Class DBRecord<gDBR extends DBRecord>

  extended by org.opengts.dbtools.DBRecord<gDBR>
Direct Known Subclasses:
AccountRecord, ReportDeviceList, SystemProps, UnassignedDevices, UniqueXID

public abstract class DBRecord<gDBR extends DBRecord>
extends java.lang.Object

Nested Class Summary
static interface DBRecord.DBChangeListener
          The change listener interface
Field Summary
protected  java.lang.String errorDescription
protected  java.util.Set<java.lang.String> excludedUpdateFields
static java.lang.String FLD_creationMillis
static java.lang.String FLD_creationTime
static java.lang.String FLD_description
static java.lang.String FLD_lastUpdateAccount
static java.lang.String FLD_lastUpdateTime
static java.lang.String FLD_lastUpdateUser
protected  boolean hasError
static int ID_SIZE
protected  boolean isValidating
protected  java.sql.SQLException lastSQLException
static int NOTIFY_GROUP
static java.lang.String PSEUDO_FIELD_CHAR
protected  RTProperties tempProps
Constructor Summary
          Default Constructor
protected DBRecord(DBRecordKey<gDBR> key)
          Constructor specifying the DBRecord Key
Method Summary
protected  DBFactory<gDBR> _getFactory()
          Gets the DBFactory for this DBRecord
 gDBR _reload(java.lang.String... fldNames)
          Reload the contents of this record from the DB
 void addChangedNotification(DBRecord.DBChangeListener cl)
          Adds a change notification listener to this record
 void addExcludedUpdateFields(java.lang.String... fldNames)
          Adds excluded field to list
static java.lang.String adjustStringLength_1(java.lang.String v, int maxLen)
          Trims and adjusts the length of the specified value to the maximum specified length-1 (ignored if maximum length is '0').
static java.lang.String adjustStringLength(java.lang.String v, int maxLen)
          Trims and adjusts the length of the specified value to the maximum specified length (ignored if maximum length is '0').
 void appendFieldValues(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> valMap)
          Appends the field values for this DBRecord from the specified Map.
Field values are converted to their proper type from the specified Map values.
Similar to "setAllFieldValues", however the current field values are not cleared.
 void clearChanged()
          Clears the changed state for this record.
 void clearError()
          Clears the error state
 void clearExcludedUpdateFields()
          Clear excluded fields
 void clearLastCaughtSQLException()
          Clears the last caught SQLException
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
          Returns true if the specified DBRecord key is equivalent to this record key
 boolean excludeFieldFromUpdate(DBField fld)
          Returns true if the specified field should be excluded from the next update.
 boolean excludeFieldFromUpdate(java.lang.String fldName)
          Returns true if the specified field should be excluded from the next update.
 void fireChangeNotification(java.lang.String fieldName)
          Fires a change notification
 java.lang.Object geKeyValue(java.lang.String fldName, java.lang.Object dft)
          Gets the value for the specified key.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
 java.lang.String getCreationDateTime(java.util.TimeZone tz, java.lang.String fmt)
          Gets the formatted creation date/time of this record
 long getCreationMillis()
          Gets the millisecond creation time of this record
 long getCreationTime()
          Gets the creation time of this record
static java.lang.String GetCurrentAccount()
          Gets the current account
static java.lang.String GetCurrentUser()
          Gets the current user
 java.lang.String[] getDefaultFieldValueKey(java.lang.String fieldName)
          Gets the default value keys for current table
 java.lang.String getDescription()
          Gets the description field value
 java.lang.String getErrorDescription()
          Gets the error state
 DBFactory<gDBR> getFactory(boolean required)
          Gets the DBFactory instance for this DBRecord
<T extends DBRecord>
getFactory(DBRecord<T> dbr)
          Returns the DBFactory instance for the specified DBRecord
 DBField getField(java.lang.String fldName)
          Gets the DBField with the specified name, or null if the specified field name does not exist.
 boolean getFieldBoolean(java.lang.String fldName)
          Gets the boolean value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
 DateTime getFieldDateTime(java.lang.String fldName)
          Gets the DateTime value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
 double getFieldDouble(java.lang.String fldName)
          Gets the double value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
 float getFieldFloat(java.lang.String fldName)
          Gets the float value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
 int getFieldInt(java.lang.String fldName)
          Gets the int value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
 long getFieldLong(java.lang.String fldName)
          Gets the long value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
 java.lang.String getFieldName(java.lang.String fldName)
          Returns a case sensitive field name for the specified case insensitive field name.
 java.lang.String getFieldString(java.lang.String fldName)
          Gets the String value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
 java.lang.Object getFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName)
          Gets the value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
 boolean getFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName, boolean dft)
          Gets the value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
 DateTime getFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName, DateTime dft)
          Gets the value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
 double getFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName, double dft)
          Gets the value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
 float getFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName, float dft)
          Gets the value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
 int getFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName, int dft)
          Gets the value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
 long getFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName, long dft)
          Gets the value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
 java.lang.Object getFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName, java.lang.Object dft)
          Gets the value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
 java.lang.String getFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName, java.lang.String dft)
          Gets the value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
 java.lang.Object getKeyValue(java.lang.String fldName)
          Gets the value for the specified key.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
 java.sql.SQLException getLastCaughtSQLException()
          Gets the last caught SQLException
 java.lang.String getLastUpdateAccount()
          Returns the last update account, if the 'lastUpdateAccount' field has been defined for this DBRecord, otherwise this method will return null.
 long getLastUpdateTime()
          Gets the last update time
<T extends DBRecord>
getLastUpdateTime(DBFactory<T> factory)
          Gets the most recent update time for a specified table
 java.lang.String getLastUpdateUser()
          Returns the last update user, if the 'lastUpdateUser' field has been defined for this DBRecord, otherwise this method will return null.
<T extends DBRecord>
getNextGroup(DBFactory<T> fact, java.sql.ResultSet rs, int max)
          This method returns the next 'max' DBRecords from the specified ResultSet
 java.lang.Object getOptionalFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName)
          Gets the value for the specified optional field name.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
 boolean getOptionalFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName, boolean dft)
          Gets the value for the specified optional field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
 DateTime getOptionalFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName, DateTime dft)
          Gets the value for the specified optional field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
 double getOptionalFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName, double dft)
          Gets the value for the specified optional field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
 float getOptionalFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName, float dft)
          Gets the value for the specified optional field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
 int getOptionalFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName, int dft)
          Gets the value for the specified optional field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
 long getOptionalFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName, long dft)
          Gets the value for the specified optional field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
 java.lang.Object getOptionalFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName, java.lang.Object dft)
          Gets the value for the specified optional field name.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
 java.lang.String getOptionalFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName, java.lang.String dft)
          Gets the value for the specified optional field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
<T extends DBRecord>
getRecordCount(DBFactory<T> fact)
          Returns the number of records contained in the table represented by the specified DBFactory.
NOTE: Recommended for MyISAM tables only.
<T extends DBRecord>
getRecordCount(DBFactory<T> fact, DBWhere where)
          Returns the number of records contained in the table represented by the specified DBFactory and based on the specified 'where' clause.
NOTE: Recommended for MyISAM tables only.
<T extends DBRecord>
getRecordCount(DBFactory<T> fact, java.lang.String where)
          Returns the number of records contained in the table represented by the specified DBFactory and based on the specified 'where' clause.
NOTE: Recommended for MyISAM tables only.
<T extends DBRecord>
getRecordCount(DBFactory<T> fact, java.lang.StringBuffer where)
          Returns the number of records contained in the table represented by the specified DBFactory and based on the specified 'where' clause.
NOTE: Recommended for MyISAM tables only.
<T extends DBRecord>
getRecordCount(DBSelect<T> dsel)
          Returns the number of records contained in the table represented by the specified DBSelect (which specifies a DBFactory).
NOTE: Recommended for MyISAM tables only.
 DBRecordKey<gDBR> getRecordKey()
          Return the DBRecordKey instance for this record
<T extends DBRecord>
getRecords(DBFactory<T> fact, java.lang.String where, java.lang.String[] orderBy, boolean ascending)
          Gets an array of DBRecords based on the specified 'where' clause
<T extends DBRecord>
getRecords(DBFactory<T> fact, java.lang.String where, java.lang.String addtnlSel, java.lang.String[] orderBy, boolean ascending, long limit, long offset)
          Gets an array of DBRecords based on the specified 'where' clause
static java.lang.String getTableDescription(java.util.Locale loc)
          Return the table description
 RTProperties getTemporaryProperties()
          Gets a temporary properties instance for this DBRecord
 java.lang.Object getValue(java.lang.String fldName)
          Gets the value for the specified field.
 boolean getVirtual()
          Gets the "virtual" state
 boolean hasChanged()
          Returns true if this record has changed
 boolean hasError()
          Returns true if this record has encountered an error
 boolean hasField(java.lang.String fldName)
          Returns true if a defined field with the specified name exists for this DBRecord
 boolean hasFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName)
          Returns true if the specified field name has a defined value
 boolean hasOptionalFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName)
          Returns true if the specified field name has a defined value.
Returns null if the column does not exist, or if it does exist, but contains a 'NULL' value.
 boolean hasTemporaryProperties()
          Returns true if this DBRecord has a temporary properties instance defined
 void insert()
          Insert this DBRecord in the database.
An exception will be throw if the record already exists
 boolean isFieldUnsigned(java.lang.String fldName)
          Returns true if the specified field is an unsigned integer.
 boolean isLastCaughtSQLExceptionErrorCode(int code)
          Returns true if the specified code matches the error code of the last caught SQLException
 boolean isOkToReload()
          Returns true if this DBRecord is ok to reload
 boolean isOkToSave()
          Returns true if this DBRecord is ok to save
protected  boolean isValidating()
          Returns true if this record is validating
 boolean isVirtual()
          Gets the "virtual" state
 boolean lock(java.lang.String[] writeTables, java.lang.String[] readTables)
          Lock specified tables for write/read
 boolean lockRead()
          Lock table associated with this DBRecord for reading
 boolean lockWrite()
          Lock table associated with this DBRecord for writing
static DBField newField_creationMillis(java.lang.String xAttr)
          Returns a new millisecond creation time field
static DBField newField_creationTime()
          Returns a new creation time field
static DBField newField_creationTime(boolean isAltKey)
          Returns a new creation time field
protected static DBField newField_description()
          Creates a new "description" key field definition
protected static DBField newField_description(java.lang.String xAttr)
          Creates a new "description" key field definition
static DBField newField_lastUpdateAccount()
          Creates a new DBField instance for adding a 'lastUpdateAccount' field to the DBFactory instance at startup initialization time.
static DBField newField_lastUpdateAccount(boolean checkRTP)
          Creates a new DBField instance for adding a 'lastUpdateAccount' field to the DBFactory instance at startup initialization time.
static DBField newField_lastUpdateTime()
          Returns a new last update time field
static DBField newField_lastUpdateUser()
          Creates a new DBField instance for adding a 'lastUpdateUser' field to the DBFactory instance at startup initialization time.
static DBField newField_lastUpdateUser(boolean checkRTP)
          Creates a new DBField instance for adding a 'lastUpdateUser' field to the DBFactory instance at startup initialization time.
static void printXML( out, DBRecord<?>... dbr)
          Encodes all field of the specified DBRecords into XML and writes it to a specified PrintWriter
 void printXML( out, int indent, java.util.Set<java.lang.String> fldNames)
          Encodes this DBRecord into XML and writes it to a specified PrintWriter
 void printXML( out, int indent, java.util.Set<java.lang.String> fldNames, boolean soapXml)
          Contains boolean value used to encode xml that will be embedded within a SOAP envelope.
static void printXML( out, int indent, java.util.Set<java.lang.String> fldNames, DBRecord<?>... dbr)
          Encodes the specified DBRecords into XML and writes it to a specified PrintWriter
 void printXML( out, int indent, java.util.Set<java.lang.String> fldNames, int sequence)
          Encodes this DBRecord into XML and writes it to a specified PrintWriter
 void printXML( out, int indent, java.util.Set<java.lang.String> fldNames, int sequence, boolean soapXML)
          Encodes this DBRecord into XML and writes it to a specified PrintWriter
protected  void recordDidInsert()
          Callback after record has been be inserted into the table
protected  void recordDidUpdate()
          Callback after record has been be updated in the table
protected  void recordWillInsert()
          Callback when record is about to be inserted into the table
protected  void recordWillUpdate()
          Callback when record is about to be updated in the table
 gDBR reload()
          Reload the contents of this record from the DB
 gDBR reload(java.lang.String... fldNames)
          Reload the contents of this record from the DB
 void removeChangedNotification(DBRecord.DBChangeListener cl)
          Removes a change notification listener from this record
 void save()
          Saves (ie.
protected static
<T extends DBRecord>
select(DBFactory<T> fact, java.lang.String where, java.lang.String addtnlSel, java.lang.String[] orderBy, boolean ascending, long limit, long offset, DBRecordHandler<T> rcdHandler)
          Gets an array of DBRecords based on the specified 'where' clause
protected static
<T extends DBRecord>
select(DBSelect<T> dsel)
          Gets an array of DBRecords based on the specified 'where' clause
protected static
<T extends DBRecord>
select(DBSelect<T> dsel, DBRecordHandler<T> rcdHandler)
          Gets an array of DBRecords based on the specified 'where' clause
 void setAllFieldValues(DBRecord<gDBR> rcd)
          Sets the field values for this DBRecord from the specified DBRecord
(primary keys are not copied)
 void setAllFieldValues(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> valMap)
          Sets the field values for this DBRecord from the specified Map.
Field values are converted to their proper type from the specified Map values.
All current field values are cleared (except primary key values).
 void setAllFieldValues(java.sql.ResultSet rs)
          Sets the field values for this DBRecord from the specified SQL ResultSet
(primary keys are not copied)
 void setAllFieldValues(java.sql.ResultSet rs, java.lang.String... fldNames)
          Sets the field values for this DBRecord from the specified SQL ResultSet
(primary keys are not copied)
 void setChanged(java.lang.String fieldName)
          Sets the 'changed' state of this record, and sends a change notification to any registered listeners.
 void setChanged(java.lang.String fieldName, java.lang.Object oldVal, java.lang.Object newVal)
          Sets the 'changed' state of this record, and sends a change notification to any registered listeners.
 void setCreationDefaultValues()
          Override to set default values
protected  boolean setCreationMillis(long millis)
          Sets the millisecond creation time of this record
protected  boolean setCreationTime(long time)
          Sets the creation time of this record
static void SetCurrentAccount(java.lang.String acct)
          Sets the current account
static void SetCurrentUser(java.lang.String user)
          Sets the current user
 void setDescription(java.lang.String v)
          Sets the description field value
 void setError()
          Sets the error state
 void setError(java.lang.String desc)
          Sets the error state with a description
 void setFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName, boolean value)
          Sets the boolean value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'setter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
 void setFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName, double value)
          Sets the double value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'setter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
 void setFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName, float value)
          Sets the float value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'setter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
 void setFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName, int value)
          Sets the int value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'setter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
 void setFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName, long value)
          Sets the long value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'setter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
 boolean setFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName, java.lang.Object value)
          Sets the value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'setter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
 void setFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName, java.lang.String value)
          Sets the String value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'setter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
 void setIgnoreInvalidFields(boolean state)
          Sets the state for ignoring invalid field names.
 boolean setKeyValue(java.lang.String fldName, java.lang.Object value)
          Sets the value for the specified key.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'setter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
protected  void setLastCaughtSQLException(java.sql.SQLException sqe)
          Sets the last caught SQLException
 boolean setLastUpdateAccount(java.lang.String acct, boolean allowBlank)
          Sets the last update account if the 'lastUpdateAccount' field has been defined for this DBRecord, otherwise this method will have no effect.
protected  boolean setLastUpdateTime(long time)
          Sets the last update time of this record
 boolean setLastUpdateUser(java.lang.String user, boolean allowBlank)
          Sets the last update user if the 'lastUpdateUser' field has been defined for this DBRecord, otherwise this method will have no effect.
 void setOptionalFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName, boolean value)
          Sets the boolean value for the specified optional field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'setter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
 void setOptionalFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName, DateTime value)
          Sets the DateTime value for the specified optional field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'setter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
 void setOptionalFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName, double value)
          Sets the double value for the specified optional field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'setter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
 void setOptionalFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName, float value)
          Sets the float value for the specified optional field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'setter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
 void setOptionalFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName, int value)
          Sets the int value for the specified optional field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'setter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
 void setOptionalFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName, long value)
          Sets the long value for the specified optional field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'setter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
 void setOptionalFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName, java.lang.Object value)
          Sets the value for the specified optional field name.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'setter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
 void setOptionalFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName, java.lang.String value)
          Sets the String value for the specified optional field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'setter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.
 void setRuntimeDefaultValues()
          Override to set default values
protected  void setValidating(boolean validate)
          Sets if this record id validating [CHECK]
 void setValue(java.lang.String fldName, boolean value)
          Sets the value for the specified field.
This method attempts to use the field 'setter' method for setting the field value.
 void setValue(java.lang.String fldName, double value)
          Sets the value for the specified field.
This method attempts to use the field 'setter' method for setting the field value.
 void setValue(java.lang.String fldName, float value)
          Sets the value for the specified field.
This method attempts to use the field 'setter' method for setting the field value.
 void setValue(java.lang.String fldName, int value)
          Sets the value for the specified field.
This method attempts to use the field 'setter' method for setting the field value.
 void setValue(java.lang.String fldName, long value)
          Sets the value for the specified field.
This method attempts to use the field 'setter' method for setting the field value.
 void setValue(java.lang.String fldName, java.lang.Object value)
          Sets the value for the specified field.
This method attempts to use the field 'setter' method for setting the field value.
 void setValue(java.lang.String fldName, java.lang.String value)
          Sets the String value for the specified field.
This method attempts to use the field 'setter' method for setting the field value.
 void setVirtual(boolean isVirtual)
          Sets the "virtual" state
 java.lang.String toString()
          Returns a String representation of the DBRecordKey for this DBRecord
 java.lang.StringBuffer toXML(java.lang.StringBuffer sb, int indent, java.util.Set<java.lang.String> fldNames)
          Encodes this DBRecord into XML
 java.lang.StringBuffer toXML(java.lang.StringBuffer sb, int indent, java.util.Set<java.lang.String> fldNames, boolean soapXML)
          Encodes this DBRecord into XML
 java.lang.StringBuffer toXML(java.lang.StringBuffer sb, int indent, java.util.Set<java.lang.String> fldNames, int sequence)
          Encodes this DBRecord into XML
 java.lang.StringBuffer toXML(java.lang.StringBuffer sb, int indent, java.util.Set<java.lang.String> fldNames, int sequence, boolean soapXML)
          Encodes this DBRecord into XML
 java.lang.StringBuffer toXML(java.lang.StringBuffer sb, int indent, java.util.Set<java.lang.String> fldNames, int sequence, boolean inclBlank, boolean soapXML)
          Encodes this DBRecord into XML
 boolean unlock()
          Unlock locked tables
 void update()
          Updates all the fields in this DBRecord.
 void update(java.util.Set<java.lang.String> updFldSet)
          Updates the specified fields in this DBRecord.
 void update(java.lang.String... updFldArray)
          Updates the specified fields in this DBRecord.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int NOTIFY_GROUP
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ID_SIZE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String PSEUDO_FIELD_CHAR
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String FLD_description
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String FLD_creationTime
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String FLD_creationMillis
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String FLD_lastUpdateTime
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String FLD_lastUpdateAccount
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String FLD_lastUpdateUser
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected boolean isValidating


protected java.sql.SQLException lastSQLException


protected boolean hasError


protected java.lang.String errorDescription


protected java.util.Set<java.lang.String> excludedUpdateFields


protected RTProperties tempProps
Constructor Detail


public DBRecord()
Default Constructor


protected DBRecord(DBRecordKey<gDBR> key)
Constructor specifying the DBRecord Key

key - The DBRecordKey for this DBRecord
Method Detail


public static java.lang.String getTableDescription(java.util.Locale loc)
Return the table description

loc - The Locale
The table description


public static java.lang.String adjustStringLength(java.lang.String v,
                                                  int maxLen)
Trims and adjusts the length of the specified value to the maximum specified length (ignored if maximum length is '0').

v - The String value
maxLen - The maximum length
The adjusted String (does not return null)


public static java.lang.String adjustStringLength_1(java.lang.String v,
                                                    int maxLen)
Trims and adjusts the length of the specified value to the maximum specified length-1 (ignored if maximum length is '0').

v - The String value
maxLen - The maximum length
The adjusted String


public static <T extends DBRecord> long getRecordCount(DBFactory<T> fact)
                           throws DBException
Returns the number of records contained in the table represented by the specified DBFactory.
NOTE: Recommended for MyISAM tables only. For InnoDB tables, the completion time is a function of the number of records that are present in the table.

fact - The DBFactory instance
The number of records contained in the SQL table
DBException - If a general DB error occurs


public static <T extends DBRecord> long getRecordCount(DBFactory<T> fact,
                                                       java.lang.StringBuffer where)
                           throws DBException
Returns the number of records contained in the table represented by the specified DBFactory and based on the specified 'where' clause.
NOTE: Recommended for MyISAM tables only. For InnoDB tables, the completion time is a function of the number of records that are present in the table.

fact - The DBFactory instance
where - The 'where' selection clause
The number of records contained in the SQL table
DBException - If a general DB error occurs


public static <T extends DBRecord> long getRecordCount(DBFactory<T> fact,
                                                       java.lang.String where)
                           throws DBException
Returns the number of records contained in the table represented by the specified DBFactory and based on the specified 'where' clause.
NOTE: Recommended for MyISAM tables only. For InnoDB tables, the completion time is a function of the number of records that are present in the table.

fact - The DBFactory instance
where - The 'where' selection clause
The number of records contained in the SQL table
DBException - If a general DB error occurs


public static <T extends DBRecord> long getRecordCount(DBFactory<T> fact,
                                                       DBWhere where)
                           throws DBException
Returns the number of records contained in the table represented by the specified DBFactory and based on the specified 'where' clause.
NOTE: Recommended for MyISAM tables only. For InnoDB tables, the completion time is a function of the number of records that are present in the table.

fact - The DBFactory instance
where - The 'where' selection clause
The number of records contained in the SQL table
DBException - If a general DB error occurs


public static <T extends DBRecord> long getRecordCount(DBSelect<T> dsel)
                           throws DBException
Returns the number of records contained in the table represented by the specified DBSelect (which specifies a DBFactory).
NOTE: Recommended for MyISAM tables only. For InnoDB tables, the completion time is a function of the number of records that are present in the table.

dsel - The DBSelect instance.
The number of records contained in the SQL table
DBException - If a general DB error occurs


public static java.lang.String GetCurrentAccount()
Gets the current account

The current account


public static void SetCurrentAccount(java.lang.String acct)
Sets the current account

acct - The current account


public static java.lang.String GetCurrentUser()
Gets the current user

The current user


public static void SetCurrentUser(java.lang.String user)
Sets the current user

user - The current user


public DBRecordKey<gDBR> getRecordKey()
Return the DBRecordKey instance for this record

THe DBRecordKey instance


public static <T extends DBRecord> DBFactory<T> getFactory(DBRecord<T> dbr)
Returns the DBFactory instance for the specified DBRecord

dbr - The DBRecord instance
The DBFactory for the specified DBRecord


public DBFactory<gDBR> getFactory(boolean required)
                                            throws DBException
Gets the DBFactory instance for this DBRecord

required - True if the DBFactory is required to be defined, in which case this method will throw a DBException if the DBFactory is null.
The DBFactory for this DBRecord
DBException - if 'required' is true and the DBFactory isn't defined


protected DBFactory<gDBR> _getFactory()
Gets the DBFactory for this DBRecord

The DBFactory for this DBRecord


public static <T extends DBRecord> T[] getNextGroup(DBFactory<T> fact,
                                                    java.sql.ResultSet rs,
                                                    int max)
                                         throws DBException
This method returns the next 'max' DBRecords from the specified ResultSet

fact - The DBFactory
rs - The ResultSet
max - The number of DBRecords to return
An array of DBRecord instances
DBException - If a database error occurs


public static <T extends DBRecord> T[] getRecords(DBFactory<T> fact,
                                                  java.lang.String where,
                                                  java.lang.String[] orderBy,
                                                  boolean ascending)
                                       throws DBException
Gets an array of DBRecords based on the specified 'where' clause

fact - The DBFactory
where - The Where clause
orderBy - The select 'Order By' statement
ascending - True to return the records in ascending order
DBException - If a DB access error occurs


public static <T extends DBRecord> T[] getRecords(DBFactory<T> fact,
                                                  java.lang.String where,
                                                  java.lang.String addtnlSel,
                                                  java.lang.String[] orderBy,
                                                  boolean ascending,
                                                  long limit,
                                                  long offset)
                                       throws DBException
Gets an array of DBRecords based on the specified 'where' clause

fact - The DBFactory
where - The Where clause
addtnlSel - Additional selection criteria
orderBy - The select 'Order By' statement
ascending - True to return the records in ascending order
limit - The maximum number of records to return
offset - The the offset within the selected DB records
The returned array of DBRecords
DBException - If a DB access error occurs


protected static <T extends DBRecord> T[] select(DBFactory<T> fact,
                                                 java.lang.String where,
                                                 java.lang.String addtnlSel,
                                                 java.lang.String[] orderBy,
                                                 boolean ascending,
                                                 long limit,
                                                 long offset,
                                                 DBRecordHandler<T> rcdHandler)
                                      throws DBException
Gets an array of DBRecords based on the specified 'where' clause

fact - The DBFactory
where - The Where clause
addtnlSel - Additional selection criteria
orderBy - The select 'Order By' statement
ascending - True to return the records in ascending order
limit - The maximum number of records to return
offset - The the offset within the selected DB records
rcdHandler - The optional DBRecordHandler
The returned array of DBRecords
DBException - If a DB access error occurs


protected static <T extends DBRecord> T[] select(DBSelect<T> dsel)
                                      throws DBException
Gets an array of DBRecords based on the specified 'where' clause

dsel - The DBSelect selection criteria
The returned array of DBRecords
DBException - If a DB access error occurs


protected static <T extends DBRecord> T[] select(DBSelect<T> dsel,
                                                 DBRecordHandler<T> rcdHandler)
                                      throws DBException
Gets an array of DBRecords based on the specified 'where' clause

dsel - The DBSelect selection criteria
rcdHandler - The optional DBRecordHandler
The returned array of DBRecords
DBException - If a DB access error occurs


public boolean hasChanged()
Returns true if this record has changed

True if this record has changed


public void setChanged(java.lang.String fieldName)
Sets the 'changed' state of this record, and sends a change notification to any registered listeners.

fieldName - The changed field


public void setChanged(java.lang.String fieldName,
                       java.lang.Object oldVal,
                       java.lang.Object newVal)
Sets the 'changed' state of this record, and sends a change notification to any registered listeners.

fieldName - The changed field
oldVal - The previous value of the field
newVal - The new value of the field


public void clearChanged()
Clears the changed state for this record.


public void addChangedNotification(DBRecord.DBChangeListener cl)
Adds a change notification listener to this record

cl - The change notification listener to add


public void removeChangedNotification(DBRecord.DBChangeListener cl)
Removes a change notification listener from this record

cl - The change notification listener to remove


public void fireChangeNotification(java.lang.String fieldName)
Fires a change notification

fieldName - The changed field


public boolean hasError()
Returns true if this record has encountered an error

True if thid record has encountered an error


public void clearError()
Clears the error state


public void setError()
Sets the error state


public void setError(java.lang.String desc)
Sets the error state with a description

desc - The description of the error


public java.lang.String getErrorDescription()
Gets the error state

The error state


public gDBR reload()
Reload the contents of this record from the DB

The DBRecord


public gDBR reload(java.lang.String... fldNames)
Reload the contents of this record from the DB

fldNames - The list of field names to reload (null for all fields)
The DBRecord


public gDBR _reload(java.lang.String... fldNames)
                              throws DBException
Reload the contents of this record from the DB

The DBRecord
DBException - If a general DB error occurs


public void setCreationDefaultValues()
Override to set default values


public java.lang.String[] getDefaultFieldValueKey(java.lang.String fieldName)
Gets the default value keys for current table

fieldName - The field name
The default keys


public void setRuntimeDefaultValues()
Override to set default values


public static <T extends DBRecord> long getLastUpdateTime(DBFactory<T> factory)
                              throws DBException
Gets the most recent update time for a specified table

factory - The DBFactory to get the upate time of
The field update time, or -1
DBException - If a general DB error occurs


protected static DBField newField_description()
Creates a new "description" key field definition

The "description key field definition


protected static DBField newField_description(java.lang.String xAttr)
Creates a new "description" key field definition

The "description key field definition


public java.lang.String getDescription()
Gets the description field value

The record description


public void setDescription(java.lang.String v)
Sets the description field value

v - The record description


public static DBField newField_creationTime(boolean isAltKey)
Returns a new creation time field

The new creation time field


public static DBField newField_creationTime()
Returns a new creation time field

The new creation time field


public java.lang.String getCreationDateTime(java.util.TimeZone tz,
                                            java.lang.String fmt)
Gets the formatted creation date/time of this record

The formatted creation date/time of this record


public long getCreationTime()
Gets the creation time of this record

The creation time of this record


protected boolean setCreationTime(long time)
Sets the creation time of this record

time - The creation time
True if this record contained a creaton time field to set


public static DBField newField_creationMillis(java.lang.String xAttr)
Returns a new millisecond creation time field

The new creation time field


public long getCreationMillis()
Gets the millisecond creation time of this record

The millisecond creation time of this record


protected boolean setCreationMillis(long millis)
Sets the millisecond creation time of this record

millis - The millisecond creation time
True if this record contained a creaton time field to set


public static DBField newField_lastUpdateTime()
Returns a new last update time field

The last update time field


public long getLastUpdateTime()
Gets the last update time

The last update time


protected boolean setLastUpdateTime(long time)
Sets the last update time of this record

time - The last update time
True if this record contained a last update time field to set


public static DBField newField_lastUpdateAccount(boolean checkRTP)
Creates a new DBField instance for adding a 'lastUpdateAccount' field to the DBFactory instance at startup initialization time.

checkRTP - Check runtime property for inclusion
The DBField instance representing a 'lastUpdateAccount' field.


public static DBField newField_lastUpdateAccount()
Creates a new DBField instance for adding a 'lastUpdateAccount' field to the DBFactory instance at startup initialization time.

The DBField instance representing a 'lastUpdateAccount' field.


public java.lang.String getLastUpdateAccount()
Returns the last update account, if the 'lastUpdateAccount' field has been defined for this DBRecord, otherwise this method will return null.

The last update account, or null if the 'lastUpdateAccount' field has not been defined for this DBRecord.


public boolean setLastUpdateAccount(java.lang.String acct,
                                    boolean allowBlank)
Sets the last update account if the 'lastUpdateAccount' field has been defined for this DBRecord, otherwise this method will have no effect.

acct - The last update account
allowBlank - True to allow a blank account-id


public static DBField newField_lastUpdateUser(boolean checkRTP)
Creates a new DBField instance for adding a 'lastUpdateUser' field to the DBFactory instance at startup initialization time.

checkRTP - Check runtime property for inclusion
The DBField instance representing a 'lastUpdateUser' field.


public static DBField newField_lastUpdateUser()
Creates a new DBField instance for adding a 'lastUpdateUser' field to the DBFactory instance at startup initialization time.

The DBField instance representing a 'lastUpdateUser' field.


public java.lang.String getLastUpdateUser()
Returns the last update user, if the 'lastUpdateUser' field has been defined for this DBRecord, otherwise this method will return null.

