Interface Summary | |
ClientPacketHandler | Inteface for packet handling clients [CHECK] |
DateTime.TimeZoneProvider | TimeZoneProvider interface |
EnumTools.BitMask | BitMask interface |
EnumTools.DoubleValue | DoubleValue interface |
EnumTools.IntValue | IntValue interface |
EnumTools.IsDefault | IsDefault interface |
EnumTools.LongValue | LongValue interface |
EnumTools.StringLocale | StringLocale interface |
EnumTools.StringValue | StringValue interface |
ExcelAPI | |
GeoPointProvider | Represents a GeoPoint provider |
GeozoneChecker | Inteface for functions finding if a point is inside of a polygon on a spherical surface |
MACProvider | |
OrderedSet.ChangeListener | ChangeListener interface |
RTConfig.PropertyGetter | PropertyGetter interface |
RTConfig.PropertySetter | PropertySetter interface |
RTProperties.PropertyChangeListener | PropertyChangeListener interface |
ServerSocketThread.SessionInfo | SessionInfo |
ServiceRequest.RequestBody | Request Body handler class |
StringTools.KeyValueMap | KeyValueMap interface. |
StringTools.ValueFilter | ValueFilter interface. |
TreeNode.TreeNodeHandler |
Class Summary | |
AbstractClientPacketHandler | An abstract implementation of the ClientPacketHandler interface |
Accelerometer | Accerometer XYZ-axis container. |
AccumulatorBoolean | Accumulator Boolean container. |
AccumulatorInteger | Accumulator Integer container. |
AccumulatorLong | Accumulator Long container. |
Base64 | Base64 encoding/decoding tools |
CachedLogOutputStream | Cached Logging text OutputStream |
Captcha | Captcha Image Generator |
Checksum | Checksum tools |
ClientSocketThread | Threaded messaging socket client |
ColorTools | Color handling and conversion tools |
ColorTools.RGB | RGB class. |
CompiletimeVars | Create compile-time contant source module |
CssStyle | Cascading Style Sheet "style" wrapper |
CurveFit | Curve-fit profile matrix |
DatagramMessage | A class for sending and recieving datagram messages [CHECK] |
DateTime | Performs every manner of function imaginable based on date/time values |
DateTime.ParsedDateTime | Class/Structure which holds date/time information |
DayNumber | Performs convenience function on a "Day Number" Number of days since October 15, 1582 (the first day of the Gregorian Calendar) |
EnumTools | Contains tools for custom enumerated types. |
ExcelTools | |
ExcelTools.Spreadsheet | |
FileTools | File handling tools |
FletcherChecksum | This class calculates a Fletcher checksum |
GeoBounds | Represents a set of rectangular latitude/longitude bounds |
GeoOffset | A container for a single latitude/longitude offset value pair |
GeoPoint | A container for a single latitude/longitude value pair |
GeoPolygon | A container for a polygon composed of GeoPoints |
HTMLTools | Various HTML and HTTP utilities |
HTMLTools.HttpBufferedInputStream | A BufferedInputStream class that retains a handle to the HttpURLConnection instance |
HTMLTools.TagBlock | Custom TagBlock class |
HTMLTools.TagWrap | Custom tag wrapper class |
I18N | A set of tools for creating i18n compliant code and providing localized text |
I18N.Text | Class used to provide lazy localization |
IButton | iButton container |
IPTools | A set of tools for handling IP Adresses |
IPTools.IPAddress | IPAddress class |
IPTools.IPAddressList | Manages a list of IP address blocks |
JarTools | |
JarTools.JarEntryData | |
JarTools.JarFileData | |
JSON | |
JSON._Array | JSON Array |
JSON._KeyValue | JSON Key/Value pair |
JSON._Object | JSON Object class |
JSON._Value | JSON Value |
JSON.JSONParsingContext | JSON Parsing Context |
ListTools | |
ListTools.CollectionProxy<E> | CollectionProxy class |
ListTools.NameComparator<T> | NameComparator class for sorting objects based on their 'getName()' value |
ListTools.NumberComparator<T> | NumberComparator class for sorting objects based on their numeric value |
ListTools.ReverseOrderComparator<T> | ReverseOrderComparator class which reserses the sort order of other Comparators |
