trailing blanks from the specified String argument.
Similar to the String 'trim()' method with the addition that if the argument
is null, a non-null empty String will be returned.
- trimCache(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.util.MemCache.MemCacheMap
- trimCache(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.util.MemCache
- Remove old/excessive entries in cache
- trimCache() -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.util.MemCache
- Remove old/excessive entries in cache
- trimCache() -
Method in class org.opengts.geocoder.ReverseGeocodeCache
- Trims/removes aged/excessive entries from cache
- trimLeading(String, char) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Trims the specified leading character from the input string
- trimLeading(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Trims the leading spaces from the input string
- trimLeading(Object) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Trims the leading spaces from the string value of the input object
- TrimSize(int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.extra.util.MemCache
- trimStringRecords(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.PageDecorationsAdaptor
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.DCServerFactory
- trimTrailing(String, char) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Trims the specified trailing character from the input string
- trimTrailing(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Trims the trailing spaces from the input string
- trimTrailing(Object) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Trims the trailing spaces from the string value of the input object
- trimTrailingComments(String, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Remove trailing comments from the rows in the specified string.
- TripReport - Class in org.opengts.extra.war.report.field
- TripReport(ReportEntry, RequestProperties, ReportDeviceList) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.extra.war.report.field.TripReport
- Trip Report Constructor
- TripSummary -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
- TriState - Enum in org.opengts.util
- Provides various String parsing/format utilities
- truncate(String, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Truncates the specified string to the specified length.
- TruncateMessageToLength(String, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.SMSOutboundGateway
- Truncates the specified message to the specified length
- TruncateMessageToMaximumLength(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.SMSOutboundGateway
- Truncates the specified message to the maximum text message length
- TUE -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.WorkHours
- TUE -
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.DateTime
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.DateTime
- Tuple - Class in org.opengts.util
a wrapper class for Tuples- Tuple() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.Tuple
- Tuple.Pair<AA,BB> - Class in org.opengts.util
- A wrapper for a pair of items
- Tuple.Pair(AA, BB) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.Tuple.Pair
- Tuple.Quad<AA,BB,CC,DD> - Class in org.opengts.util
- A wrapper for a quadruple of items
- Tuple.Quad(AA, BB, CC, DD) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.Tuple.Quad
- Tuple.Single<AA> - Class in org.opengts.util
- A wrapper for a single item
- Tuple.Single(AA) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.Tuple.Single
- Tuple.Triple<AA,BB,CC> - Class in org.opengts.util
- A wrapper for a triple of items
- Tuple.Triple(AA, BB, CC) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.Tuple.Triple
- TwosCompliment(byte) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Checksum
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.tables.Antx
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.PropertyKey
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.Resource
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.PropertyKey
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.Resource
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.PropertyKey
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.PropertyKey
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.SystemProps
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
- TYPE_ENUM(String[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.SystemProps
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.SystemProps
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.PropertyKey
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.HierarchyRecord
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.Resource
- TYPE_ID() -
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.Resource
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.Resource
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.Resource
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.Resource
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.Resource
- TYPE_INT(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
- TYPE_INT(String, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
- TYPE_INT(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
- TYPE_INT16 -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.PropertyKey
- TYPE_INT16 -
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
- TYPE_INT16 -
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
- TYPE_INT32 -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.PropertyKey
- TYPE_INT32 -
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
- TYPE_INT32 -
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
- TYPE_INT64 -
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
- TYPE_INT64 -
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.PropertyKey
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.SystemProps
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.HierarchyRecord
- TYPE_J1708 -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.PropertyKey
- TYPE_J1708 -
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtypes.DTOBDFault
- TYPE_J1939 -
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtypes.DTOBDFault
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Response
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.SystemProps
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtypes.DTOBDFault
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.tables.Antx
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtypes.DTOBDFault
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.Resource
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtypes.DTOBDFault
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.PropertyKey
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.SystemProps
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
- TYPE_STRING(int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
- TYPE_STRING(String, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
- TYPE_STRING(int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.Resource
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.PropertyKey
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.PropertyKey
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.PropertyKey
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.PropertyKey
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.Resource
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.Resource
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.Resource
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.Resource
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.tables.Antx
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.Resource
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.DCServerFactory
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.DCServerFactory
Static variable in interface org.opengts.db.SessionStatsFactory
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.tables.SessionStats
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.servers.generic.Constants
- udpWrite(byte[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread.ServerSessionThread
- udpWrite(byte[]) -
Method in interface org.opengts.util.ServerSocketThread.SessionInfo
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.DCServerFactory
- UnassignedDevices - Class in org.opengts.extra.tables
- UnassignedDevices() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.extra.tables.UnassignedDevices
- UnassignedDevices(UnassignedDevices.Key) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.extra.tables.UnassignedDevices
- UnassignedDevices.Key - Class in org.opengts.extra.tables
- UnassignedDevices.Key() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.extra.tables.UnassignedDevices.Key
- UnassignedDevices.Key(String, String) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.extra.tables.UnassignedDevices.Key
- UnassignedDevicesReport - Class in org.opengts.extra.war.report.field
- UnassignedDevicesReport(ReportEntry, RequestProperties, ReportDeviceList) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.extra.war.report.field.UnassignedDevicesReport
- Motion Report Constructor
- unescapeChars(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Replace all "\\n" with "\n".
Replace all "\\r" with "\r".
Replace all "\\t" with "\t".
- unescapeUnicode(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- Converts the specified String to a Unicode encoded String.
That is, convert unicode '' escapes characters sequences into the unicode character.
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Data
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.icare.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.template_old.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.gc101.Data
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.icare.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.template_old.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.gc101.Data
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.servers.generic.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.servers.generic.TrackClientPacketHandler
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.servers.sanav.TrackClientPacketHandler
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.aspicore.TrackClientPacketHandler
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.astra.TrackClientPacketHandler
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.lantrix.TrackClientPacketHandler
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.sipgear.TrackClientPacketHandler
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.taip.TrackClientPacketHandler
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.tk10x.TrackClientPacketHandler
- UniqueIDPrefix -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.gprmc.Data
- UniqueIDPrefix -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.gpsmapper.Data
- UniqueIDPrefix -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.mologogo.Data
- UniqueXID - Class in org.opengts.db.tables
- UniqueXID() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.tables.UniqueXID
- UniqueXID(UniqueXID.Key) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.tables.UniqueXID
- UniqueXID.Key - Class in org.opengts.db.tables
- UniqueXID.Key() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.tables.UniqueXID.Key
- UniqueXID.Key(String) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.tables.UniqueXID.Key
- UNITS(boolean, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Response
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.war.report.antx.AntxChannel
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.war.report.antx.AntxChannel
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.war.report.antx.AntxChannel
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.war.report.antx.AntxChannel
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.war.report.antx.AntxChannel
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.war.report.antx.AntxChannel
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.war.report.antx.AntxChannel
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.war.report.antx.AntxChannel
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.war.report.antx.AntxChannel
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.war.report.antx.AntxChannel
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.war.report.antx.AntxChannel
- unlock() -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
- Unlock locked tables
- unlockTables() -
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
- Unlock locked tables
- update(String...) -
Method in interface org.opengts.db.DataTransport
- update(Set<String>) -
Method in interface org.opengts.db.DataTransport
- update(String...) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
- Sets Geozone bounding-box and inserts the GeoZone into the table
- update(Set<String>) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
- Sets Geozone bounding-box and inserts the GeoZone into the table
- update() -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
- Updates all the fields in this DBRecord.
- update(String...) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
- Updates the specified fields in this DBRecord.
- update(Set<String>) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
- Updates the specified fields in this DBRecord.
- update(Set<String>) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.DeviceMessage
- Updates the specified fields in this DBRecord.
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
- updateAccountString(Account, String, String, String, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.AccountString
- updateAddress(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
- updateAddress(boolean, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
- updateAddress(boolean, boolean, Account.GeocoderMode) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
- updateCellTowerLocation() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
- updateChangedEventFields() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
- Updates all fields specified in the internal changed field set
- updateChangedEventFields(Set<String>) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
- Updates the specified changed fields
- updateChangedEventFields(String...) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
- Updates the specified changed fields
- updateDevice() -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.GPSEvent
- updateDriverStatus(Account, String, long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Driver
- Sets/Updates the driver-status for the specified DriverID
- updateDutyStatus(Account, String, long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Driver
- Sets/Updates the duty-status for the specified DriverID
- UpdateEventWithGeozoneLocation() -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
- Get configured state obtaining lat/lon from Geozone
- updateOtherChangedEventFields() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
- Updates all fields specified in the internal update field set
- updateRecordInTable(DBRecord, String[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
- Assemble an update statement (and execute) for the specified record and
array of fields to update
- updateRecordInTable(DBRecord, Set<String>) -
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
- Assemble an update statement (and execute) for the specified record and
set of fields to update
- updateVersions() -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.SystemProps
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.DCServerFactory
- URIArg - Class in org.opengts.util
- URI argument wrapper
- URIArg(URIArg) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.URIArg
- Copy Constructor
- URIArg(String, boolean) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.URIArg
- Constructor
- URIArg(String) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.URIArg
- Constructor
- URIArg(StringBuffer, String) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.URIArg
- Constructor
- URIArg.KeyVal - Class in org.opengts.util
- A URI argument key/value pair
- URIArg.KeyVal(URIArg.KeyVal) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.URIArg.KeyVal
- URIArg.KeyVal(String, String) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.URIArg.KeyVal
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.RTKey
- URL_Geocode_ -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.google.GoogleGeocodeV2
- URL_Geocode_ -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.google.GoogleGeocodeV3
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.RTKey
- URL_ReverseGeocode_ -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.google.GoogleGeocodeV2
- URL_ReverseGeocode_ -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.google.GoogleGeocodeV3
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.ReportURL
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.SendMailArgs
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.EventDataAnalog
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.servers.sanav.TrackClientPacketHandler
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.tk10x.TrackClientPacketHandler
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.template.TrackClientPacketHandler
- User - Class in org.opengts.db.tables
- User() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.tables.User
- User(User.Key) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.tables.User
- User.Gender - Enum in org.opengts.db.tables
- User.Key - Class in org.opengts.db.tables
- User.Key() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.tables.User.Key
- User.Key(String, String) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.tables.User.Key
- User.UserType - Enum in org.opengts.db.tables
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.User
- UserAcl - Class in org.opengts.db.tables
- UserAcl() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.tables.UserAcl
- UserAcl(UserAcl.Key) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.tables.UserAcl
- UserAcl.Key - Class in org.opengts.db.tables
- UserAcl.Key() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.tables.UserAcl.Key
- UserAcl.Key(String, String, String) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.tables.UserAcl.Key
- UserAttributes - Class in org.opengts.war.ctracgts
- UserAttributes() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.UserAttributes
- UserDevice - Class in org.opengts.db.tables
- UserDevice() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.tables.UserDevice
- UserDevice(UserDevice.Key) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.tables.UserDevice
- UserDevice.Key - Class in org.opengts.db.tables
- UserDevice.Key() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.tables.UserDevice.Key
- UserDevice.Key(String, String, String) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.tables.UserDevice.Key
- userHasAccessToCommand(BasicPrivateLabel, User, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerConfig
- Returns True if the specified user has access to the named command
- UserInfo - Class in org.opengts.war.track.page
- UserInfo() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.track.page.UserInfo
- UserInfo.FirstLogin - Enum in org.opengts.war.track.page
- UserInformation - Interface in org.opengts.db
- userLoginFailed(String, String, String, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.Audit
- userLoginOK(String, String, String, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.Audit
- UserRecord<RT extends DBRecord> - Class in org.opengts.db
- UserRecord() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.UserRecord
- UserRecord(UserRecord.UserKey<RT>) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.UserRecord
- UserRecord.UserKey<RT extends DBRecord> - Class in org.opengts.db
- UserRecord.UserKey() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.UserRecord.UserKey
- USState - Class in org.opengts.db
- USState() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.USState
- validate(String[]) -
Method in interface org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory.InsertionValidator
- validate() -
Method in class org.opengts.war.maps.jsmap.GoogleMaps
- Validates this map provider configuration
- validate() -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.MapProviderAdapter
- Performs simple validation checks on the authorization key, etc, and returns
true is the validation was successful.
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBAdmin
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBAdmin
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBAdmin
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBAdmin
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBAdmin
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBAdmin
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBAdmin
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBAdmin
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBAdmin
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBAdmin
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBAdmin
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBAdmin
- ValidateActionMask(int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.RuleFactoryAdapter
- validateAddress(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.CommandPacketHandler
- validateAddress(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.SendMail
- Validate the specified email address.
- validateAddress(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.track.EMail
- validateAddresses(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.CommandPacketHandler
- validateAddresses(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.SendMail
- Validate the specified list of comma-separated email addresses.
- validateAddresses(String, boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.track.EMail
- Validates the syntax of the specified list of multiple email addresses
- validateColumns() -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
- Validate all existing table columns against the list of defined table columns.
- validateColumns(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
- Validate all existing table columns against the list of defined table columns.
- validateColumns(int, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
- Validate all existing table columns against the list of defined table columns.
- validateCommandLineArgs(Object) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.RTConfig
- Validates the command line arguments in
a single string or array of strings listing valid arguments
- validateDataKey(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
- Returns true if the specified key matches the "dataKey" (also call PIN) for this device
- validateEmailRecipients() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.Recipients
- Validates contained email addresses
- validateFieldBeanMethods(DBField) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
- Validate the specified DBField for proper getter/setter bean access methods
- validateKeyAttributes(String[], boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
- Validates the key/values against the expected set of keys and value types.
- validateNewPassword(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.GeneralPasswordHandler
- Checks new password and returns true if the password passes the policy
for newly created password.
- validateNewPassword(String) -
Method in interface org.opengts.db.PasswordHandler
- Returns true if the new password adheres to the password policy
- validateSmsRecipients() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.Recipients
- Validates contained SMS phone numbers
- validateTable(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
- Validates the table defined by this DBFactory.
- validateTableBeanMethods() -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
- Validates all bean-access methods for this DBFactory
- validateURL(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.geocoder.google.GoogleSig
- validChecksum -
Variable in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
- valueArray(Class<V>) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.OrderedMap
- Returns an array of value elements from this map
- valueIterator() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.OrderedMap
- Returns an Iterator over the values in this map
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.AclEntry.AccessLevel
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.DCServerConfig.CommandProtocol
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.DCServerFactory.ResultCode
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.EntityManager.EntityType
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.FuelManager.LevelChangeType
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.ReportURL.Format
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.RuleFactory.NotifyAction
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.AccountType
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.AltitudeUnits
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.AreaUnits
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.Currency
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.DistanceUnits
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.EconomyUnits
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.ForceUnits
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.GeocoderMode
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.LatLonFormat
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.MassUnits
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.PressureUnits
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.SMSDefaultState
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.SpeedUnits
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.TemperatureUnits
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.VolumeUnits
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Device.BorderCrossingState
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Device.FuelEconomyType
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Device.ReminderType
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Driver.DutyStatus
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.EventData.GPSFixType
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.EventData.LimitType
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.EventData.OdometerOffsetType
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone.GeozoneType
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Transport.Encodings
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.User.Gender
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.User.UserType
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.dbtools.DBAdmin.DBAdminExec
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory.KeyType
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.extra.tables.DeviceMessage.MessageType
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.extra.tables.PointsOfInterest.PoiType
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.rule.tables.Rule.TriggerReset
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.servers.tk10x.TrackClientPacketHandler.TKDeviceType
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.util.Accelerometer.ForceUnits
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.util.Checksum.CRC
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.util.CurveFit.Precision
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.util.DateTime.DateStringFormat
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.util.DateTime.DefaultParsedTime
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.util.EnumTools.TestEnum
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.util.GeoPoint.CompassHeading
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.util.GeoPoint.DistanceUnits
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.util.IButton.DisplayFormat
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.RTKey
- Create an RTKey instance for the specified String value
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.util.StringTools.HTMLFilterType
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.util.Temperature.TemperatureUnits
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.util.TriState
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Data.MethodState
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.war.report.DBDataRow.RowType
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.war.tools.IDDescription.SortBy
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.war.tools.MapShape.ShapeType
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.war.track.Calendar.Action
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.war.track.page.TopMenu.MenuType
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) -
Static method in enum org.opengts.war.track.page.UserInfo.FirstLogin
- Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.AclEntry.AccessLevel
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.DCServerConfig.CommandProtocol
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.DCServerFactory.ResultCode
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.EntityManager.EntityType
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.FuelManager.LevelChangeType
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.ReportURL.Format
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.RuleFactory.NotifyAction
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.AccountType
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.AltitudeUnits
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.AreaUnits
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.Currency
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.DistanceUnits
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.EconomyUnits
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.ForceUnits
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.GeocoderMode
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.LatLonFormat
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.MassUnits
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.PressureUnits
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.SMSDefaultState
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.SpeedUnits
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.TemperatureUnits
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Account.VolumeUnits
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Device.BorderCrossingState
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Device.FuelEconomyType
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Device.ReminderType
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Driver.DutyStatus
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.EventData.GPSFixType
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.EventData.LimitType
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.EventData.OdometerOffsetType
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone.GeozoneType
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.Transport.Encodings
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.User.Gender
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.db.tables.User.UserType
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.dbtools.DBAdmin.DBAdminExec
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory.KeyType
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.extra.tables.DeviceMessage.MessageType
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.extra.tables.PointsOfInterest.PoiType
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.rule.tables.Rule.TriggerReset
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.servers.tk10x.TrackClientPacketHandler.TKDeviceType
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.util.Accelerometer.ForceUnits
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.util.Checksum.CRC
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.util.CurveFit.Precision
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.util.DateTime.DateStringFormat
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.util.DateTime.DefaultParsedTime
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.util.EnumTools.TestEnum
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.util.GeoPoint.CompassHeading
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.util.GeoPoint.DistanceUnits
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.util.IButton.DisplayFormat
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.OrderedMap
- Returns a Collection of values in this map
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.util.StringTools.HTMLFilterType
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.util.Temperature.TemperatureUnits
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ThreadLocalMap
- Returns a Collection view of the values contained in this map
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.util.TriState
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Data.MethodState
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.war.report.DBDataRow.RowType
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.war.tools.IDDescription.SortBy
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.war.tools.MapShape.ShapeType
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.war.track.Calendar.Action
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.war.track.page.TopMenu.MenuType
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() -
Static method in enum org.opengts.war.track.page.UserInfo.FirstLogin
- Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- valueSet() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.OrderedMap
- Returns an ordered set of values from this map
- verifyTablesExist() -
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBAdmin
- Verify that all defined tables actually exist
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.servers.generic.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.servers.sanav.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.DBFParser
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.aspicore.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.astra.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.gtsdmtp.Main
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.icare.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.lantrix.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.sipgear.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.taip.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.template.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.template_old.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.tk10x.Constants
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.RemoteLogServer
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.RTKey
- Version - Class in org.opengts
- This class provides runtime version information to the OpenGTS modules.
- Version() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.Version
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Constants
- VERSION(boolean, RTProperties) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Response
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.events.Events
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.gc101.Data
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.gprmc.Data
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.DCServerConfig
- vinDidChange(String, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
- Callback for VIN changed
- VirtualEarth - Class in org.opengts.war.maps.jsmap
- VirtualEarth(String, String) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.maps.jsmap.VirtualEarth
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Constants
- warning(SAXParseException) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.XMLTools.XMLErrorHandler
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.RTKey
- WebPage - Interface in org.opengts.war.tools
- WebPageAdaptor - Class in org.opengts.war.tools
- WebPageAdaptor() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.tools.WebPageAdaptor
- WebPageURL - Class in org.opengts.war.tools
- WebPageURL() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.tools.WebPageURL
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.DCServerFactory
- WED -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.WorkHours
- WED -
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.DateTime
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.DateTime
- WHERE(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBWhere
- "WHERE (conditions)"
- WHERE_(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBWhere
- "WHERE conditions"
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportConstraints
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportConstraints
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportConstraints
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.ColorTools
- white -
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.ColorTools
- WhitespaceChars -
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.StringTools
- width -
Variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.Resource.Dimension
- willExpire(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
- willExpire(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
- Returns true if this Device will expire within the specified number of seconds
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.DCServerFactory
- WorkHours - Class in org.opengts.db
- WorkHours(WorkHours.Day[]) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.WorkHours
- Constructor
- WorkHours(RTConfig.PropertyGetter) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.WorkHours
- Constructor
- WorkHours(RTConfig.PropertyGetter, String) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.WorkHours
- Constructor
- WorkHours(String) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.WorkHours
- Deprecated. (currently only required for legacy ENRE interface)
- WorkHours.Day - Class in org.opengts.db
- Day
- WorkHours.Day() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.WorkHours.Day
- WorkHours.Day(int, int) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.WorkHours.Day
- WorkHours.Day(WorkHours.Day) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.db.WorkHours.Day
- WorkOrderInfo -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
- WorkOrderInfo -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.DeviceGroup
- WorkZoneGridData -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
- wrap(Object, boolean, StringBuffer) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.HTMLTools.TagBlock
- wrap(Object, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.HTMLTools.TagBlock
- wrap(Object) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.HTMLTools.TagBlock
- wrapText_div(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.CssStyle
- Returns a
wrapped HTML text
- wrapText_span(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.CssStyle
- Returns a
wrapped HTML text
- write(Payload) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.BoundingBox
- write(Payload) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.DBFParser
- Write header/data to Payload
- write(Payload) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.Field
- write(Payload) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.Point
- write(Payload) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.Range
- write(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.CachedLogOutputStream
- Writes the specified byte to this byte array output stream.
- write(byte[], int, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.CachedLogOutputStream
- Writes
bytes from the specified byte array
starting at offset off
to this byte array output stream.
- write(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.CachedLogOutputStream
- Writes the specified String to this byte array output stream.
- write(File) -
Method in interface org.opengts.util.ExcelAPI
- write(OutputStream) -
Method in interface org.opengts.util.ExcelAPI
- write(File) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ExcelTools.Spreadsheet
- write(OutputStream) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ExcelTools.Spreadsheet
- write(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Print.NullOutputStream
- write(byte[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Print.NullOutputStream
- write(byte[], int, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Print.NullOutputStream
- write(OutputStream) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportSpreadsheet
- write(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.BufferedHttpServletResponse.BufferedServletOutputStream
- write(PrintWriter) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.HTMLOutput
- Writes data to the specified PrintWriter.
- write(JspWriter) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.HTMLOutput
- Writes data to the specified JspWriter.
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.PropertyKey
- writeByte(byte) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
- Write a
value to the payload
- writeBytes(byte[], int, int, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
- Write an array of bytes to the payload
- writeBytes(byte[], int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
- Write an array of bytes to the payload
- writeBytes(byte[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
- Write an array of bytes to the payload
- writeCallback(OutputProvider, int, ReportData) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.ReportBody
- Sends the first line of the report to the callback method
- writeCallback(OutputProvider, int, ReportData) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.ReportHeader
- Sends the first line of the report to the callback method
- writeChooserDIV(PrintWriter, RequestProperties, IDDescription[], String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.track.DeviceChooser
- writeCommandForm(PrintWriter, RequestProperties, Device, String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_antares
- writeCommandForm(PrintWriter, RequestProperties, Device, String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_atrack
- writeCommandForm(PrintWriter, RequestProperties, Device, String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_calamp
- writeCommandForm(PrintWriter, RequestProperties, Device, String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_citgt06
- writeCommandForm(PrintWriter, RequestProperties, Device, String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_eloc
- writeCommandForm(PrintWriter, RequestProperties, Device, String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_enfora
- writeCommandForm(PrintWriter, RequestProperties, Device, String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_General
- writeCommandForm(PrintWriter, RequestProperties, Device, String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_gos777
- writeCommandForm(PrintWriter, RequestProperties, Device, String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_gos9600
- writeCommandForm(PrintWriter, RequestProperties, Device, String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_gos9800
- writeCommandForm(PrintWriter, RequestProperties, Device, String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_gosafe
- writeCommandForm(PrintWriter, RequestProperties, Device, String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_gtsdmtp
- writeCommandForm(PrintWriter, RequestProperties, Device, String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_intellitrac
- writeCommandForm(PrintWriter, RequestProperties, Device, String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_meitrack2
- writeCommandForm(PrintWriter, RequestProperties, Device, String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_nt1000
- writeCommandForm(PrintWriter, RequestProperties, Device, String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_ntslim
- writeCommandForm(PrintWriter, RequestProperties, Device, String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_pgt3000
- writeCommandForm(PrintWriter, RequestProperties, Device, String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_qgl200
- writeCommandForm(PrintWriter, RequestProperties, Device, String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_qgt300
- writeCommandForm(PrintWriter, RequestProperties, Device, String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_qgt500
- writeCommandForm(PrintWriter, RequestProperties, Device, String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_qgv100
- writeCommandForm(PrintWriter, RequestProperties, Device, String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_qgv200
- writeCommandForm(PrintWriter, RequestProperties, Device, String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_qgv300
- writeCommandForm(PrintWriter, RequestProperties, Device, String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_rvct03
- writeCommandForm(PrintWriter, RequestProperties, Device, String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_rvct04
- writeCommandForm(PrintWriter, RequestProperties, Device, String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_scatlite
- writeCommandForm(PrintWriter, RequestProperties, Device, String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_scvl2000
- writeCommandForm(PrintWriter, RequestProperties, Device, String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_SMS
- Writes the command form html
- writeCommandForm(PrintWriter, RequestProperties, Device, String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_telgh3000
- writeCommandForm(PrintWriter, RequestProperties, Device, String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_teltonika
- writeCommandForm(PrintWriter, RequestProperties, Device, String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_template
- writeCommandForm(PrintWriter, RequestProperties, Device, String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_ulbotech
- writeCommandForm(PrintWriter, RequestProperties, Device, String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.devcmd.DeviceCmd_xirgo
- writeCommandForm(PrintWriter, RequestProperties, Device, String, boolean) -
Method in interface org.opengts.war.track.page.DeviceCmdHandler
- writeCssLink(PrintWriter, RequestProperties, String, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.tools.WebPageAdaptor
- writeCSV(PrintWriter, int, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.BodyColumnTemplate
- writeCSV(PrintWriter, int, int, boolean, DBDataRow) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.BodyRowTemplate
- Write report in CSV format
- writeCSV(PrintWriter, int, ReportData) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.ReportBody
- writeCSV(PrintWriter, int, ReportData) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.ReportHeader
- Writes the first line of the CSV file containing the column descriptions
- writeDeviceGroupList(RequestProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.war.track.page.FullMap
- writeDeviceList(RequestProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.war.track.page.FullMap
- writeDeviceList(PrintWriter, RequestProperties, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.track.DeviceChooser
- writeDouble(double, int, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
- Write a
value to the payload
- writeDouble(double, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
- Write a
value to the payload
- writeEndJavaScript(PrintWriter) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.tools.JavaScriptTools
- writeErrorResponse(RequestProperties, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.track.Track
- writeEscapedUnicode(String, File) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.FileTools
- Writes a String to the specified file in "ISO-8859-1" character encoding.
Unicode characters are escaped using the '' format.
- writeEvents(OutputStream, Account, Collection<Device>, int, boolean, TimeZone, BasicPrivateLabel) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.EventUtil
- writeEvents(PrintWriter, Account, Collection<Device>, int, boolean, TimeZone, BasicPrivateLabel) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.EventUtil
- writeEvents(PrintWriter, Account, Collection<Device>, BasicPrivateLabel) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.GoogleKML
- Write events in KML format to specified PrintWriter
- writeEvents_JSON(PrintWriter, Account, Collection<Device>, boolean, TimeZone, BasicPrivateLabel) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.EventUtil
- writeFile(Payload, Payload) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.SHPParser
- writeFile(byte[], File) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.FileTools
- Writes a byte array to the specified file
- writeFile(byte[], File, boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.FileTools
- Writes a byte array to the specified file
- writeFooter(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Method in interface org.opengts.war.tools.PageDecorations
- writeFooter(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.PageDecorationsAdaptor
- writeFooter(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.PageDecorationsDefault
- writeGPS(double, double, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
- Encode a new GPS point into the payload
- writeGPS(GeoPoint, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
- Encode a GPS point into the payload
- writeHeader(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Method in interface org.opengts.war.tools.PageDecorations
- writeHeader(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.PageDecorationsAdaptor
- writeHeader(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.PageDecorationsDefault
- writeHTML(PrintWriter, int, int, boolean, String, int, Object) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.BodyColumnTemplate
- writeHTML(PrintWriter, int, int, boolean, DBDataRow) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.BodyRowTemplate
- writeHTML(PrintWriter, int, ReportData, ReportColumn) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.HeaderColumnTemplate
- writeHTML(PrintWriter, int, ReportData) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.HeaderRowTemplate
- writeHTML(PrintWriter, int, ReportData) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.ReportBody
- writeHTML(PrintWriter, int, ReportData) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.ReportHeader
- writeHTML(PrintWriter, String[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.tools.CommonServlet
- writeHtmlBody(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.war.report.event.EngineThermoReport
- Writes the HTML body
- writeHtmlBody(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.war.report.event.EventThermoReport
- writeHtmlBody(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportData
- Writes the report html body content
- writeImage(Color, int, int, OutputStream) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Captcha
- Writes the captcha image to the specified OutputStream.
- writeInt(int, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
- Write a
value to the payload
- writeJavaScript(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.war.report.event.EngineThermoReport
- Writes the required JavaScript
- writeJavaScript(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.war.report.event.EventThermoReport
- writeJavaScript(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.maps.JSMap
- writeJavaScript(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportData
- Writes any required report JavaScript
- writeJavaScript(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Method in interface org.opengts.war.tools.MapProvider
- Writes any required JavaScript to the specified PrintWriter.
- writeJavaScript(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.MapProviderAdapter
- Writes any required JavaScript to the html stream
- writeJavaScript(JspWriter, String, RequestProperties) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.tools.MenuBar
- writeJavaScript(PrintWriter, String, RequestProperties) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.tools.MenuBar
- writeJavaScript(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.track.Calendar
- writeJavaScript(PrintWriter, Locale, RequestProperties, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.track.DeviceChooser
- writeJavaScript(JspWriter, RequestProperties) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.track.ExpandMenu
- writeJavaScript(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.track.ExpandMenu
- writeJavaScript(JspWriter, RequestProperties) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.track.IconMenu
- writeJavaScript(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.track.IconMenu
- writeJS(PrintWriter, String[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.tools.JavaScriptTools
- writeJS(PrintWriter, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.tools.JavaScriptTools
- writeJS_MapUpdate(RequestProperties, PrintWriter, String, String, String, boolean, boolean, long, long, int, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.war.track.page.FullMap
- writeJS_MapUpdate(RequestProperties, PrintWriter, String, String, String, boolean, boolean, long, long, boolean, int, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.TrackMap
- writeJS_MenuUpdate(PrintWriter, RequestProperties, ReportMenu, String[], String[], String[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.ReportMenu
- writeJSInclude(PrintWriter, String, HttpServletRequest) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.tools.JavaScriptTools
- writeJSInclude(PrintWriter, String, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.tools.JavaScriptTools
- writeJSInclude(JspWriter, String, HttpServletRequest) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.tools.JavaScriptTools
- writeJSInclude(JspWriter, String, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.tools.JavaScriptTools
- writeJSIncludes(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.maps.jsmap.ESRIMaps
- writeJSIncludes(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.maps.jsmap.GoogleMaps
- Writes the JavaScript required for this map provider
- writeJSIncludes(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.maps.jsmap.Mapstraction
- writeJSIncludes(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.maps.jsmap.OpenLayers
- writeJSIncludes(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.maps.jsmap.VirtualEarth
- writeJSIncludes(PrintWriter, RequestProperties, String[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.maps.JSMap
- writeJSIncludes(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.maps.JSMap
- writeJSIncludes(PrintWriter, String[], HttpServletRequest) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.tools.JavaScriptTools
- writeJSIncludes(PrintWriter, String[], int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.tools.JavaScriptTools
- writeJSIncludes(JspWriter, String[], HttpServletRequest) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.tools.JavaScriptTools
- writeJSIncludes(JspWriter, String[], int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.tools.JavaScriptTools
- writeJSVar(PrintWriter, String, Object) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.tools.JavaScriptTools
- writeJSVar(PrintWriter, String, Object, boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.tools.JavaScriptTools
- writeJSVariables(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.maps.jsmap.ESRIMaps
- writeJSVariables(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.maps.jsmap.GoogleMaps
- Writes mapping support JS to stream
- writeJSVariables(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.maps.jsmap.Mapstraction
- writeJSVariables(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.maps.jsmap.OpenLayers
- writeJSVariables(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.maps.jsmap.VirtualEarth
- writeJSVariables(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.maps.JSMap
- writeLeft(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Method in interface org.opengts.war.tools.PageDecorations
- writeLeft(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.PageDecorationsAdaptor
- writeLeft(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.PageDecorationsDefault
- writeln(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.CachedLogOutputStream
- Writes the specified String to this byte array output stream.
- writeLong(long, int, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
- Write a
value to the payload
- writeLong(long, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
- Write a
value to the payload
- writeM(Payload) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.Point
- writeMapCell(PrintWriter, RequestProperties, MapDimension) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.maps.jsmap.GoogleMaps
- Writes the map table view to the http output stream
- writeMapCell(PrintWriter, RequestProperties, MapDimension) -
Method in interface org.opengts.war.tools.MapProvider
- Writes map cell to the specified PrintWriter.
- writeMapCell(PrintWriter, RequestProperties, MapDimension) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.MapProviderAdapter
- Writes the map table view to the http output stream
- writeMapEvents(int, int, PrintWriter, boolean, boolean, BasicPrivateLabel, EventDataProvider[], boolean, String, OrderedSet<String>, boolean, boolean, String, TimeZone, Account, User, DateTime, double, double, double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.EventUtil
- writeMapEvents_xml(int, PrintWriter, boolean, boolean, BasicPrivateLabel, EventDataProvider[], boolean, String, OrderedSet<String>, boolean, boolean, String, TimeZone, Account, User, DateTime, double, double, double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.EventUtil
- writeMapUpdate(int, RequestProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.maps.JSMap
- writeMapUpdate(int, RequestProperties) -
Method in interface org.opengts.war.tools.MapProvider
- Updates the points to the current displayed map
- writeMapUpdate(PrintWriter, int, int, boolean, RequestProperties) -
Method in interface org.opengts.war.tools.MapProvider
- Updates the points to the current displayed map
- writeMapUpdate(int, RequestProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.MapProviderAdapter
- Writes the events in XML/JSON format to the http output stream.
- writeMapUpdate(PrintWriter, int, int, boolean, RequestProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.MapProviderAdapter
- Writes the events in XML/JSON format to the http output stream.
- writeMapUpdate_precheck(RequestProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.MapProviderAdapter
- Allows the subclass MapProvider to adjust the session state prior to displaying the map
- writeMenu(JspWriter, RequestProperties, String, boolean, boolean, int, boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.track.ExpandMenu
- writeMenu(PrintWriter, RequestProperties, String, boolean, boolean, int, boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.track.ExpandMenu
- writeMenu(JspWriter, RequestProperties, String, int, boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.track.IconMenu
- writeMenu(PrintWriter, RequestProperties, String, int, boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.track.IconMenu
- writeMessageResponse(boolean, PrintWriter, String, ServiceMessage, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.extra.war.service.Service
- writeMessageResponse(RequestProperties, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.track.Track
- writeNavigation(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Method in interface org.opengts.war.tools.PageDecorations
- writeNavigation(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.PageDecorationsAdaptor
- writeNavigation(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.PageDecorationsDefault
- writeNewCalendar(PrintWriter, String, String, String, DateTime) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.track.Calendar
- writeOutputSource(String, File) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.CompiletimeVars
- Apply replacements/conditionals and write output
- writePage(RequestProperties, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.war.track.page.DeviceAlerts
- writePage(RequestProperties, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.war.track.page.EntityAdmin
- writePage(RequestProperties, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.war.track.page.FullMap
- writePage(RequestProperties, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.war.track.page.J1587Display
- writePage(RequestProperties, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.war.track.page.LAFInfo
- writePage(RequestProperties, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.war.track.page.Offline
- writePage(RequestProperties, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.war.track.page.ReportJobAdmin
- Writes the HTML
- writePage(RequestProperties, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.war.track.page.RoleInfo
- writePage(RequestProperties, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.war.track.page.StatusCodeInfo
- writePage(RequestProperties, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.war.track.page.SysAdminDevices
- writePage(RequestProperties, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.war.track.page.SysAdminInfo
- writePage(RequestProperties, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.war.track.page.SystemPropsAdmin
- writePage(RequestProperties, String) -
Method in interface org.opengts.war.tools.WebPage
- writePage(RequestProperties, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.WebPageAdaptor
- writePage(RequestProperties, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.WebPageURL
- writePage(RequestProperties, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.AccountInfo
- writePage(RequestProperties, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.AccountLogin
- writePage(RequestProperties, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.ChangePassword
- writePage(RequestProperties, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.DeviceInfo
- writePage(RequestProperties, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.DriverInfo
- writePage(RequestProperties, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.ForgotPassword
- writePage(RequestProperties, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.GroupInfo
- writePage(RequestProperties, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.HtmlWrapper
- writePage(RequestProperties, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.NewAccount
- writePage(RequestProperties, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.ReportDisplay
- writePage(RequestProperties, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.ReportMenu
- writePage(RequestProperties, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.SysAdminAccounts
- writePage(RequestProperties, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.TopMenu
- writePage(RequestProperties, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.TrackMap
- writePage(RequestProperties, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.UserInfo
- writePage(RequestProperties, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.track.page.ZoneInfo
- writePageFrame(RequestProperties, HTMLOutput) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.tools.CommonServlet
- writePageFrame(RequestProperties, String, String, HTMLOutput, HTMLOutput, HTMLOutput, HTMLOutput) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.tools.CommonServlet
- writePageFrameSection(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.RequestProperties
- writePidFile(File, boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.OSTools
- Writes the current PID into the specified file
- WritePlainTextResponse(HttpServletResponse, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Data
- Send plain text response
- writePushpinArray(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.maps.JSMap
- writePushpinChooserJS(PrintWriter, RequestProperties, boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.tools.PushpinIcon
- writePushpinImageArray(PrintWriter, OrderedMap<String, PushpinIcon>, Locale, boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.tools.PushpinIcon
- writeRandomBytes(Random, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
- Write random bytes to the payload
- writeReport(String, ReportData, OutputProvider, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.ReportTable
- writeReport(ReportURL.Format, ReportData, OutputProvider, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.ReportTable
- writeReport(String, OutputProvider) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportData
- Writes the report
- writeReport(String, OutputProvider, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportData
- Writes the report
- writeReport(String, ReportData, OutputProvider, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportLayout
- writeReport(String, ReportData, OutputProvider, int) -
Method in interface org.opengts.war.report.ReportPresentation
- writeReport(ReportURL.Format, ReportData, OutputProvider, int) -
Method in interface org.opengts.war.report.ReportPresentation
- writeReportStyle(String, OutputProvider) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportData
- Writes report style attributes
- writeReportStyle(String, ReportData, OutputProvider, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportLayout
- writeResponse_success(RequestProperties, PrintWriter) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.war.service.Service.CustomCommandHandler
- writeRight(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Method in interface org.opengts.war.tools.PageDecorations
- writeRight(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.PageDecorationsAdaptor
- writeRight(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.PageDecorationsDefault
- writeShape(Payload, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.Shape
- writeStartJavaScript(PrintWriter) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.tools.JavaScriptTools
- writeStream(OutputStream, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.FileTools
- Writes a String to the specified OutputStream
- writeString(String, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
- Write a string to the payload.
- writeString(String, int, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
- Write a string to the payload.
- writeStyle(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.maps.jsmap.ESRIMaps
- writeStyle(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.maps.jsmap.Mapstraction
- writeStyle(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.maps.JSMap
- writeStyle(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Method in interface org.opengts.war.tools.MapProvider
- Writes any required CSS to the specified PrintWriter.
- writeStyle(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.MapProviderAdapter
- Writes any required CSS to the specified PrintWriter.
- writeStyle(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Method in interface org.opengts.war.tools.PageDecorations
- writeStyle(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.PageDecorationsAdaptor
- writeStyle(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.PageDecorationsDefault
- writeStyle(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.track.Calendar
- writeStyle(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.track.DeviceChooser
- writeStyle(JspWriter, RequestProperties) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.track.ExpandMenu
- writeStyle(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.track.ExpandMenu
- writeStyle(JspWriter, RequestProperties) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.track.IconMenu
- writeStyle(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.track.IconMenu
- writeTableRow(JspWriter, String, RequestProperties) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.tools.MenuBar
- writeTableRow(PrintWriter, String, RequestProperties) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.tools.MenuBar
- writeToZipOutput(ShapefileSet.ZipOutput, String, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.ShapefileSet
- writeUInt(int, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
- Write a unsigned
value to the payload.
- writeULong(long, int, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
- Write a unsigned
value to the payload.
- writeULong(long, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
- Write a unsigned
value to the payload.
- writeUtilsJS(PrintWriter, HttpServletRequest) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.tools.JavaScriptTools
- writeUtilsJS(PrintWriter, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.tools.JavaScriptTools
- writeUtilsJS(JspWriter, HttpServletRequest) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.tools.JavaScriptTools
- writeUtilsJS(JspWriter, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.tools.JavaScriptTools
- writeXLS(ReportSpreadsheet, int, DBDataRow.RowType, Object) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.BodyColumnTemplate
- writeXLS(ReportSpreadsheet, int, int, DBDataRow) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.BodyRowTemplate
- Write report in XLS (spreadsheet) format
- writeXLS(ReportSpreadsheet, int, ReportData, ReportColumn) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.HeaderColumnTemplate
- writeXLS(ReportSpreadsheet, int, ReportData) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.HeaderRowTemplate
- writeXLS(ReportSpreadsheet, int, ReportData) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.ReportBody
- writeXLS(ReportSpreadsheet, int, ReportData) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.ReportHeader
- Writes the headert rows of the XLS file containing the column descriptions
- writeXML(PrintWriter, int, int, boolean, String, int, Object, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.BodyColumnTemplate
- writeXML(PrintWriter, int, int, boolean, DBDataRow) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.BodyRowTemplate
- Write report in XML format
- writeXML(PrintWriter, int, ReportData, ReportColumn) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.HeaderColumnTemplate
- writeXML(PrintWriter, int, ReportData) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.HeaderRowTemplate
- writeXML(PrintWriter, int, ReportData) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.ReportBody
- writeXML(PrintWriter, int, ReportData) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.ReportHeader
- Writes the header portion of the XML file containing the column descriptions
- writeXML_DBField(StringBuffer, int, DBField, boolean, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
- Create an XML DBField description tag
- writeXML_DBField(StringBuffer, int, DBField, boolean, String, boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
- Create an XML DBField description tag
- writeXML_DBFields(StringBuffer, int, DBField[], DBFieldValues) -
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
- Create a list of XML DBField description tags with values
- writeXML_DBFields(StringBuffer, int, DBField[], DBFieldValues, boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
- Create XML DBField description XML (entity reference encoded)
- writeZ(Payload) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.Point
- writeZeroFill(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
- Write a zero fill to the payload
- writeZipEntry(String, byte[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.shapefile.ShapefileSet.ZipOutput
- X -
Variable in class org.opengts.util.XYPair
- X() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.XYPair
- Gets the value for X
- X_AlarmRule -
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.SendMail
- X_AssetId -
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.SendMail
- X_EventTime -
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.SendMail
- X_GPSLocation -
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.SendMail
- X_OriginatingIP -
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.SendMail
- X_OwnerId -
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.SendMail
- X_PageType -
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.SendMail
- X_Requestor -
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.SendMail
- X_StatusCode -
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.SendMail
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.DCServerFactory
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.servers.sanav.TrackClientPacketHandler
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.aspicore.TrackClientPacketHandler
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.astra.TrackClientPacketHandler
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.lantrix.TrackClientPacketHandler
Static variable in class org.opengts.servers.tk10x.TrackClientPacketHandler
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.ctracgts.Data
- XmlFilter(boolean, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.ReportTable
- XmlFilter(boolean, long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.ReportTable
- XmlFilter(boolean, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.ReportTable
- XmlFilter(boolean, boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.ReportTable
- XMLTools - Class in org.opengts.util
- A set of tools for simplifying the reading and validating of XML documents
- XMLTools() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.XMLTools
- XMLTools.XMLErrorHandler - Class in org.opengts.util
- XMLErrorHandler class
- XMLTools.XMLErrorHandler() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.XMLTools.XMLErrorHandler
- xor(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.AccumulatorBoolean
- XOR's the specified value with the accumulator
- XY -
Variable in class org.opengts.util.CurveFit
- XYPair - Class in org.opengts.util
- Container for an X/Y pair.
Used by CurveFit as a point container. - XYPair(XYPair) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.XYPair
- Copy Constructor
- XYPair(double, double) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.XYPair
- X/Y Constructor
- XYPair(String) -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.XYPair
- String Constructor
- Y -
Variable in class org.opengts.util.XYPair
- Y() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.XYPair
- Gets the value for Y
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.GeoPoint
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.GeoPoint
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.GeoPoint
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.GeoPoint
- year -
Variable in class org.opengts.util.DateTime.ParsedDateTime
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.ColorTools
- yellow -
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.ColorTools
- ZipTools - Class in org.opengts.util
- ZipTools() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.util.ZipTools
Static variable in interface org.opengts.war.tools.MapProvider
Static variable in interface org.opengts.war.tools.MapProvider
- ZoneInfo - Class in org.opengts.war.track.page
- ZoneInfo() -
Constructor for class org.opengts.war.track.page.ZoneInfo
- __isRunningDCS() -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerFactory
- Returns true if the current process context is a running DCS module
- __setRunningDCS(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerFactory
- Sets the current process context to a running DCS module
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.track.page.UserInfo
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.track.page.DeviceInfo
- _ACL_ALL -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.track.page.UserInfo
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.war.track.page.FullMap
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.track.page.TrackMap
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.track.page.DeviceInfo
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.track.page.DeviceInfo
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.track.page.DeviceInfo
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.track.page.DeviceInfo
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.track.page.DeviceInfo
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.track.page.DeviceInfo
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.track.page.DeviceInfo
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.track.page.DeviceInfo
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.track.page.DeviceInfo
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.track.page.DeviceInfo
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.track.page.DeviceInfo
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.track.page.UserInfo
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.track.page.UserInfo
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.track.page.UserInfo
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.track.page.DeviceInfo
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.track.page.DeviceInfo
- _ACL_SMS -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.track.page.DeviceInfo
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.track.page.DeviceInfo
- _add(int, K) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.OrderedSet
- Adds the Object at the specified index
- _addArg(String, String, boolean, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.URIArg
- Adds an argument to the URI
- _addColumns(DBField[], int) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
- Adds the specified column to this table, or alters the column if it already exists.
- _addColumnTemplate(String, DataColumnTemplate) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.DataRowTemplate
- _addDevice(User, ReportDeviceList.DeviceHolder) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportDeviceList
- _addDevice(User, Device) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportDeviceList
- _addPrivateLabel(File, BasicPrivateLabel, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- Adds a BasicPrivateLabel to the managed private label list
- _addPrivateLabel(File, BasicPrivateLabel, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.PrivateLabelLoader
- _adjustPropertyKey(File, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- Trim and remove trailing '=' from Property key
- _ALL -
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
- _AND_(String, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBWhere
- "operand1 AND operand2"
- _appendWhere(String, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportConstraints
- Appends the specified DB selection 'WHERE' clause
- _beanMethodName(String, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
- Returns the BeanMethod name for the specified field name
- _beanMethodName(String, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.MethodAction
- Returns the bean method name for the specified field
- _CalculateCoefficients(double[][], double[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.CurveFit
- Calculates the polynomial coefficients as "double" values
- _CalculateCoefficients(BigDecimal[][], BigDecimal[], MathContext) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.CurveFit
- Calculates the polynomial coefficients as "BigDecimal" values
- _countEventData(Device, long, long) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportData
- Returns the count of EventData records based on the EventData constraints
- _createBodyColumnTemplate(DataColumnTemplate) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.ReportTable
- _createChangedFieldsSet(Set<String>) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
- Creates a list of fields that should be updated for this device
- _createChangedFieldsSet(String...) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
- Creates a list of fields that should be updated for this device
- _createDBRecordFactory(String, boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBAdmin
- Returns the DBFactory instance for the specified class.
This assumes that the DBRecord subclass represented by the specified class name
implements the static method "getFactory()".
- _createHeaderColumnTemplate(DataColumnTemplate) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.ReportTable
- _createReport(ReportEntry, String, RequestProperties, ReportDeviceList) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.RTKey
- _debugProbe(String, Object...) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Print
- Prints the specified message (with stack-frame) to stderr.
Used for temporary debug purposes, should not be included in production code.
- _decodeChar(char, char[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Base64
- Returns the index of the specified character in the specified array
Static variable in interface org.opengts.war.track.Constants
- _delete(String, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecordKey
- Deletes the record corresponding to the Primary Key of thie DBRecordKey.
- _deleteDependencies() -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecordKey
- _des64(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.URIArg
- Descrambles String
- _dropColumn(DBField) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
- Drips the specified column from this table
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
- _dumpTable(PrintWriter, DBSelect<gDBR>, String[], int) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
- Dumps the table represented by this DBFactory to the specified file.
- _edit(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBEdit
- Display edit session
- _emailExceptions() -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Print
- Returns true if exceptions should be emailed to the recipient on file
- _encodeChar(int, char[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Base64
- Returns a character from the specified alphabet based on the specified index
- _ens64(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.URIArg
- Scrambles String
- _execute(String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBConnection
- Execute the specified SQL statement
- _executeQuery(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBConnection
- Execute the specified SQL query
- _exists(String, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecordKey
- Returns true if the specified key attribute exists in the table
- _findMergeItems(File, List<MergeLocalStrings>) -
Static method in class org.opengts.tools.MergeLocalStrings
- _font() -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.HTMLTools
- Closes a 'span' tag used to specify 'font' style.
- _formatCoord(double, int, Locale) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.GeoPoint
- Formats the specified coordinate based on the default decimal format value.
- _getAuthKey(String, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.maps.jsmap.Mapstraction
- _getConfigURL() -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.RTConfig
- Searches for, and returns the URL of the runtime configuration file
- _getDBRecord(boolean, String...) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecordKey
- Gets the DBRecord associated with this key
- _getDefaultValue() -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
- Gets the explicitly defined default value for this field
- _getDevice(Account, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
- Gets the specified Device record.
This method should only be used when relatively sure that the specified deviceID exists.
- _getDevice(Account, String, String...) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
- Gets the specified Device record.
This method should only be used when relatively sure that the specified deviceID exists.
- _getDeviceIDsForSelectedGroup(boolean, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.RequestProperties
- _getDeviceListSelect(String, String, long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.DeviceGroup
- _getDeviceSelect(String, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.UserDevice
- _getEntityType(EntityManager.EntityType) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
- Gets the Entity type
- _getEventData(Device, DBRecordHandler<EventData>) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportData
- Returns an array EventData records for the specified Device
- _getEventData(Device, long, long, DBRecordHandler<EventData>) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportData
- Returns an array EventData records for the specified Device
- _getEventsPerSecond() -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
- Accumulate total Events-Per-Second from values stored in each individual Device
- _getFactory() -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
- Gets the DBFactory for this DBRecord
- _getFieldValue(String, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFieldValues
- Gets the value for the specified field name
- _getFieldValue(String, boolean, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFieldValues
- Gets the value for the specified field name
- _getGroupListSelect(String, String, long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.User
- _getIconLegendHtml(String, RequestProperties, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.MapProviderAdapter
- _getIndexNames(StringBuffer) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
- Returns a String list of index names for this field (for display purposes only)
- _getInstance() -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- Returns a singleton instance of BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- _getKeyFieldString(boolean, String, String, Locale, BasicPrivateLabel, Account) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
- _getKeyFieldString(boolean, String, String, Locale, BasicPrivateLabel, Device) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
- Gets the field title/value for the specified key
- _getKeyFieldString(boolean, String, String, Locale, BasicPrivateLabel, EventData) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
- Gets the value string for the specified key.
- _getMenuDescription(RequestProperties, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.WebPageAdaptor
- _getMenuHelp(RequestProperties, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.WebPageAdaptor
- _getName() -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
- Gets the untranslated field name
- _getNavigationDescription(RequestProperties, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.WebPageAdaptor
- _getNavigationTab(RequestProperties, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.WebPageAdaptor
- _getPrivateXMLFile() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- Gets the 'private.xml' file which will be loaded
- _getProperty(Object, Object) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
- Gets the property value of a key
- _getPushpinIconIndex(String, OrderedSet<String>, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
- _getReportFactory(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
- _getReportType(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
- _getReportXMLFile() -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.report.ReportFactory
- _getResource(String, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Resource
- _getResource(String, String, boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Resource
- _getRTProperties() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Resource
- _getServerConfig(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerFactory
- Returns the DCServerConfig instance for the specified device communication server name
- _getStackFrame(int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Print
- Returns a String representation of offset frame within the current stackframe.
- _getStatusCode() -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
- Gets the status-code
- _getString(Class, String, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.I18N
- Returns an I18N.Text instance used for lazy localization
- _getString(String, String, boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.RTConfig
- Gets the String value for the specified key
- _getString(String[], String, boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.RTConfig
- Gets a String value for one of the specified keys
- _getTypeIndex(String, boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
- Returns the index of the specified SQL SQL datatype
- _getUserListSelect(String, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.GroupList
- _getUserPass() -
Method in class org.opengts.geocoder.GeocodeProviderAdapter
- Parse and return the user name and password
- _getUserPass() -
Method in class org.opengts.geocoder.ReverseGeocodeProviderAdapter
- Parse and return the user name and password
- _getUsersForRoleSelect(String, String, long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.User
- _getUTCSeconds(long, long) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
- Computes seconds in UTC time given values from GPS device.
- _getWebPageJSP(RequestProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.PrivateLabel
- Gets the default WebPage JSP URI (adjusted by RequestProperties)
- _getWhereClause(String, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecordKey
- Return the 'WHERE' clause for this key [CHECK]
- _handleEvent(GeoEvent.GeoEventHandler, long, int, double, double, double) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.ParseEventsXML
- _handleSignal(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.PosixSignalHandler
- set up a signal handler callback for the specified/named signal
(should be one of "HUP", "INT"(^C), "ABRT", "TERM")
- _hasDefaultValue() -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBField
- Returns true if an explicit default value has been defined for this field
- _hasValidChecksum(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
- Checks if NMEA-0183 formatted String has valid checksum by calculating the
checksum of the payload and comparing that to the received checksum.
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.tools.RequestProperties
Static variable in class org.opengts.war.tools.RequestProperties
- _includeDate() -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Print
- Returns true if the date/time is to be included on log messages
- _includeStackFrame() -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Print
- Returns true if the stack frame is to be included on log messages
- _insertEventData(EventData) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
- Insert event into EventData table
- _insertKeyValues(Object, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.RTConfig
- Replaces
variable references in the specified text
with values from the runtime properties.
- _insertKeyValues(Object, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
- Replaces references to other keys with the values of those keys
- _insertKeyValues(Object, String, String, String, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.RTProperties
- Replaces references to other keys with the values of those keys
- _ipToString(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.IPTools.IPAddress
- _isAttributeActive(String, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- Returns true if active ('active' is true, or equals 'name')
- _isAuthorizedDevice(DBRecordKey, Account, User) -
Static method in class org.opengts.extra.war.service.Service
- _isLoginErrorAlert() -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.RequestProperties
- _isTrackServlet -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabel
- _isTrackServlet -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- _isWebApp_1() -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.RTConfig
- _isWebApp_2() -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.RTConfig
- _iterate(DBRecordHandler<UnassignedDevices>, boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.extra.tables.UnassignedDevices
- _keyMatch(String, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
- Returns true if the specified key matches the target key
- _keyMatch(String, String[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
- Returns true if the specified key matches at least one of the target keys
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
Static variable in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
- _loadDeviceByPrefixedModemID(String[], String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerFactory
- Load device record from unique-id
- _loadDeviceByPrefixedModemID(String[], String, String, String, boolean, GeoPoint) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerFactory
- Load device record from unique-id
- _loadDeviceByPrefixedModemID(String[], String, boolean, String, String, boolean, GeoPoint) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.DCServerFactory
- Load device record from unique-id
- _loadTable(String[], File, DBFactory.InsertionValidator, boolean, boolean, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
- Loads the data in the specified file into the table represented by this DBFactory
- _loadTableCSV(File, DBFactory.InsertionValidator, boolean, boolean, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
- Loads table data from the specified CSV file
- _loadXML(File, RTProperties, RTProperties, OrderedMap<String, Object>, OrderedMap<String, String>, boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
- Loads/Reloads the specified XML file.
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.I18N
- _log(int, int, String, Object...) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Print
- Logs the specified message with the specified debug level
- _logStackTrace(int, int, String, Throwable) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Print
- Logs a stack trace with the specified message to the output file
- _main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.DBConfig
- Main entry point for providing command-line DB administration tools
- _main() -
Static method in class org.opengts.geocoder.GeocodeProviderAdapter
- _main() -
Static method in class org.opengts.geocoder.ReverseGeocodeProviderAdapter
- _main(boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.template.TrackClientPacketHandler
- Main entry point used for debug purposes only
- _main(boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.servers.template_old.TrackClientPacketHandler
- _methodScope(int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFactory
- Returns the String representation of the scope 'modifications'
- _normalizeKey(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.report.DataRowTemplate
- _OR_(String, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBWhere
- "operand1 OR operand2"
- _parse_GPGGA(String[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
- Parses "$GPGGA"
- _parse_GPRMC(String[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
- Parses "$GPRMC"
- _parse_GPVTG(String[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
- Parses "$GPVTG" (speed/heading)
- _parse_gpx(Element, GeoEvent.GeoEventHandler) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.ParseEventsXML
- _parse_GPZDA(String[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
- Parses "$GPZDA"
- _parse_GTEVT(String[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
- Parses "$GTEVT" (Event Record)
- _parse_GTSTC(String[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
- Parses "$GTSTC" (Status Code)
- _parse_GTUID(String[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
- Parses "$GTUID" (Unique-ID)
- _parseIPAddress(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.IPTools
- Parses the specified IP address into it's binary form
- _parseIPMask(int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.IPTools
- Parses an IP subnet mask [CHECK](better wording?)
- _parseMultipartFormData(HttpServletRequest, int, File) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.tools.AttributeTools
- Parse "multipart/form-data" paramters.
- _parseTime(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.ParseEventsXML
- _parseValidGPSIndicator(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Nmea0183
- Parse valid GPS indicator "A"/"V"
- _performAction(EventData, RuleFactoryLite.RuleFunction, int, String, String, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.rule.RuleFactoryLite
- _preTranslateTableName(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBProvider
- Pre-translates table name for DB provider (used only in calls to "TABLE_NAME()")
- _print(PrintStream, int, String, Object...) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Print
- Prints the message and optional arguments to the specified PrintStream
- _print(PrintStream, int, boolean, String, Object...) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Print
- Prints the message and optional arguments to the specified PrintStream
- _println(String, Object...) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Print
- Prints the message and optional arguments to 'stdout'.
- _println(PrintStream, String, Object...) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Print
- Prints the message and optional arguments to the specified PrintStream
- _println(PrintStream, int, boolean, String, Object...) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Print
- Prints the message and optional arguments to the specified PrintStream
- _println(PrintStream, int, String, Object...) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Print
- Prints the message and optional arguments to the specified PrintStream
- _printStackTrace(PrintStream, int, String, Throwable) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Print
- Prints a stack trace with the specified message
- _PROP_DemoAccount_device_dateRange -
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.Account
- _PROP_isEnabled -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.GeocodeProviderAdapter
- _PROP_isEnabled -
Static variable in class org.opengts.geocoder.ReverseGeocodeProviderAdapter
- _readBytes(int, String, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
- Read
length_readDouble(int, double, boolean, int, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
Read a double
value from payload (with default), using IEEE 754 format
_readLine(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.CachedLogOutputStream
Reads, and optionally removes, a line of text from the byte array.
_readLong(int, long, boolean, int, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
Read a long
value from payload (with default)
_readSkip(int, int, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
Skip a specified number of bytes
_readString(int, boolean, int, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
Read a string from the payload.
_readStringHex(int, int, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
Reads a fixed length hex string from the payload bytes.
_readULong(int, long, boolean, int, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
Read an unsigned long
value from payload (with default)
_reload(String...) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
_reload(String...) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord
Reload the contents of this record from the DB
_remove(Object) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.OrderedSet
Removes the specified object from this set
_remove(Object, Iterator) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.OrderedSet
Removes the specified object referenced by the specified iterator from this set
_removeThreadJob(ThreadPool.ThreadJob) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ThreadPool
Removes the specified worker thread from the pool
_resetLoadDefaultXML() -
Method in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
Loads/Reloads the 'private.xml' file
_resetLoadDefaultXML() -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.PrivateLabelLoader
_resetLoadXML(File) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
Loads/Reloads the specified XML file.
_resolveFile(String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.track.Track
_saveDBConnection(DBConnection) -
Static method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBConnection
Saves a named DBConnection
_sendNotification(EventData, int) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.RuleFactoryExample
_sendNotification(EventData, RuleFactoryLite.RuleFunction, int, String, String, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.rule.RuleFactoryLite
_sendRequest(String, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServiceRequest
Sends the request and returns the results as an XML Document
_sendRequest_HTTP(String, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServiceRequest
Sends the request and returns the results as an XML Document
_sendRequest_JMX(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.ServiceRequest
Sends the request and returns the results as an XML Document
_setDevice(Device, String, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.servers.GPSEvent
_setDeviceGroups(Iterator<String>) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.User
_setExpectAck(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the expected ACK state
_setExpectAck(boolean) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
_setFieldValue(String, boolean, Object) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFieldValues
Sets the value for the specified field name
_setFieldValue(DBField, Object) -
Method in class org.opengts.dbtools.DBFieldValues
Sets the value for the specified field name
_setHasParsingErrors(File) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
Called by this BasicPrivateLabelLoader instance (or subclass) if a parsing error was encountered
_setHasParsingWarnings(File) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
Called by this BasicPrivateLabelLoader instance (or subclass) if a parsing warning was encountered
_setJsonNodeValues(JSON._Object, String, String, JSON._Array) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.TreeNode
Overridable method for setting node JSON values
_setLastAckTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the last ACK time (if supported)
_setLastAckTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
_setLastDuplexConnectTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the last Duplex/TCP connection time
_setLastDuplexConnectTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
_setLastPingTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the time of the last command sent to the device
_setLastPingTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
_setLastTotalConnectTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the last UDP/TCP connection time
_setLastTotalConnectTime(long) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
_setLoginErrorAlert() -
Method in class org.opengts.war.tools.RequestProperties
_setMaxPingCount(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the maximum number of commands that can be sent to the device
_setMaxPingCount(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
_setProperties(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Resource
_setResource(String, String, String, String, Object) -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Resource
Creates/Sets the specified Resourse
_setServletContextProperties(RTProperties) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.RTConfig
Sets the Servlet context properties.
_setTotalPingCount(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Sets the total number of commands sent to the device, since last reset
_setTotalPingCount(int) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
_setURI(String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.URIArg
_skipPropKey(Object) -
Method in class org.opengts.war.maps.JSMap
Returns true if the specified key is not to be included in the 'defined propertes' section
_startupInit() -
Static method in class org.opengts.db.SMSOutboundGateway
Initialize outbound SMS gateway handlers
_startupInit(boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.RTConfig
Runtime config initialization
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.Diagnostic
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.EventTemplate
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.PendingPacket
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.Property
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.Device
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.DeviceGroup
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.DeviceList
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.Driver
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.EventData
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.Geozone
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.GroupList
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.Role
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.RoleAcl
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.StatusCode
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.Transport
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.User
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.UserAcl
Static variable in class org.opengts.db.tables.UserDevice
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.tables.Antx
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.tables.DeviceMessage
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.tables.Entity
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.tables.PendingCommands
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.tables.PointsOfInterest
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.tables.ReportJob
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.tables.SessionStats
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.tables.SystemAudit
Static variable in class org.opengts.extra.tables.UnassignedDevices
Static variable in class org.opengts.rule.tables.Rule
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.SendMail
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.SendMail
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.SendMail
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.SendMail
Static variable in class org.opengts.util.SendMail
_timeZone(TimeZone) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.DateTime
Returns a non-null TimeZone
_toString(StringBuffer) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.PropertyKey
_toStringValue(StringBuffer, byte[]) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.dmtp.PropertyKey
_validateI18NText(File, I18N.Text) -
Method in class org.opengts.db.BasicPrivateLabelLoader
Validates the specified I18N.Text value
_wrapText_TAG(String, String) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.CssStyle
Returns a span
wrapped HTML text
_writeBytes(byte[], int, int, int, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
Write an array of bytes to the payload
_writeDouble(double, int, boolean, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
Write a double
value to the payload
_writeFile(HttpServletResponse, File) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.track.Track
_writeHTMLReport(RequestProperties, ReportData, boolean) -
Static method in class org.opengts.war.report.presentation.ReportTable
_writeJavaScript(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.war.report.event.EngineThermoReport
Writes the Graph JavaScript to the HTTP stream
_writeJavaScript(PrintWriter, RequestProperties) -
Method in class org.opengts.extra.war.report.event.EventThermoReport
_writeLog(int, String) -
Static method in class org.opengts.util.Print
Writes the specified log message to the output file
_writeLong(long, int, boolean, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
Write a long
value to the payload
_writeZeroFill(int, int) -
Method in class org.opengts.util.Payload
Write a zero fill to the payload
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