The last update user, or null if the 'lastUpdateUser' field has not been defined for this DBRecord.


public boolean setLastUpdateUser(java.lang.String user,
                                 boolean allowBlank)
Sets the last update user if the 'lastUpdateUser' field has been defined for this DBRecord, otherwise this method will have no effect.

user - The last update user


public void insert()
            throws DBException
Insert this DBRecord in the database.
An exception will be throw if the record already exists

DBException - if a database error occurs.


public void update()
            throws DBException
Updates all the fields in this DBRecord.

DBException - if a database error occurs.


public void update(java.lang.String... updFldArray)
            throws DBException
Updates the specified fields in this DBRecord.

updFldArray - An array of fields to update.
DBException - if a database error occurs.


public void update(java.util.Set<java.lang.String> updFldSet)
            throws DBException
Updates the specified fields in this DBRecord.

updFldSet - A Set of fields to update.
DBException - if a database error occurs.


public void clearExcludedUpdateFields()
Clear excluded fields


public void addExcludedUpdateFields(java.lang.String... fldNames)
Adds excluded field to list

fldNames - The field names which are to be excluded on the next update


public boolean excludeFieldFromUpdate(DBField fld)
Returns true if the specified field should be excluded from the next update.

fld - The Field to check
True to exclude, False to not-exclude


public boolean excludeFieldFromUpdate(java.lang.String fldName)
Returns true if the specified field should be excluded from the next update.

fldName - The Field to check
True to exclude, False to not-exclude


public void setVirtual(boolean isVirtual)
Sets the "virtual" state


public boolean getVirtual()
Gets the "virtual" state


public boolean isVirtual()
Gets the "virtual" state


public boolean isOkToSave()
Returns true if this DBRecord is ok to save


public boolean isOkToReload()
Returns true if this DBRecord is ok to reload


public void save()
          throws DBException
Saves (ie. update an existing record, or inserts a new record) all fields in this DBRecord

DBException - If a database error occurs


public boolean lockWrite()
                  throws DBException
Lock table associated with this DBRecord for writing

True if the query was successful
DBException - If a database error occurs
See Also:
DBProvider.lockTables(java.lang.String[], java.lang.String[])


public boolean lockRead()
                 throws DBException
Lock table associated with this DBRecord for reading

True if the query was successful
DBException - If a database error occurs
See Also:
DBProvider.lockTables(java.lang.String[], java.lang.String[])


public boolean lock(java.lang.String[] writeTables,
                    java.lang.String[] readTables)
             throws DBException
Lock specified tables for write/read

writeTables - The array of tables to lock for writing. If null, defaults to the table assocated with this DBRecord
readTables - The array of tables to lock for reading
True if the query was successful
DBException - If a database error occurs
See Also:
DBProvider.lockTables(java.lang.String[], java.lang.String[])


public boolean unlock()
               throws DBException
Unlock locked tables

True if the query was successful
DBException - If a database error occurs
See Also:


public java.lang.String getFieldName(java.lang.String fldName)
Returns a case sensitive field name for the specified case insensitive field name.

fldName - A case-insensitive field name
A case sensitive field name


public void setIgnoreInvalidFields(boolean state)
Sets the state for ignoring invalid field names. True to ignore errors when setting/getting a field name that does not exist, False to emit any invalid field errors.

state - True to ignore invalid field names, false to emit errors.


public DBField getField(java.lang.String fldName)
Gets the DBField with the specified name, or null if the specified field name does not exist.

fldName - The field name
The DBField.


public boolean hasField(java.lang.String fldName)
Returns true if a defined field with the specified name exists for this DBRecord

True if a defined field with the specified name exists, false otherwise.


public boolean hasFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName)
Returns true if the specified field name has a defined value

True if the specified field name has a defined value.


public boolean isFieldUnsigned(java.lang.String fldName)
Returns true if the specified field is an unsigned integer.

True if the specified field is an unsigned integer.


public boolean hasOptionalFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName)
Returns true if the specified field name has a defined value.
Returns null if the column does not exist, or if it does exist, but contains a 'NULL' value.

fldName - The field name to retrieve
True if the specified field name has a defined value.


public java.lang.Object getOptionalFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName)
Gets the value for the specified optional field name.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.

fldName - The field name to retrieve
The field value


public java.lang.Object getOptionalFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName,
                                              java.lang.Object dft)
Gets the value for the specified optional field name.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.

fldName - The field name to retrieve
The field value


public void setOptionalFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName,
                                  java.lang.Object value)
Sets the value for the specified optional field name.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'setter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.

fldName - The field name to set
value - The value to set.


public java.lang.Object getKeyValue(java.lang.String fldName)
Gets the value for the specified key.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.

fldName - The key name to retrieve
The field value


public java.lang.Object geKeyValue(java.lang.String fldName,
                                   java.lang.Object dft)
Gets the value for the specified key.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.

fldName - The key name to retrieve
dft - The default value returned if the key does not exist, or has not been initialized.
The field value


public boolean setKeyValue(java.lang.String fldName,
                           java.lang.Object value)
Sets the value for the specified key.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'setter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.

fldName - The key name to set
value - The value to set.
True if the field exists and was successfully set.


public java.lang.Object getFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName)
Gets the value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.

fldName - The field name to retrieve
The field value


public java.lang.Object getFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName,
                                      java.lang.Object dft)
Gets the value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.

fldName - The field name to retrieve
dft - The default value returned if the field does not exist, or has not been initialized.
The field value


public boolean setFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName,
                             java.lang.Object value)
Sets the value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'setter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.

fldName - The field name to set
value - The value to set.
True if the field exists and was successfully set.


public java.lang.Object getValue(java.lang.String fldName)
Gets the value for the specified field.

fldName - The field name to retrieve
The field value


public void setValue(java.lang.String fldName,
                     java.lang.Object value)
Sets the value for the specified field.
This method attempts to use the field 'setter' method for setting the field value. If the field 'setter' method does not exist, then the generic 'setFieldValue' method will be used.

fldName - The field name to set
value - The value to set.


public java.lang.String getOptionalFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName,
                                              java.lang.String dft)
Gets the value for the specified optional field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.

fldName - The field name to retrieve
dft - The default value returned if the field does not exist, or has not been initialized.
The field value


public java.lang.String getFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName,
                                      java.lang.String dft)
Gets the value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.

fldName - The field name to retrieve
dft - The default value returned if the field does not exist, or has not been initialized.
The field value


public java.lang.String getFieldString(java.lang.String fldName)
Gets the String value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.

fldName - The field name to retrieve
The String field value


public void setOptionalFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName,
                                  java.lang.String value)
Sets the String value for the specified optional field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'setter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.

fldName - The field name to set
value - The value to set


public void setFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName,
                          java.lang.String value)
Sets the String value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'setter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.

fldName - The field name to set
value - The value to set


public void setValue(java.lang.String fldName,
                     java.lang.String value)
Sets the String value for the specified field.
This method attempts to use the field 'setter' method for setting the field value. If the field 'setter' method does not exist, then the generic 'setFieldValue' method will be used.

fldName - The field name to set
value - The value to set.


public boolean getOptionalFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName,
                                     boolean dft)
Gets the value for the specified optional field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.

fldName - The field name to retrieve
dft - The default value returned if the field does not exist, or has not been initialized.
The field value


public boolean getFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName,
                             boolean dft)
Gets the value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.

fldName - The field name to retrieve
dft - The default value returned if the field does not exist, or has not been initialized.
The field value


public boolean getFieldBoolean(java.lang.String fldName)
Gets the boolean value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.

fldName - The field name to retrieve
The boolean field value


public void setOptionalFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName,
                                  boolean value)
Sets the boolean value for the specified optional field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'setter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.

fldName - The field name to set
value - The value to set


public void setFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName,
                          boolean value)
Sets the boolean value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'setter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.

fldName - The field name to set
value - The value to set


public void setValue(java.lang.String fldName,
                     boolean value)
Sets the value for the specified field.
This method attempts to use the field 'setter' method for setting the field value. If the field 'setter' method does not exist, then the generic 'setFieldValue' method will be used.

fldName - The field name to set
value - The value to set.


public int getOptionalFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName,
                                 int dft)
Gets the value for the specified optional field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.

fldName - The field name to retrieve
dft - The default value returned if the field does not exist, or has not been initialized.
The field value


public int getFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName,
                         int dft)
Gets the value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.

fldName - The field name to retrieve
dft - The default value returned if the field does not exist, or has not been initialized.
The field value


public int getFieldInt(java.lang.String fldName)
Gets the int value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.

fldName - The field name to retrieve
The int field value


public void setOptionalFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName,
                                  int value)
Sets the int value for the specified optional field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'setter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.

fldName - The field name to set
value - The value to set


public void setFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName,
                          int value)
Sets the int value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'setter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.

fldName - The field name to set
value - The value to set


public void setValue(java.lang.String fldName,
                     int value)
Sets the value for the specified field.
This method attempts to use the field 'setter' method for setting the field value. If the field 'setter' method does not exist, then the generic 'setFieldValue' method will be used.

fldName - The field name to set
value - The value to set.


public long getOptionalFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName,
                                  long dft)
Gets the value for the specified optional field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.

fldName - The field name to retrieve
dft - The default value returned if the field does not exist, or has not been initialized.
The field value


public long getFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName,
                          long dft)
Gets the value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.

fldName - The field name to retrieve
dft - The default value returned if the field does not exist, or has not been initialized.
The field value


public long getFieldLong(java.lang.String fldName)
Gets the long value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.

fldName - The field name to retrieve
The long field value


public void setOptionalFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName,
                                  long value)
Sets the long value for the specified optional field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'setter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.

fldName - The field name to set
value - The value to set


public void setFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName,
                          long value)
Sets the long value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'setter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.

fldName - The field name to set
value - The value to set


public void setValue(java.lang.String fldName,
                     long value)
Sets the value for the specified field.
This method attempts to use the field 'setter' method for setting the field value. If the field 'setter' method does not exist, then the generic 'setFieldValue' method will be used.

fldName - The field name to set
value - The value to set.


public float getOptionalFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName,
                                   float dft)
Gets the value for the specified optional field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.

fldName - The field name to retrieve
dft - The default value returned if the field does not exist, or has not been initialized.
The field value


public float getFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName,
                           float dft)
Gets the value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.

fldName - The field name to retrieve
dft - The default value returned if the field does not exist, or has not been initialized.
The field value


public float getFieldFloat(java.lang.String fldName)
Gets the float value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.

fldName - The field name to retrieve
The float field value


public void setOptionalFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName,
                                  float value)
Sets the float value for the specified optional field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'setter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.

fldName - The field name to set
value - The value to set


public void setFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName,
                          float value)
Sets the float value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'setter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.

fldName - The field name to set
value - The value to set


public void setValue(java.lang.String fldName,
                     float value)
Sets the value for the specified field.
This method attempts to use the field 'setter' method for setting the field value. If the field 'setter' method does not exist, then the generic 'setFieldValue' method will be used.

fldName - The field name to set
value - The value to set.


public double getOptionalFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName,
                                    double dft)
Gets the value for the specified optional field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.

fldName - The field name to retrieve
dft - The default value returned if the field does not exist, or has not been initialized.
The field value


public double getFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName,
                            double dft)
Gets the value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.

fldName - The field name to retrieve
dft - The default value returned if the field does not exist, or has not been initialized.
The field value


public double getFieldDouble(java.lang.String fldName)
Gets the double value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.

fldName - The field name to retrieve
The double field value


public void setOptionalFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName,
                                  double value)
Sets the double value for the specified optional field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'setter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.

fldName - The field name to set
value - The value to set


public void setFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName,
                          double value)
Sets the double value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'setter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.

fldName - The field name to set
value - The value to set


public void setValue(java.lang.String fldName,
                     double value)
Sets the value for the specified field.
This method attempts to use the field 'setter' method for setting the field value. If the field 'setter' method does not exist, then the generic 'setFieldValue' method will be used.

fldName - The field name to set
value - The value to set.


public DateTime getOptionalFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName,
                                      DateTime dft)
Gets the value for the specified optional field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.

fldName - The field name to retrieve
dft - The default value returned if the field does not exist, or has not been initialized.
The field value


public DateTime getFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName,
                              DateTime dft)
Gets the value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.

fldName - The field name to retrieve
dft - The default value returned if the field does not exist, or has not been initialized.
The field value


public DateTime getFieldDateTime(java.lang.String fldName)
Gets the DateTime value for the specified field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'getter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.

fldName - The field name to retrieve
The DateTime field value


public void setOptionalFieldValue(java.lang.String fldName,
                                  DateTime value)
Sets the DateTime value for the specified optional field.
Note: This function bypasses the normal 'setter' methods for the specific DBRecord subclass, and thus may not perform some of the bounds checking for the specific field.

fldName - The field name to set
value - The value to set


public void setAllFieldValues(DBRecord<gDBR> rcd)
                       throws DBException
Sets the field values for this DBRecord from the specified DBRecord
(primary keys are not copied)

rcd - The other DBRecord instance from which field values are copied
DBException - If a database error occurs


public void setAllFieldValues(java.sql.ResultSet rs)
                       throws DBException
Sets the field values for this DBRecord from the specified SQL ResultSet
(primary keys are not copied)

rs - The SQL ResultSet
DBException - If a database error occurs


public void setAllFieldValues(java.sql.ResultSet rs,
                              java.lang.String... fldNames)
                       throws DBException
Sets the field values for this DBRecord from the specified SQL ResultSet
(primary keys are not copied)

rs - The SQL ResultSet
fldNames - The list of field names to set (null for all fields)
DBException - If a database error occurs


public void setAllFieldValues(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> valMap)
                       throws DBException
Sets the field values for this DBRecord from the specified Map.
Field values are converted to their proper type from the specified Map values.
All current field values are cleared (except primary key values).

valMap - The Field==>Value map
DBException - If a database error occurs


public void appendFieldValues(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> valMap)
                       throws DBException
Appends the field values for this DBRecord from the specified Map.
Field values are converted to their proper type from the specified Map values.
Similar to "setAllFieldValues", however the current field values are not cleared.

valMap - The Field==>Value map
DBException - If a database error occurs


protected void setLastCaughtSQLException(java.sql.SQLException sqe)
Sets the last caught SQLException

sqe - The last caught SQL Exception


public void clearLastCaughtSQLException()
Clears the last caught SQLException


public java.sql.SQLException getLastCaughtSQLException()
Gets the last caught SQLException

The last caught SQLException


public boolean isLastCaughtSQLExceptionErrorCode(int code)
Returns true if the specified code matches the error code of the last caught SQLException

code - The code to compare with the last SQLException error code
True if code matches the error code of the last caught SQLException


protected void setValidating(boolean validate)
Sets if this record id validating [CHECK]

validate - If this record is validating


protected boolean isValidating()
Returns true if this record is validating

True if this record is validating


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
Returns true if the specified DBRecord key is equivalent to this record key

equals in class java.lang.Object
obj - The specified DBRecord key
True if obj is equivilent to this record key


public java.lang.String toString()
Returns a String representation of the DBRecordKey for this DBRecord

toString in class java.lang.Object
A String representation of the DBRecordKey for this DBRecord


public static void printXML( out,
                            DBRecord<?>... dbr)
Encodes all field of the specified DBRecords into XML and writes it to a specified PrintWriter

out - The PrintWriter
dbr - The list of DBRecords


public static void printXML( out,
                            int indent,
                            java.util.Set<java.lang.String> fldNames,
                            DBRecord<?>... dbr)
Encodes the specified DBRecords into XML and writes it to a specified PrintWriter

out - The PrintWriter
indent - The number of spaces to indent
fldNames - The set of field names to include
dbr - The list of DBRecords


public void printXML( out,
                     int indent,
                     java.util.Set<java.lang.String> fldNames)
Encodes this DBRecord into XML and writes it to a specified PrintWriter

out - The PrintWriter
indent - The number of spaces to indent
fldNames - The set of field names to include


public void printXML( out,
                     int indent,
                     java.util.Set<java.lang.String> fldNames,
                     boolean soapXml)
Contains boolean value used to encode xml that will be embedded within a SOAP envelope.

out -
indent -
fldNames -
soapXml -


public void printXML( out,
                     int indent,
                     java.util.Set<java.lang.String> fldNames,
                     int sequence)
Encodes this DBRecord into XML and writes it to a specified PrintWriter

out - The PrintWriter
indent - The number of spaces to indent
fldNames - The set of field names to include
sequence - Optional sequence value


public void printXML( out,
                     int indent,
                     java.util.Set<java.lang.String> fldNames,
                     int sequence,
                     boolean soapXML)
Encodes this DBRecord into XML and writes it to a specified PrintWriter

out - The PrintWriter
indent - The number of spaces to indent
fldNames - The set of field names to include
sequence - Optional sequence value
soapXML - True is SOAP XML


public java.lang.StringBuffer toXML(java.lang.StringBuffer sb,
                                    int indent,
                                    java.util.Set<java.lang.String> fldNames)
Encodes this DBRecord into XML

sb - The StringBuffer to write the DBRecord XML to
indent - The number of spaces to indent
fldNames - The set of field names to include
The StringBuffer


public java.lang.StringBuffer toXML(java.lang.StringBuffer sb,
                                    int indent,
                                    java.util.Set<java.lang.String> fldNames,
                                    boolean soapXML)
Encodes this DBRecord into XML

sb - The StringBuffer to write the DBRecord XML to
indent - The number of spaces to indent
fldNames - The set of field names to include
soapXML - True if SOAP XML
The StringBuffer containing the XML


public java.lang.StringBuffer toXML(java.lang.StringBuffer sb,
                                    int indent,
                                    java.util.Set<java.lang.String> fldNames,
                                    int sequence)
Encodes this DBRecord into XML

sb - The StringBuffer to write the DBRecord XML to
indent - The number of spaces to indent
fldNames - The set of field names to include
sequence - Optional sequence value
The StringBuffer containing the XML


public java.lang.StringBuffer toXML(java.lang.StringBuffer sb,
                                    int indent,
                                    java.util.Set<java.lang.String> fldNames,
                                    int sequence,
                                    boolean soapXML)
Encodes this DBRecord into XML

sb - The StringBuffer to write the DBRecord XML to
indent - The number of spaces to indent
fldNames - The set of field names to include
sequence - Optional sequence value
soapXML - True if SOAP XML
The StringBuffer containing the XML


public java.lang.StringBuffer toXML(java.lang.StringBuffer sb,
                                    int indent,
                                    java.util.Set<java.lang.String> fldNames,
                                    int sequence,
                                    boolean inclBlank,
                                    boolean soapXML)
Encodes this DBRecord into XML

sb - The StringBuffer to write the DBRecord XML to
indent - The number of spaces to indent
fldNames - The set of field names to include
sequence - Optional sequence value
inclBlank - Include blank fields
soapXML - True if SOAP XML
The StringBuffer containing the XML


protected void recordWillInsert()
Callback when record is about to be inserted into the table


protected void recordDidInsert()
Callback after record has been be inserted into the table


protected void recordWillUpdate()
Callback when record is about to be updated in the table


protected void recordDidUpdate()
Callback after record has been be updated in the table


public RTProperties getTemporaryProperties()
Gets a temporary properties instance for this DBRecord

The temporary RTProperties instance


public boolean hasTemporaryProperties()
Returns true if this DBRecord has a temporary properties instance defined

True if this DBRecord has a temporary properties instance defined