ListTools.StringComparator<T> | StringComparator class for sorting objects based on their 'toString()' value |
MethodAction | |
Nmea0183 | A container for a NMEA-0183 record |
OrderedMap<K,V> | OrderedMap provides a HashMap where values can also be retrieved in
the order they were added |
OrderedSet<K> | OrderedSet provides a Set where values can also be retrieved in
the order they were added |
OrderedSet.ChangeListenerAdapter | ChangeListener adapter |
OSTools | |
OSTools.CpuUsage | |
OSTools.DiskUsage | |
OSTools.MemoryUsage | |
Payload | For reading/writing binary fields |
PixelDimension | A container for pixel width and height |
PixelPoint | A pixel point in 3D space |
PosixSignalHandler | Posix Signal Handler. |
Performs message logging | |
Print.NullOutputStream | OutputStream subclass which ignores all output. |
Print.NullPrintStream | PrintStream subclass which ignores all output |
Print.RedirectStream | Abstract class to provide log print redirection |
RemoteLogServer | Remote Log server |
RTConfig | Provides static support for hierarchical runtime properties |
RTKey | Container for runtime property keys |
RTKey.Entry | Container for an RTKey entry |
RTKey.EntryReference | Represents a reference to another RTKey.Entry |
RTProperties | Runtime properties container. |
SendMail | |
SendMail.Args | A container for the arguments of an email |
SendMail.Attachment | A container for an email attachment |
SendMail.SmtpProperties | |
SendMailArgs | |
ServerSocketThread | |
ServiceRequest | ServoceRequest tools |
ServiceRequest.Authorization | Authorization class |
StringTools | Provides various String parsing/format utilities |
StringTools.FilterNumber | Class used to parse numeric values |
StringTools.KeyValueMap_SBIndex | KeyValueMap_SBIndex interface. |
StringTools.RegexIndex | |
TabulatedList<KEYTYPE> | |
TabulatedMap<KEYTYPE,VALTYPE> | |
Temperature | Temperature container |
TemperatureSet | Temperature container |
ThreadLocalMap<K,V> | A thread local map container |
ThreadPool | Thread pool manager |
TreeNode | Tree Node |
Tuple | Tuple a wrapper class for Tuples |
Tuple.Pair<AA,BB> | A wrapper for a pair of items |
Tuple.Quad<AA,BB,CC,DD> | A wrapper for a quadruple of items |
Tuple.Single<AA> | A wrapper for a single item |
Tuple.Triple<AA,BB,CC> | A wrapper for a triple of items |
URIArg | URI argument wrapper |
XMLTools | A set of tools for simplifying the reading and validating of XML documents |
XMLTools.XMLErrorHandler | XMLErrorHandler class |
XYPair | Container for an X/Y pair. Used by CurveFit as a point container. |
ZipTools |
Enum Summary | |
Accelerometer.ForceUnits | |
Checksum.CRC | |
CurveFit.Precision | Precision Enum |
DateTime.DateStringFormat | Enum to indicate a date string format and to convert from one format to another |
DateTime.DefaultParsedTime | Enum indicating how to handle parsed dates when no time is specified CurrentTime - Use current time ContextStart - Use start of time context (ie. |
EnumTools.TestEnum | |
GeoPoint.CompassHeading | CompassHeading enumerated type |
GeoPoint.DistanceUnits | DistanceUnits enumerated type |
IButton.DisplayFormat | DisplayFormat Enumeration |
StringTools.HTMLFilterType | |
Temperature.TemperatureUnits | Enum: Temperature Units |
TriState | Provides various String parsing/format utilities |
Exception Summary | |
Base64.Base64DecodeException | Base64 Decode Parse Exception |
CompiletimeVars.NoOverwriteException | Exception for file exists, but overwrite not specified |
DateTime.DateParseException | DateParseException class |
HTMLTools.HttpIOException | HttpIOException class Wrapper for IOException when due to an HttpURLConnection error. |
JSON.JSONParsingException | JSON Parse Exception |
SendMail.SendMailException | SendMailException |
ServerSocketThread.SSEndOfStreamException | SSEndOfStreamException |
ServerSocketThread.SSReadTimeoutException | SSReadTimeoutException |
ServerSocketThread.SSSessionTimeoutException | SSSessionTimeoutException |
Contains various common use utilities that make programming a little easier.
Package Dependencies: